/* * Copyright 2017-2018 Uber Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdlib.h> #include "constants.h" #include "h3Index.h" #include "test.h" H3Index sunnyvale = 0x89283470c27ffff; H3Index uncompactable[] = {0x89283470803ffff, 0x8928347081bffff, 0x8928347080bffff}; H3Index uncompactableWithZero[] = {0x89283470803ffff, 0x8928347081bffff, 0, 0x8928347080bffff}; SUITE(compact) { TEST(roundtrip) { int k = 9; int hexCount = H3_EXPORT(maxKringSize)(k); int expectedCompactCount = 73; // Generate a set of hexagons to compact H3Index* sunnyvaleExpanded = calloc(hexCount, sizeof(H3Index)); H3_EXPORT(kRing)(sunnyvale, k, sunnyvaleExpanded); H3Index* compressed = calloc(hexCount, sizeof(H3Index)); int err = H3_EXPORT(compact)(sunnyvaleExpanded, compressed, hexCount); t_assert(err == 0, "no error on compact"); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hexCount; i++) { if (compressed[i] != 0) { count++; } } t_assert(count == expectedCompactCount, "got expected compacted count"); H3Index* decompressed = calloc( H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(compressed, count, 9), sizeof(H3Index)); int err2 = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(compressed, count, decompressed, hexCount, 9); t_assert(err2 == 0, "no error on uncompact"); int count2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hexCount; i++) { if (decompressed[i] != 0) { count2++; } } t_assert(count2 == hexCount, "got expected uncompacted count"); free(compressed); free(decompressed); free(sunnyvaleExpanded); } TEST(res0) { int hexCount = NUM_BASE_CELLS; H3Index* res0Hexes = calloc(hexCount, sizeof(H3Index)); for (int i = 0; i < hexCount; i++) { setH3Index(&res0Hexes[i], 0, i, 0); } H3Index* compressed = calloc(hexCount, sizeof(H3Index)); int err = H3_EXPORT(compact)(res0Hexes, compressed, hexCount); t_assert(err == 0, "no error on compact"); for (int i = 0; i < hexCount; i++) { // At resolution 0, it will be an exact copy. // The test is further optimizing that it will be in order (which // isn't guaranteed.) t_assert(compressed[i] == res0Hexes[i], "got expected compressed result"); } H3Index* decompressed = calloc(H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(compressed, hexCount, 0), sizeof(H3Index)); int err2 = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(compressed, hexCount, decompressed, hexCount, 0); t_assert(err2 == 0, "no error on uncompact"); int count2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hexCount; i++) { if (decompressed[i] != 0) { count2++; } } t_assert(count2 == hexCount, "got expected uncompacted count"); free(res0Hexes); free(compressed); free(decompressed); } TEST(uncompactable) { int hexCount = 3; int expectedCompactCount = 3; H3Index* compressed = calloc(hexCount, sizeof(H3Index)); int err = H3_EXPORT(compact)(uncompactable, compressed, hexCount); t_assert(err == 0, "no error on compact"); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hexCount; i++) { if (compressed[i] != 0) { count++; } } t_assert(count == expectedCompactCount, "got expected compacted count"); H3Index* decompressed = calloc( H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(compressed, count, 9), sizeof(H3Index)); int err2 = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(compressed, count, decompressed, hexCount, 9); t_assert(err2 == 0, "no error on uncompact"); int count2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < hexCount; i++) { if (decompressed[i] != 0) { count2++; } } t_assert(count2 == hexCount, "got expected uncompacted count"); free(compressed); free(decompressed); } TEST(compact_duplicate) { int numHex = 10; H3Index someHexagons[10] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < numHex; i++) { setH3Index(&someHexagons[i], 5, 0, 2); } H3Index compressed[10]; t_assert(H3_EXPORT(compact)(someHexagons, compressed, numHex) != 0, "compact fails on duplicate input"); } TEST(uncompact_wrongRes) { int numHex = 3; H3Index someHexagons[] = {0, 0, 0}; for (int i = 0; i < numHex; i++) { setH3Index(&someHexagons[i], 5, i, 0); } int sizeResult = H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(someHexagons, numHex, 4); t_assert(sizeResult < 0, "maxUncompactSize fails when given illogical resolutions"); sizeResult = H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(someHexagons, numHex, -1); t_assert(sizeResult < 0, "maxUncompactSize fails when given illegal resolutions"); H3Index uncompressed[] = {0, 0, 0}; int uncompactResult = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(someHexagons, numHex, uncompressed, numHex, 0); t_assert(uncompactResult != 0, "uncompact fails when given illogical resolutions"); uncompactResult = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(someHexagons, numHex, uncompressed, numHex, 6); t_assert(uncompactResult != 0, "uncompact fails when given too little buffer"); uncompactResult = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(someHexagons, numHex, uncompressed, numHex - 1, 5); t_assert( uncompactResult != 0, "uncompact fails when given too little buffer (same resolution)"); } TEST(someHexagon) { H3Index origin; setH3Index(&origin, 1, 5, 0); int childrenSz = H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(&origin, 1, 2); H3Index* children = calloc(childrenSz, sizeof(H3Index)); int uncompactResult = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(&origin, 1, children, childrenSz, 2); t_assert(uncompactResult == 0, "uncompact origin succeeds"); H3Index* result = calloc(childrenSz, sizeof(H3Index)); int compactResult = H3_EXPORT(compact)(children, result, childrenSz); t_assert(compactResult == 0, "compact origin succeeds"); int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < childrenSz; i++) { if (result[i] != 0) { found++; t_assert(result[i] == origin, "compacted to correct origin"); } } t_assert(found == 1, "compacted to a single hexagon"); free(children); free(result); } TEST(uncompact_onlyZero) { // maxUncompactSize and uncompact both permit 0 indexes // in the input array, and skip them. When only a zero is // given, it's a no-op. H3Index origin = 0; int childrenSz = H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(&origin, 1, 2); H3Index* children = calloc(childrenSz, sizeof(H3Index)); int uncompactResult = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(&origin, 1, children, childrenSz, 2); t_assert(uncompactResult == 0, "uncompact only zero success"); free(children); } TEST(uncompactZero) { // maxUncompactSize and uncompact both permit 0 indexes // in the input array, and skip them. int childrenSz = H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(uncompactableWithZero, 4, 10); H3Index* children = calloc(childrenSz, sizeof(H3Index)); int uncompactResult = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(uncompactableWithZero, 4, children, childrenSz, 10); t_assert(uncompactResult == 0, "uncompact with zero succeeds"); int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < childrenSz; i++) { if (children[i] != 0) { found++; } } t_assert(found == childrenSz, "uncompacted with zero to expected number of hexagons"); free(children); } TEST(pentagon) { H3Index pentagon; setH3Index(&pentagon, 1, 4, 0); int childrenSz = H3_EXPORT(maxUncompactSize)(&pentagon, 1, 2); H3Index* children = calloc(childrenSz, sizeof(H3Index)); int uncompactResult = H3_EXPORT(uncompact)(&pentagon, 1, children, childrenSz, 2); t_assert(uncompactResult == 0, "uncompact pentagon succeeds"); H3Index* result = calloc(childrenSz, sizeof(H3Index)); int compactResult = H3_EXPORT(compact)(children, result, childrenSz); t_assert(compactResult == 0, "compact pentagon succeeds"); int found = 0; for (int i = 0; i < childrenSz; i++) { if (result[i] != 0) { found++; t_assert(result[i] == pentagon, "compacted to correct pentagon"); } } t_assert(found == 1, "compacted to a single pentagon"); free(children); free(result); } }