module HungryVegan class Cli attr_accessor :restaurant_array, :zip_array, :zip def initialize @zip_array = [] end def greeting puts "\nWelcome to Hungry Vegan!\n".green call end def call puts "\nType in your 5-digit zip code to get a list of restaurants offering vegan options in your area or type 'exit' to leave the program.\n".light_blue input = nil input = gets.strip yellow_lines if input.downcase == "exit" exit_program exit elsif input.length==5 && input.to_i !=0 @zip=input get_restaurants show_restaurants select_restaurant else invalid_entry end main_menu_option end def yellow_lines puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------".yellow puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------".yellow end def yellow_line puts "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------".yellow end def invalid_entry puts "\nError. Invalid entry.\n".red end def exit_program puts "\n\nExiting program. Come back soon!\n\n".green end def get_restaurants if @zip_array.include?(@zip) @restaurant_array= Restaurant.get_matching_restaurants(@zip) else @zip_array<<@zip @restaurant_array= Restaurant.get_restaurants_from_zip(@zip) end end def show_restaurants @restaurant_array.each.with_index(1) do |restaurant,i| puts "#{i}.#{}" end def select_restaurant yellow_lines puts "\nPlease type in the number of the restaurant you would like to view\n".light_blue puts "\nTo exit the program, enter 'exit'.\n".red input= nil input = gets.strip if input.downcase == "exit" exit_program exit elsif input.to_i>0 && input.to_i<=restaurant_array.size selected_restaurant_info(input) else invalid_entry select_restaurant end end def selected_restaurant_info(index) if @restaurant_array[index.to_i-1].class==Restaurant restaurant=@restaurant_array[index.to_i-1] end yellow_line puts "Here's more information:" puts "Name: #{}" puts "Rating: #{restaurant.rating}" puts "Phone Number: #{restaurant.phone_number}" yellow_line end def main_menu_option puts "\n\nWould you like to enter another zip code? Type 'yes' or 'no'\n\n".light_blue input = gets.strip if input.downcase == "yes" call elsif input.downcase == "no" puts "\nGoodbye. Come back soon!\n".green else invalid_entry main_menu_option end end end end end