# -*- ruby -*- #encoding: utf-8 require 'etc' require 'arborist/cli' unless defined?( Arborist::CLI ) require 'arborist/client' # Command to ack a node module Arborist::CLI::Ack extend Arborist::CLI::Subcommand desc 'Ack/disable one or more nodes in the Arborist tree' arg :IDENTIFIER, optional: true, multiple: true command :ack do |cmd| cmd.switch :clear, default: false, desc: "Clear the ack instead of setting it.", negatable: false cmd.flag [ :u, :user ], desc: "The user to mark the nodes with." cmd.flag [ :m, :message ], desc: "The acknowledgement message." cmd.action do |globals, options, args| identifiers = get_identifiers( args ) help_now!( "No node identifiers supplied." ) if identifiers.empty? client = Arborist::Client.new res = {} if options[ :clear ] identifiers.each do |id| res[ id ] = client.clear_ack( identifier: id ) end else message = options[ :message ] || prompt.ask( "Ack/disable message:" ) help_now!( "A acknowlegement/disable message is required." ) unless message userid = options[ :user ] || prompt.ask( "Your name?", default: Etc.getpwuid.name ) help_now!( "Unable to determine ack user." ) unless userid identifiers.each do |id| res[ id ] = unless_dryrun( "Acking #{id}...", true ) do client.ack( identifier: id, message: message, sender: userid, via: "command line" ) end end end res.each_pair do |identifier, result| prompt.say "%s: %s" % [ hl.bold.bright_blue( identifier ), result == true ? "Okay." : hl.red( res.to_s ) ] end end end ############### module_function ############### ### Parse a list of identifiers from the command line or from ### a multiline prompt. def get_identifiers( args ) identifiers = args if args.empty? identifiers = prompt.multiline( "Enter node identifiers, separated with newlines or commas:" ) identifiers = identifiers.map( &:chomp ).map{|id| id.split(/,\s*/) }.flatten end return identifiers.uniq end end # module Arborist::CLI::Ack