# Author:: Couchbase # Copyright:: 2011 Couchbase, Inc. # License:: Apache License, Version 2.0 # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # require 'base64' module Couchbase module Error class View < Base attr_reader :from, :reason def initialize(from, reason, prefix = "SERVER: ") @from = from @reason = reason super("#{prefix}#{from}: #{reason}") end end class HTTP < Base attr_reader :type, :reason def parse_body! if @body hash = MultiJson.load(@body) if hash["errors"] @type = :invalid_arguments @reason = hash["errors"].values.join(" ") else @type = hash["error"] @reason = hash["reason"] end end rescue MultiJson::DecodeError @type = @reason = nil end def to_s str = super if @type || @reason str.sub(/ \(/, ": #{[@type, @reason].compact.join(": ")} (") else str end end end end # This class implements Couchbase View execution # # @see http://www.couchbase.com/docs/couchbase-manual-2.0/couchbase-views.html class View include Enumerable include Constants class ArrayWithTotalRows < Array # :nodoc: attr_accessor :total_rows alias total_entries total_rows end attr_reader :params, :design_doc, :name # Set up view endpoint and optional params # # @param [Couchbase::Bucket] bucket Connection object which # stores all info about how to make requests to Couchbase views. # # @param [String] endpoint Full Couchbase View URI. # # @param [Hash] params Optional parameter which will be passed to # {View#fetch} # def initialize(bucket, endpoint, params = {}) @bucket = bucket @endpoint = endpoint @design_doc, @name = parse_endpoint(endpoint) @wrapper_class = params.delete(:wrapper_class) || ViewRow @params = { connection_timeout: 75_000 }.merge(params) unless @wrapper_class.respond_to?(:wrap) raise ArgumentError, "wrapper class should respond to :wrap, check the options" end end # Yields each document that was fetched by view. It doesn't instantiate # all the results because of streaming JSON parser. Returns Enumerator # unless block given. # # @param [Hash] params Params for Couchdb query. Some useful are: # :start_key, :start_key_doc_id, :descending. See {View#fetch}. # # @example Use each method with block # # view.each do |doc| # # do something with doc # end # # @example Use Enumerator version # # enum = view.each # request hasn't issued yet # enum.map{|doc| doc.title.upcase} # # @example Pass options during view initialization # # endpoint = "http://localhost:5984/default/_design/blog/_view/recent" # view = View.new(conn, endpoint, :descending => true) # view.each do |document| # # do something with document # end # def each(params = {}) return enum_for(:each, params) unless block_given? fetch(params) { |doc| yield(doc) } end def first(params = {}) params = params.merge(:limit => 1) fetch(params).first end def take(n, params = {}) params = params.merge(:limit => n) fetch(params) end # Registers callback function for handling error objects in view # results stream. # # @yieldparam [String] from Location of the node where error occured # @yieldparam [String] reason The reason message describing what # happened. # # @example Using +#on_error+ to log all errors in view result # # # JSON-encoded view result # # # # { # # "total_rows": 0, # # "rows": [ ], # # "errors": [ # # { # # "from": "", # # "reason": "Design document `_design/testfoobar` missing in database `test_db_b`." # # }, # # { # # "from": "http:// localhost:5984/_view_merge/", # # "reason": "Design document `_design/testfoobar` missing in database `test_db_c`." # # } # # ] # # } # # view.on_error do |from, reason| # logger.warn("#{view.inspect} received the error '#{reason}' from #{from}") # end # docs = view.fetch # # @example More concise example to just count errors # # errcount = 0 # view.on_error{|f,r| errcount += 1}.fetch # def on_error(&callback) @on_error = callback self # enable call chains end # Performs query to Couchbase view. This method will stream results if block # given or return complete result set otherwise. In latter case it defines # method +total_rows+ returning corresponding entry from # Couchbase result object. # # @note Avoid using +$+ symbol as prefix for properties in your # documents, because server marks with it meta fields like flags and # expiration, therefore dollar prefix is some kind of reserved. It # won't hurt your application. Currently the {ViewRow} # class extracts +$flags+, +$cas+ and +$expiration+ properties from # the document and store them in {ViewRow#meta} hash. # # @param [Hash] params parameters for Couchbase query. # @option params [true, false] :include_docs (false) Include the # full content of the documents in the return. Note that the document # is fetched from the in memory cache where it may have been changed # or even deleted. See also +:quiet+ parameter below to control error # reporting during fetch. # @option params [true, false] :quiet (true) Do not raise error if # associated document not found in the memory. If the parameter +true+ # will use +nil+ value instead. # @option params [true, false] :descending (false) Return the documents # in descending by key order # @option params [String, Fixnum, Hash, Array] :key Return only # documents that match the specified key. Will be JSON encoded. # @option params [Array] :keys The same as +:key+, but will work for # set of keys. Will be JSON encoded. # @option params [String, Fixnum, Hash, Array] :startkey Return # records starting with the specified key. +:start_key+ option should # also work here. Will be JSON encoded. # @option params [String] :startkey_docid Document id to start with # (to allow pagination for duplicate startkeys). +:start_key_doc_id+ # also should work. # @option params [String, Fixnum, Hash, Array] :endkey Stop returning # records when the specified key is reached. +:end_key+ option should # also work here. Will be JSON encoded. # @option params [String] :endkey_docid Last document id to include # in the output (to allow pagination for duplicate startkeys). # +:end_key_doc_id+ also should work. # @option params [true, false] :inclusive_end (true) Specifies whether # the specified end key should be included in the result # @option params [Fixnum] :limit Limit the number of documents in the # output. # @option params [Fixnum] :skip Skip this number of records before # starting to return the results. # @option params [String, Symbol] :on_error (:continue) Sets the # response in the event of an error. Supported values: # :continue:: Continue to generate view information in the event of an # error, including the error information in the view # response stream. # :stop:: Stop immediately when an error condition occurs. No # further view information will be returned. # @option params [Fixnum] :connection_timeout (75000) Timeout before the # view request is dropped (milliseconds) # @option params [true, false] :reduce (true) Use the reduction function # @option params [true, false] :group (false) Group the results using # the reduce function to a group or single row. # @option params [Fixnum] :group_level Specify the group level to be # used. # @option params [String, Symbol, false] :stale (:update_after) Allow # the results from a stale view to be used. Supported values: # false:: Force a view update before returning data # :ok:: Allow stale views # :update_after:: Allow stale view, update view after it has been # accessed # @option params [Hash] :body Accepts the same parameters, except # +:body+ of course, but sends them in POST body instead of query # string. It could be useful for really large and complex parameters. # # @yieldparam [Couchbase::ViewRow] document # # @return [Array] with documents. There will be +total_entries+ # method defined on this array if it's possible. # # @raise [Couchbase::Error::View] when +on_error+ callback is nil and # error object found in the result stream. # # @example Query +recent_posts+ view with key filter # doc.recent_posts(:body => {:keys => ["key1", "key2"]}) # # @example Fetch second page of result set (splitted in 10 items per page) # page = 2 # per_page = 10 # doc.recent_posts(:skip => (page - 1) * per_page, :limit => per_page) # # @example Simple join using Map/Reduce # # Given the bucket with Posts(:id, :type, :title, :body) and # # Comments(:id, :type, :post_id, :author, :body). The map function # # below (in javascript) will build the View index called # # "recent_posts_with_comments" which will behave like left inner join. # # # # function(doc) { # # switch (doc.type) { # # case "Post": # # emit([doc.id, 0], null); # # break; # # case "Comment": # # emit([doc.post_id, 1], null); # # break; # # } # # } # # # post_id = 42 # doc.recent_posts_with_comments(:start_key => [post_id, 0], # :end_key => [post_id, 1], # :include_docs => true) def fetch(params = {}) params = @params.merge(params) # quiet = params.fetch(:quiet, true) view = @bucket.client.getView(@design_doc, @name) query = Query.new(params) request = @bucket.client.query(view, query.generate) if block_given? fetch_block(request, Proc.new) else fetch_array(request) end end # Method for fetching asynchronously all rows and passing array to callback # # Parameters are same as for {View#fetch} method, but callback is called for whole set for # rows instead of one by each. # # @example # con.run do # doc.recent_posts.fetch_all do |posts| # do_something_with_all_posts(posts) # end # end def fetch_all(params = {}, &block) return fetch(params) unless @bucket.async? raise ArgumentError, "Block needed for fetch_all in async mode" unless block all = [] fetch(params) do |row| all << row if row.last? @bucket.create_timer(0) { block.call(all) } end end end # Returns a string containing a human-readable representation of the {View} # # @return [String] def inspect %(#<#{self.class.name}:#{self.object_id} @endpoint=#{@endpoint.inspect} @params=#{@params.inspect}>) end private def fetch_array(request) docs = request.to_a.map { |data| wrap_or_parse_data(data) } docs = ArrayWithTotalRows.new(docs) docs.total_rows = request.size docs end def fetch_block(request, block) request.each do |data| doc = wrap_or_parse_data(data) block.call(doc) end nil end def wrap_or_parse_data(data) if data.is_a? ViewRowReduced data.value else @wrapper_class.wrap(@bucket, data) end end def send_error(*args) if @on_error @on_error.call(*args.take(2)) else raise Error::View.new(*args) end end def parse_endpoint(endpoint) parts = endpoint.split('/') if endpoint =~ /^_design/ [parts[1], parts[3]] else [parts[0], parts[2]] end end end end