require_relative '../../spec_helper' describe Arachni::Component::Manager do before( :all ) do @opts = Arachni::Options.instance @lib = @opts.dir['plugins'] @namespace = Arachni::Plugins @components = @lib, @namespace ) end after( :each ) { @components.clear } describe '#lib' do it 'should return the component library' do @components.lib.should == @lib end end describe '#namespace' do it 'should return the namespace under which all components are defined' do @components.namespace.should == @namespace end end describe '#available' do it 'should return all available components' do @components.available.sort.should == %w(wait bad distributable loop default with_options).sort end end describe '#load_all' do it 'should load all components' do @components.load_all @components.loaded.sort.should == @components.available.sort end end describe '#load' do context 'when passed a' do context String do it 'should load the component by name' do @components.load( 'wait' ) @components.loaded.should == %w(wait) end end context Symbol do it 'should load the component by name' do @components.load( :wait ) @components.loaded.should == %w(wait) end end context Array do it 'should load the component by name' do @components.load( %w(bad distributable) ) @components.loaded.sort.should == %w(bad distributable).sort end end context 'vararg' do context String do it 'should load components by name' do @components.load( 'wait', 'bad' ) @components.loaded.sort.should == %w(bad wait).sort end end context Symbol do it 'should load components by name' do @components.load :wait, :distributable @components.loaded.sort.should == %w(wait distributable).sort end end context Array do it 'should load components by name' do @components.load( :wait, %w(bad distributable) ) @components.loaded.sort.should == %w(bad distributable wait).sort end end end context 'wildcard (*)' do context 'alone' do it 'should load all components' do @components.load( '*' ) @components.loaded.sort.should == @components.available.sort end end context 'with a category name' do it 'should load all of its components' do @components.load( 'plugins/*' ) @components.loaded.sort.should == @components.available.sort end end end context 'exclusion filter (-)' do context 'alone' do it 'should not load anything' do @components.load( '-' ) @components.loaded.sort.should be_empty end end context 'with a name' do it 'should not load that component' do @components.load( %w(* -wait) ) loaded = @components.available loaded.delete( 'wait' ) @components.loaded.sort.should == loaded.sort end end context 'with a partial name and a wildcard' do it 'should not load matching components' do @components.load( %w(* -wai* -dist*) ) loaded = @components.available loaded.delete( 'wait' ) loaded.delete( 'distributable' ) @components.loaded.sort.should == loaded.sort end end end end end describe '#load_by_tags' do context 'when passed' do context 'nil' do it 'should return an empty array' do @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( nil ).should == [] end end context '[]' do it 'should return an empty array' do @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( [] ).should == [] end end context String do it 'should load components whose tags include the given tag (as either a String or a Symbol)' do @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( 'wait_string' ).should == %w(wait) @components.delete( 'wait' ) @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( 'wait_sym' ).should == %w(wait) @components.delete( 'wait' ) @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( 'distributable_string' ).should == %w(distributable) @components.delete( 'distributable' ) @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( 'distributable_sym' ).should == %w(distributable) @components.delete( 'distributable' ) @components.empty?.should be_true end end context Symbol do it 'should load components whose tags include the given tag (as either a String or a Symbol)' do @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( :wait_string ).should == %w(wait) @components.delete( 'wait' ) @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( :wait_sym ).should == %w(wait) @components.delete( 'wait' ) @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( :distributable_string ).should == %w(distributable) @components.delete( 'distributable' ) @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( :distributable_sym ).should == %w(distributable) @components.delete( 'distributable' ) @components.empty?.should be_true end end context Array do it 'should load components which include any of the given tags (as either Strings or a Symbols)' do @components.empty?.should be_true expected = %w(wait distributable).sort @components.load_by_tags( [ :wait_string, 'distributable_string' ] ).sort.should == expected @components.clear @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( [ 'wait_string', :distributable_string ] ).sort.should == expected @components.clear @components.empty?.should be_true @components.load_by_tags( [ 'wait_sym', :distributable_sym ] ).sort.should == expected @components.clear @components.empty?.should be_true end end end end describe '#parse' do context 'when passed a' do context String do it 'should return an array including the component\'s name' do @components.parse( 'wait' ).should == %w(wait) end end context Symbol do it 'should return an array including the component\'s name' do @components.parse( :wait ).should == %w(wait) end end context Array do it 'should load the component by name' do @components.parse( %w(bad distributable) ).sort.should == %w(bad distributable).sort end end context 'wildcard (*)' do context 'alone' do it 'should return all components' do @components.parse( '*' ).sort.should == @components.available.sort end end context 'with a category name' do it 'should return all of its components' do @components.parse( 'plugins/*' ).sort.should == @components.available.sort end end end context 'exclusion filter (-)' do context 'alone' do it 'should not return anything' do @components.parse( '-' ).sort.should be_empty end end context 'with a name' do it 'should not return that component' do @components.parse( %w(* -wait) ) loaded = @components.available loaded.delete( 'wait' ) loaded.sort.should == loaded.sort end end context 'with a partial name and a wildcard' do it 'should not return matching components' do parsed = @components.parse( %w(* -wai* -dist*) ) loaded = @components.available loaded.delete( 'wait' ) loaded.delete( 'distributable' ) parsed.sort.should == loaded.sort end end end end end describe '#prep_opts' do it 'should prepare options for passing to the component' do c = 'with_options' @components.load( c ) @components.prep_opts( c, @components[c], { 'req_opt' => 'my value'} ).should == { "req_opt" => "my value", "opt_opt" => nil, "default_opt" => "value" } opts = { 'req_opt' => 'req_opt value', 'opt_opt' => 'opt_opt value', "default_opt" => "default_opt value" } @components.prep_opts( c, @components[c], opts ).should == opts end context 'when invalid options' do it 'should raise an exception' do raised = false begin c = 'with_options' @components.load( c ) @components.prep_opts( c, @components[c], {} ) rescue Arachni::Component::Manager::InvalidOptions raised = true end raised.should be_true end end end describe '#[]' do context 'when passed a' do context String do it 'should load and return the component' do @components.loaded.should be_empty @components['wait'].name.should == 'Arachni::Plugins::Wait' @components.loaded.should == %w(wait) end end context Symbol do it 'should load and return the component' do @components.loaded.should be_empty @components[:wait].name.should == 'Arachni::Plugins::Wait' @components.loaded.should == %w(wait) end end end end describe '#include?' do context 'when passed a' do context String do context 'when the component has been loaded' do it 'should return true' do @components.loaded.should be_empty @components['wait'].name.should == 'Arachni::Plugins::Wait' @components.loaded.should == %w(wait) @components.loaded?( 'wait' ).should be_true @components.include?( 'wait' ).should be_true end end context 'when the component has not been loaded' do it 'should return false' do @components.loaded.should be_empty @components.loaded?( 'wait' ).should be_false @components.include?( 'wait' ).should be_false end end end context Symbol do context 'when the component has been loaded' do it 'should return true' do @components.loaded.should be_empty @components[:wait].name.should == 'Arachni::Plugins::Wait' @components.loaded.should == %w(wait) @components.loaded?( :wait ).should be_true @components.include?( :wait ).should be_true end end context 'when the component has not been loaded' do it 'should return false' do @components.loaded.should be_empty @components.loaded?( :wait ).should be_false @components.include?( :wait ).should be_false end end end end end describe '#delete' do it 'should remove and unload a component' do @components.loaded.should be_empty @components.load( 'wait' ) klass = @components['wait'] sym = ':' ).last.to_sym @components.namespace.constants.include?( sym ).should be_true @components.loaded.should be_any @components.delete( 'wait' ) @components.loaded.should be_empty sym = ':' ).last.to_sym @components.namespace.constants.include?( sym ).should be_false end end describe '#available' do it 'should return all available components' do @components.available.sort.should == %w(wait bad with_options distributable loop default).sort end end describe '#loaded' do it 'should return all loaded components' do @components.load( '*' ) @components.loaded.sort.should == %w(wait bad with_options distributable loop default).sort end end describe '#name_to_path' do it 'should return a component\'s path from its name' do path = @components.name_to_path( 'wait' ) File.exists?( path ).should be_true File.basename( path ).should == 'wait.rb' end end describe '#path_to_name' do it 'should return a component\'s path from its name' do path = @components.name_to_path( 'wait' ) @components.path_to_name( path ).should == 'wait' end end describe '#paths' do it 'should return all component paths' do paths = @components.paths paths.each { |p| File.exists?( p ).should be_true } paths.size.should == @components.available.size end end describe '#clear' do it 'should unload all components' do @components.loaded.should be_empty @components.load( '*' ) @components.loaded.sort.should == @components.available.sort symbols = do |klass| sym = ':' ).last.to_sym @components.namespace.constants.include?( sym ).should be_true sym end @components.clear symbols.each do |sym| @components.namespace.constants.include?( sym ).should be_false end @components.loaded.should be_empty end end end