(;GM[1]FF[4]CA[UTF-8] SZ[19]RU[Japanese]KM[0.50]TM[1290]OT[3x30 byo-yomi] PB[tartrate]PW[redrose]BR[7d]WR[1p]DT[2003-06-18]PC[The Kiseido Go Server (KGS) at http://kgs.kiseido.com/]C[tartrate [7d?\]: hi tartrate [7d?\]: thx ]RE[B+Resign] ;B[jj]BL[1280.503]CR[jj]C[redrose [1p\]: hi Jerk [7d?\]: wow Anark [11k\]: game of the day :) Jerk [7d?\]: really big match ] ;W[ih]WL[1277.190]CR[ih] ;B[hi]BL[1274.573]CR[hi]C[erfael [23k?\]: Instant game of the day. ] ;W[ki]WL[1275.203]CR[ki] ;B[ji]BL[1273.056]CR[ji] ;W[jh]WL[1273.142]CR[jh] ;B[kh]BL[1271.800]CR[kh]C[whatago [24k\]: .. ] ;W[li]WL[1267.544]CR[li]C[erfael [23k?\]: That is some joseki....... ] ;B[kg]BL[1270.773]CR[kg]C[ohyes [?\]: oh yes! peke [-\]: What the hell? ] ;W[if]WL[1262.983]CR[if] ;B[ke]BL[1265.979]CR[ke] ;W[id]WL[1260.059]CR[id]C[bass [1k\]: atari-go? :-) erfael [23k?\]: They're playing a giant 9x9. ] ;B[lk]BL[1262.078]CR[lk]C[phenomene [1d\]: lol ] ;W[ni]WL[1257.671]CR[ni] ;B[nf]BL[1259.634]CR[nf]C[EIKENHEIN [11k\]: wow they are playing really fast Heretix [24k\]: woah, what's going on here ] ;W[pi]WL[1254.513]CR[pi]C[sita [2d\]: looks like the capturing game ;) Chris [1d\]: some sort of grudge match maybe? Truc [-\]: Sweet, this is a game i wanna see Jerk [7d?\]: hmm redrose seemed to study the first tengen move a lot ] ;B[oj]BL[1239.937]CR[oj] ;W[oi]WL[1249.412]CR[oi] ;B[pf]BL[1233.687]CR[pf] ;W[mk]WL[1242.020]CR[mk] ;B[ml]BL[1216.312]CR[ml] ;W[nk]WL[1239.937]CR[nk]C[Truc [-\]: 0.5 komi?! Chris [1d\]: this game is destined to go down in kgs history I think :) Mokki [12k\]: :)) Truc [-\]: tartrate has a handicap? zog [5d\]: historical only if black wins :) ] ;B[ll]BL[1177.061]CR[ll]C[bass [1k\]: hmm? ] ;W[om]WL[1236.225]CR[om]C[Truc [-\]: lol ] ;B[kc]BL[1173.336]CR[kc] ;W[jc]WL[1234.000]CR[jc]C[peke [-\]: Black has to win, can't ruin the legend now. :/ ] ;B[kb]BL[1170.401]CR[kb]C[phenomene [1d\]: both are unvainquished EIKENHEIN [11k\]: yeah, not an even match Heretix [24k\]: Anyone care to give a little bit of commentary, this game is confusing... pyramids [6k\]: i like b ] ;W[ii]WL[1218.735]CR[ii] ;B[ij]BL[1168.805]CR[ij]C[Truc [-\]: very confusing indeed ] ;W[hj]WL[1217.487]CR[hj] ;B[gi]BL[1168.069]CR[gi] ;W[hk]WL[1215.572]CR[hk] ;B[il]BL[1167.008]CR[il]C[Elix [28k?\]: i dun understand anything?!? ] ;W[hl]WL[1210.906]CR[hl]C[mattn [1d\]: commentary: "oh my god" Chris [1d\]: I wouldnt know where to start, heretix ] ;B[im]BL[1162.355]CR[im]C[ohyes [?\]: it's not confusing bass [1k\]: heretix "confusing" is my commentary exactly :-) ] ;W[gg]WL[1206.751]CR[gg]C[Tim [7k\]: cut is severe ohyes [?\]: just a pro game oldsan [6d\]: beautiful girl ] ;B[ei]BL[1156.791]CR[ei] ;W[fj]WL[1198.064]CR[fj] ;B[fi]BL[1154.257]CR[fi]C[summer [2d\]: it's called "icut you you cut me" fuseki EIKENHEIN [11k\]: why didn't they start at the corners? Jigosaku [2k\]: y, what do you say - they just wanted to fight a little... or a lot as the case might be ] ;W[eg]WL[1193.565]CR[eg] ;B[dk]BL[1149.755]CR[dk] ;W[gn]WL[1191.272]CR[gn]C[j2e [1d\]: manjilla peke [-\]: Maybe they want to entertain us? HikaShin [-\]: whoa... ] ;B[ch]BL[1138.390]CR[ch]C[HikaShin [-\]: weird game ZeroKun [-\]: O_O!! Heretix [24k\]: What happened to "there's no territory in the center" Tim [7k\]: move 42 and still no corner move ] ;W[cf]WL[1186.412]CR[cf] ;B[dn]BL[1135.249]CR[dn]C[mattn [1d\]: well, none of them made territory there, right? :) Jigosaku [2k\]: Thilla in manilla, y :) ] ;W[gp]WL[1176.056]CR[gp] ;B[ip]BL[1127.792]CR[ip]C[zapp [3d\]: This is a struggle of power whatago [24k\]: ah Elix [28k?\]: go redrose...emmm... she is a gal rite..... gal rocks ] ;W[dp]WL[1163.150]CR[dp]C[EIKENHEIN [11k\]: lol j2e [1d\]: the fylfot fuseki ] ;B[op]BL[1116.639]CR[op]C[whatago [24k\]: finally corner Truc [-\]: aha Elix [28k?\]: whats wit the refrigerator realli.... ] ;W[pc]WL[1149.240]CR[pc] ;B[dc]BL[1098.424]CR[dc]C[Jigosaku [2k\]: Love to see teh score estimator on this one... Truc [-\]: they're running to the corners now summer [2d\]: it's where you keep things cold HikaShin [-\]: XD ] ;W[fc]WL[1140.901]CR[fc]C[HikaShin [-\]: corner for corner ] ;B[cd]BL[1094.134]CR[cd]C[Elix [28k?\]: i nkwo that summer... ahahaha EIKENHEIN [11k\]: holy cow. 128 observers ] ;W[dh]WL[1113.240]CR[dh]C[Mokki [12k\]: maybe the fridge has the tartrate-haiku on it (the small note) ] ;B[di]BL[1090.863]CR[di]C[Dicey [13k\]: lol ] ;W[cg]WL[1112.158]CR[cg]C[oldsan [6d\]: want to be beaten ] ;B[bh]BL[1086.722]CR[bh] ;W[eb]WL[1108.630]CR[eb]C[ZeroKun [-\]: why cant we just have a normal fuseki >_< ] ;B[db]BL[1078.299]CR[db]C[Dicey [13k\]: lol Truc [-\]: I wouldn't be surprised if there's 300 observers by the end ] ;W[mc]WL[1102.446]CR[mc]C[Truc [-\]: Ok, 200 ^_^ summer [2d\]: the end will be sooner than they can join Gardan [4k\]: this is normal :) mattn [1d\]: zero, it was clearly a forced sequence up to here ] ;B[mh]BL[1065.362]CR[mh] ;W[mi]WL[1099.899]CR[mi]C[Dicey [13k\]: how can you tell how many boservers are herE? ] ;B[qc]BL[1059.922]CR[qc]C[ZeroKun [-\]: even her? ZeroKun [-\]: :) ZeroKun [-\]: oops mattn [1d\]: yes :) Chris [1d\]: count very fast dicey EIKENHEIN [11k\]: look at the room info Truc [-\]: You count Dicey ^_^ ZeroKun [-\]: *sigh* Elix [28k?\]: im a beginner so this is confusing 4 me Dicey [13k\]: lol ic3man [12k\]: :PP EIKENHEIN [11k\]: i think its confusing for everybody Heretix [24k\]: Hmm, maybe they're doing this just to produce controversy katatonia [13k\]: mayb Bisqwit [18k?\]: It looks like redrose is losing already ;) Dicey [13k\]: lol katatonia [13k\]: e Escaton [3k?\]: oh yes , its confusing ^^ Truc [-\]: how is white going to live there? I wanna see this ^_^ ] ;W[oe]WL[1045.108]CR[oe]C[Dicey [13k\]: shote tengen ka ] ;B[pe]BL[1054.450]CR[pe]C[Tim [7k\]: they've been playing rather peacefully ] ;W[qb]WL[1030.298]CR[qb]C[Dicey [13k\]: maybe a demonstration? Elix [28k?\]: chotto!!!!! ZeroKun [-\]: bless you Dicey [13k\]: nani? Elix [28k?\]: everyhting is everywhere... Elix [28k?\]: no i may be wrong ] ;B[qd]BL[1030.424]CR[qd]C[Dicey [13k\]: lol ic3man [12k\]: hmm Elix [28k?\]: ? ] ;W[ne]WL[1021.232]CR[ne] ;B[of]BL[1028.718]CR[of] ;W[mf]WL[1016.986]CR[mf] ;B[mg]BL[1019.020]CR[mg]C[Elix [28k?\]: where is tartrate from? Truc [-\]: I guess white lives easily barvinok [2d\]: l16 ZeroKun [-\]: i thing tartrate doesnt want redrose to find out his style, so thats why hes doing this o-O olivierbb [5k\]: mars perhaps Amateras [23k\]: tartrates from korea...no? Dicey [13k\]: hmmmm ] ;W[me]WL[984.945]CR[me]C[ZeroKun [-\]: think* Elix [28k?\]: koreans r good in go ZeroKun [-\]: noone knows where and who he is Truc [-\]: tartrate's style? Tim [7k\]: N15 pro move Elix [28k?\]: known through the world of go Gardan [4k\]: he is Sai! summer [2d\]: all of the w moves are pro moves.. Dicey [13k\]: lol Elix [28k?\]: Sai!!!!!!!!!!!!!11 Cramsan [5k\]: lol Tim [7k\]: :) ] ;B[jd]BL[976.161]CR[jd]C[eq [8k\]: gardan: new one ;) Elix [28k?\]: hahaha ] ;W[je]WL[977.958]CR[je] ;B[kd]BL[974.309]CR[kd]C[Elix [28k?\]: yo eq!!!! ] ;W[rb]WL[973.968]CR[rb] ;B[ic]BL[971.541]CR[ic]C[eq [8k\]: hi elix ] ;W[hc]WL[971.940]CR[hc] ;B[ib]BL[970.452]CR[ib]C[Gardan [4k\]: eq, I'm so old that I need to renew myself ;) ZeroKun [-\]: i asked for a game and i got one............. Elix [28k?\]: perhaps we r leaking to mani info... Dicey [13k\]: lol Dicey [13k\]: might be some spies........... ] ;W[hb]WL[941.292]CR[hb]C[Elix [28k?\]: hahaha Cramsan [5k\]: you have a wide imagination dicey Dicey [13k\]: thanks Dicey [13k\]: :) Cramsan [5k\]: good for playing go ;) moving [7d?\]: very interesting fuseki ] ;B[qh]BL[940.674]CR[qh]C[Dicey [13k\]: very whatago [24k\]: h18 ncessary? Dicey [13k\]: lol Dicey [13k\]: new joseki ! ] ;W[qi]WL[928.616]CR[qi]C[speedyG [1d\]: is wide imagination better than tall imagination? Dicey [13k\]: ........ Cramsan [5k\]: uhhm no, but it begins with wide :D ] ;B[rh]BL[924.691]CR[rh]C[RussEasby [22k\]: umm, can anyone tell whos ahead? barvinok [2d\]: black looks better speedyG [1d\]: no Dicey [13k\]: lol Dicey [13k\]: hm speedyG [1d\]: crasy game Dicey [13k\]: its about = Cramsan [5k\]: I like black kolben [1d\]: they create a kgs classic Dicey [13k\]: lol erfael [23k?\]: white, no, black, no, white......no..... Truc [-\]: 175 observers already ^_^ speedyG [1d\]: white is cute Cramsan [5k\]: yep samiroopo [5k\]: so is b Dicey [13k\]: ......... EIKENHEIN [11k\]: lol ic3man [12k\]: ... Cramsan [5k\]: ahum RussEasby [22k\]: this must be the biggest attendance game ever ok kgs dpurdu [17k\]: I prefer microwaves Bisqwit [18k?\]: Classics are created quite easily then. This is (began as) just fooling around... ic3man [12k\]: hahahaaa Dicey [13k\]: *moves away from samiroopo* speedyG [1d\]: yeah refrigerators are a bit too fat (wide?_ ] ;W[qn]WL[841.343]CR[qn]C[Dicey [13k\]: no Tictactoe [-\]: hey this is my fuseki go-congress grenoble1987 Dicey [13k\]: they need to be taller Cramsan [5k\]: no tall ] ;B[er]BL[909.708]CR[er]C[nutcase [2d\]: b better Elix [28k?\]: isogu... Truc [-\]: E2? nutcase [2d\]: w got little room for developments ] ;W[gr]WL[823.606]CR[gr]C[moving [7d?\]: heh Cramsan [5k\]: fuseki congress ttt? dpurdu [17k\]: guesstimator like black by 45 ] ;B[ep]BL[893.295]CR[ep]C[Dicey [13k\]: lol ] ;W[eo]WL[821.394]CR[eo] ;B[do]BL[892.174]CR[do]C[Cramsan [5k\]: hehe Tictactoe [-\]: no european championship Dansc [13k\]: dpurdu, so w probably wins. Truc [-\]: guesstimator is never wrong! dpurdu [17k\]: heh Jigosaku [2k\]: agree - seems white has to do some seriuos reduction work EIKENHEIN [11k\]: lol Dicey [13k\]: yeh barvinok [2d\]: gestimator thinks white would die Dicey [13k\]: moyocrushing time ! ] ;W[cp]WL[791.738]CR[cp] ;B[dq]BL[885.267]CR[dq] ;W[fp]WL[789.063]CR[fp] ;B[eq]BL[884.060]CR[eq]C[Truc [-\]: I like mayo Dicey [13k\]: ......... speedyG [1d\]: mayo is yucky HikaShin [-\]: .... whatago [24k\]: hmm Cramsan [5k\]: what's wrong with ketchup whatago [24k\]: w will live there? speedyG [1d\]: seems slimy ohyes [?\]: now it's a crucial time for both speedyG [1d\]: ketchup is ok but too much sugar speedyG [1d\]: salsa best Truc [-\]: It's all about the mayo ^_^ Dicey [13k\]: um Dicey [13k\]: are we watching go here? HikaShin [-\]: salsa is awesome XD Elix [28k?\]: white is taking long to think Cramsan [5k\]: yes but we are not talking go speedyG [1d\]: XD? Dicey [13k\]: k Dicey [13k\]: jsut wondering swine [6k\]: not life and death, life and cooking Dicey [13k\]: ....... ohyes [?\]: the game will play in this corner Dicey [13k\]: ewwwwwwwww Elix [28k?\]: yayayayaya ] ;W[cq]WL[698.362]CR[cq]C[peke [-\]: *Cheers for tartrate* ] ;B[en]BL[881.634]CR[en] ;W[fo]WL[695.767]CR[fo] ;B[cr]BL[880.597]CR[cr]C[Dicey [13k\]: ......... ] ;W[br]WL[692.425]CR[br]C[niivram [3k\]: wow ] ;B[bs]BL[879.692]CR[bs] ;W[bq]WL[690.481]CR[bq]C[HikaShin [-\]: race? Dicey [13k\]: yeh HikaShin [-\]: capture race.... whatago [24k\]: guess w will win there artemis [7k?\]: B5 ? dpurdu [17k\]: b b2? Dicey [13k\]: black will whatago [24k\]: w moves fast Cramsan [5k\]: I think white HikaShin [-\]: ..... Dicey [13k\]: course speedyG [1d\]: b5 Jigosaku [2k\]: agree HikaShin [-\]: u sawt bkacj HikaShin [-\]: gah Chris [1d\]: 200 observers sita [2d\]: b5 seems to slow HikaShin [-\]: i say black dpurdu [17k\]: I mean b 5, b2 already played sita [2d\]: ? Jigosaku [2k\]: k ZeroKun [-\]: b plays slow :) Dicey [13k\]: um speedyG [1d\]: what is XD HIka? Dicey [13k\]: this isn't slow HikaShin [-\]: don't know Cramsan [5k\]: who is in for a bet? :P Elix [28k?\]: sssh!!!! dun leak info here=) HikaShin [-\]: its HikaShin [-\]: like Jigosaku [2k\]: but it wins by one, right? ] ;B[bo]BL[803.943]CR[bo]C[Chris [1d\]: never seen tart think this long before HikaShin [-\]: my smiling Dicey [13k\]: XD is a expression HikaShin [-\]: and looking dead Dicey [13k\]: like :) ohyes [?\]: 203 obs. speedyG [1d\]: yah b5 :-) ] ;W[ds]WL[677.349]CR[ds]C[Dicey [13k\]: i am Jigosaku [2k\]: hehehe speedyG [1d\]: im fast ] ;B[cs]BL[802.063]CR[cs]C[nutcase [2d\]: b in trouble Dicey [13k\]: 15 on black Elix [28k?\]: 50000000 on whte Dicey [13k\]: lol ] ;W[fr]WL[659.726]CR[fr] ;B[es]BL[799.032]CR[es]C[dpurdu [17k\]: wow ] ;W[as]WL[655.121]CR[as] ;B[ar]BL[797.534]CR[ar]C[sita [2d\]: f2 mistake? ] ;W[aq]WL[653.596]CR[aq]C[phenomene [1d\]: ko Dicey [13k\]: lol Truc [-\]: a ko! Chris [1d\]: ko Dicey [13k\]: nice Cramsan [5k\]: hehe Truc [-\]: yaaayy! HikaShin [-\]: or is it ] ;B[jq]BL[788.786]CR[jq]C[sita [2d\]: ah, anyway ko Dicey [13k\]: very good Tictactoe [-\]: oh dear Cramsan [5k\]: hmm Aist [11k\]: k3? artemis [7k?\]: tenuki !? Dicey [13k\]: ignore HikaShin [-\]: oh yea it is Cramsan [5k\]: tennuki? phenomene [1d\]: k3 says "I win"? HikaShin [-\]: .... Cramsan [5k\]: or I lose? dpurdu [17k\]: tenuki is playing away from the action? Elix [28k?\]: hmm..... Dicey [13k\]: lol HikaShin [-\]: dead he win it? Tictactoe [-\]: P3 sita [2d\]: yes, dpurdu samiroopo [5k\]: maybe tart didnt want w making ko threat around k3 Elix [28k?\]: i can't diffentiate the moyo ] ;W[qq]WL[599.663]CR[qq]C[Chris [1d\]: k3 says "I made the ko all-important speedyG [1d\]: just integrate it then ] ;B[co]BL[779.673]CR[co]C[Dicey [13k\]: hmmmm ] ;W[fq]WL[597.069]CR[fq]C[HikaShin [-\]: .... Chris [1d\]: no no w threat big enough ] ;B[ap]BL[768.711]CR[ap]C[Dicey [13k\]: o6? ] ;W[as]WL[594.847]CR[as]C[Truc [-\]: ko ko ko ko ko! EIKENHEIN [11k\]: lol Cramsan [5k\]: cool peke [-\]: Go ko go ko go go go ko ko go! Truc [-\]: Oh wait there are no ko threats dpurdu [17k\]: thanks sita Dicey [13k\]: ding ding ding DarkRecon [10k?\]: can black jus d2? DaelM [11k\]: o13 as threat? transcend [9k\]: there are twice as many observers as there are moves ohyes [?\]: it's time money EIKENHEIN [11k\]: W probably win the fight transcend [9k\]: almost artemis [7k?\]: P18 ? ] ;B[dr]BL[736.051]CR[dr]C[Tictactoe [-\]: and the crowd went wild when the gladiators entered the pit BlowFly [10k\]: L14? Cramsan [5k\]: no black has more chance now Mokki [12k\]: d2 works like a threat HikaShin [-\]: ..... barvinok [2d\]: white lost ] ;W[fs]WL[582.751]CR[fs] ;B[ar]BL[734.204]CR[ar]C[Chris [1d\]: no threat Dicey [13k\]: but Dicey [13k\]: white still gets something Truc [-\]: O13 looks good like someone said mattn [1d\]: kill top left? Mokki [12k\]: M14 sendol [?\]: game over... ] ;W[jo]WL[566.323]CR[jo]C[nutcase [2d\]: juz some exchanges Ly0n [19k\]: if black wins this the whole bottom left = dead ? dpurdu [17k\]: thats a big bit though Cramsan [5k\]: maybe Dicey [13k\]: no Ly0n [19k\]: there is a chance Dicey [13k\]: it won't die Ly0n [19k\]: and this is tartrate nutcase [2d\]: ko is like trading eat [15k\]: white's going after the black middle now Chris [1d\]: right, lyon, that was the purpose of k3 Dicey [13k\]: if black ignores k5 Elix [28k?\]: no white can't lose.... EIKENHEIN [11k\]: lol ] ;B[io]BL[681.739]CR[io]C[HikaShin [-\]: eat that isn't going after middle -_- ] ;W[as]WL[564.511]CR[as]C[peke [-\]: Black can't lose... Truc [-\]: !!! Dicey [13k\]: see ] ;B[pb]BL[676.881]CR[pb]C[Dicey [13k\]: black has to play ] ;W[oc]WL[556.308]CR[oc]C[ohyes [?\]: 50-50 ] ;B[ar]BL[674.165]CR[ar]C[Dicey [13k\]: or white will kill territory dpurdu [17k\]: n6? ] ;W[jn]WL[546.657]CR[jn]C[Chris [1d\]: only b has real threats nutcase [2d\]: whoever lose the ko, get something back somewhere else dpurdu [17k\]: this area? Dicey [13k\]: yeh Dicey [13k\]: something big ] ;B[in]BL[662.796]CR[in]C[barvinok [2d\]: white does not have big threats ] ;W[as]WL[544.557]CR[as] ;B[nb]BL[653.170]CR[nb]C[Dicey [13k\]: nice aji sita [2d\]: the last w threats were quite expensive... Cramsan [5k\]: yes ] ;W[ds]WL[531.712]CR[ds] ;B[ob]BL[651.075]CR[ob]C[Truc [-\]: ack Aist [11k\]: o Ly0n [19k\]: wow peke [-\]: Boom dpurdu [17k\]: n18? Truc [-\]: that's big Dicey [13k\]: hmmmm nutcase [2d\]: bad exchange Cramsan [5k\]: yes Dicey [13k\]: can is live? EIKENHEIN [11k\]: hmmm.... W N18? nutcase [2d\]: like this b won mattn [1d\]: yes, nice :) Dicey [13k\]: maybe another ko jacklondon [6d\]: game over knotwilg [2d\]: no no, dead as a pancake dpurdu [17k\]: where do you think for the ko dice? sita [2d\]: no, w dead upper right ic3man [12k\]: pancake?? ^^ speedyG [1d\]: deaf as a dodo Dicey [13k\]: you never know speedyG [1d\]: deaf as a doorknob jacklondon [6d\]: no ko dice, too large for white speedyG [1d\]: flat as a pancake ZeroKun [-\]: hmm utikomiman [5k?\]: why white didnt resign? peke [-\]: Beer as a can of beer. HikaShin [-\]: beer as a can of beer? niivram [3k\]: rerose and tartrate both have not lost here yet Dicey [13k\]: maybe resign now? ] ;W[mp]WL[455.200]CR[mp]C[HikaShin [-\]: what? Truc [-\]: Whoa peke [-\]: Don't ask. Jigosaku [2k\]: go problem: "white to play" Tim [7k\]: big yose left jacklondon [6d\]: w r3 too greedy Dicey [13k\]: yup Dicey [13k\]: moyo crusher Elix [28k?\]: hmmmm ] ;B[mo]BL[617.003]CR[mo] ;W[lo]WL[448.952]CR[lo]C[Elix [28k?\]: black has the upper hand eh? ] ;B[no]BL[614.714]CR[no]C[peke [-\]: 236 spectators... Javaness [11k\]: wow tengen start summer [2d\]: b r4 would be at least as huge as the ko dpurdu [17k\]: m3? ] ;W[ln]WL[430.717]CR[ln] ;B[lq]BL[613.642]CR[lq]C[danoontje [6d\]: good morning java :-) ] ;W[lp]WL[428.493]CR[lp] ;B[nm]BL[612.842]CR[nm] ;W[nl]WL[419.193]CR[nl] ;B[mn]BL[603.926]CR[mn]C[nutcase [2d\]: tough for w, almost like over Dicey [13k\]: hmmmm Dicey [13k\]: tough for black too transcend [9k\]: id trust the 2d Igo1 [12k\]: it looks like over to me ] ;W[mq]WL[390.377]CR[mq] ;B[pq]BL[602.567]CR[pq]C[Elix [28k?\]: both of them may b cracking their heads now Truc [-\]: White needs to find eyes fast :\\ KungPow [13k\]: its redrose after all Javaness [11k\]: hi danoon blackness2 [6k\]: i think tar is comfortable nutcase [2d\]: keep to yourself if you got nothing good to contribute dpurdu [17k\]: l3 maybe? speedyG [1d\]: 1d knows nothing, 2d knows slightly more, dont trust ] ;W[qr]WL[366.078]CR[qr]C[EIKENHEIN [11k\]: i think W can make 2 eyes there ] ;B[lr]BL[599.381]CR[lr]C[artemis [7k?\]: i can't see why N18 doesn't work... EIKENHEIN [11k\]: still seems like there is room Maddin [8k\]: lol strange opening Dicey [13k\]: p2? EIKENHEIN [11k\]: W P2? ] ;W[or]WL[350.149]CR[or]C[Elix [28k?\]: p2...? Dicey [13k\]: yup ] ;B[pr]BL[594.002]CR[pr]C[blackness2 [6k\]: O2... ringoshin [11k\]: tengen opening?! ] ;W[ps]WL[338.362]CR[ps]C[speedyG [1d\]: ko Elix [28k?\]: what is that move about? Maddin [8k\]: yeah knotwilg [2d\]: sacrifices Q2 sttones HikaShin [-\]: 243 people.... blackness2 [6k\]: i think tar just wanted to give us something interesting ] ;B[nr]BL[582.512]CR[nr] ;W[mr]WL[336.841]CR[mr] ;B[oq]BL[580.825]CR[oq]C[ringoshin [11k\]: gasp ] ;W[ns]WL[334.844]CR[ns] ;B[os]BL[579.951]CR[os]C[Dicey [13k\]: ko ] ;W[mb]WL[332.128]CR[mb]C[transcend [9k\]: not another ko Ly0n [19k\]: oh god Cramsan [5k\]: there we go again KungPow [13k\]: no Truc [-\]: ko ko ko ko !!! speedyG [1d\]: see i told you ko summer [2d\]: over Escaton [3k?\]: lol ! speedyG [1d\]: :-) ] ;B[nc]BL[572.221]CR[nc]C[nutcase [2d\]: stupid ko for w ] ;W[or]WL[330.636]CR[or]C[Javaness [11k\]: this is wild looking stuff nutcase [2d\]: flowery ko for b speedyG [1d\]: n18 is ko threat mattn [1d\]: lots of threats from the top group knotwilg [2d\]: a flower viewing ko Dicey [13k\]: hanami speedyG [1d\]: flowery? Elix [28k?\]: why did she do that for?!? summer [2d\]: b is being nice flop [6k?\]: not at all Tictactoe [-\]: yes black holds hanami Jigosaku [2k\]: seems b can hjust close up here Rakshasa [3k\]: artemis: n18-o17-p16-n19-m19-o19-m18-n16-m16-o16 flop [6k?\]: flowery, b is not alive yet transcend [9k\]: Why didnt black just play 01 instead of P3? sita [2d\]: not really flower viewing, the ko danoontje [6d\]: not quite, b is almost dead too comboy [11k\]: wow, who is tartrate ?? I just looked at his stats Dicey [13k\]: yeh sita [2d\]: that's the point, danoontje transcend [9k\]: but no one will really see my comment through the mindless chatter Dicey [13k\]: balck gonna be in some troulbe knotwilg [2d\]: P6 and comfy HikaShin [-\]: i think hes super man nutcase [2d\]: there is still a cut on the left Dicey [13k\]: if black loses ko ] ;B[on]BL[513.567]CR[on]C[Aist [11k\]: nikt tego nie wie, comboy:) ZeroKun [-\]: nah superman isnt that strong Dicey [13k\]: lol EIKENHEIN [11k\]: lol Tictactoe [-\]: no he thinks he is superman, we doubt that dpurdu [17k\]: what is the byo yomi? HikaShin [-\]: -_- EIKENHEIN [11k\]: W probably won't respond? nutcase [2d\]: game over Amateras [23k\]: who won? sita [2d\]: options --> rules Elix [28k?\]: time is running low Dansc [13k\]: dpurdu, options/rules Javaness [11k\]: was it nietche who coined the phrase superman? Cramsan [5k\]: again game over? Dicey [13k\]: lol ] ;W[nq]WL[292.560]CR[nq]C[Cramsan [5k\]: I thought it was over already eq [8k\]: übermensch dpurdu [17k\]: thanks again sit tttero [13k\]: compoy: http://senseis.xmp.net/?Tartrate ] ;B[pm]BL[511.284]CR[pm]C[Mokki [12k\]: white seems to have lots of lives BlowFly [10k\]: but this game has been over so many times already flop [6k?\]: r4 ko threat too isn't it? samiroopo [5k\]: shows how much we amateurs know ;) comboy [11k\]: they both have no losses Javaness [11k\]: i've seen redrose escape too many times to count her out ] ;W[qm]WL[268.608]CR[qm] ;B[gm]BL[508.719]CR[gm]C[speedyG [1d\]: now one of them has loss ] ;W[hm]WL[265.782]CR[hm]C[speedyG [1d\]: escaper! Truc [-\]: You should've seen what tartrate did in his last game nutcase [2d\]: see this cut low kyus? ] ;B[ol]BL[501.920]CR[ol]C[summer [2d\]: onw will escape ;-) summer [2d\]: one* Jigosaku [2k\]: seems really hard for w to make enough now. ] ;W[ql]WL[253.554]CR[ql]C[HikaShin [-\]: one of them will have a loss HikaShin [-\]: .... ] ;B[fm]BL[499.513]CR[fm]C[Dicey [13k\]: q9? samiroopo [5k\]: maybe they will get a triple ko somewhere still.. that'd be a game to remember.. ] ;W[hn]WL[250.756]CR[hn]C[nutcase [2d\]: low kyus should read more and talk less HikaShin [-\]: but does have one yet HikaShin [-\]: and whats a low kyu to you XD Dicey [13k\]: nutcase knotwilg [2d\]: nutcase, slow down summer [2d\]: horrible attitude nutcase Dicey [13k\]: as in low29k? ] ;B[ri]BL[477.804]CR[ri]C[speedyG [1d\]: lol nutcase is harsh Chris [1d\]: yose now Dicey [13k\]: or low 1k? Lobo82 [14k\]: i agree with nutcase speedyG [1d\]: nutcase is nutcase :-) Dicey [13k\]: lol Elix [28k?\]: ..... ] ;W[lm]WL[233.761]CR[lm]C[pyramids [6k\]: b15 must be big, no? ] ;B[mm]BL[475.560]CR[mm]C[ZeroKun [-\]: K14 seems nice for later :) ] ;W[po]WL[228.669]CR[po]C[nutcase [2d\]: as the chinese had said transcend [9k\]: thank you, nutcase ] ;B[pk]BL[469.837]CR[pk]C[HikaShin [-\]: if low is under 10 then I"m on transcend [9k\]: although i am a low kyu... people need to stop talking nutcase [2d\]: good medicine is bitter nutcase [2d\]: and good advice is nasty speedyG [1d\]: poisons are also bitter :-) DarkRecon [10k?\]: s11 group endangered? HikaShin [-\]: ok DarkRecon [10k?\]: i mean r11 Bisqwit [18k?\]: discussing good, chatting bad knotwilg [2d\]: nutcase, which cut did you see at G7 ? NoName [1d\]: ahhh speedyG [1d\]: so just bitter doesnt mean medcine Hades [5d?\]: over barvinok [2d\]: over knotwilg [2d\]: there was none summer [2d\]: under Cramsan [5k\]: with so many people no one is gonna stop talking knotwilg [2d\]: so maybe you should stop talking ] ;W[qk]WL[175.704]CR[qk]C[Tictactoe [-\]: what which over are we playing, is this cricket? ZeroKun [-\]: muhahahaha Dicey [13k\]: safe stalkor [13k\]: which level is tartrate really? speedyG [1d\]: cricket? EIKENHEIN [11k\]: B looks like it is in trouble now ZeroKun [-\]: noone knows Truc [-\]: tartrate is level 5 eat [15k\]: we don't like cricket.... (oh no) stalkor [13k\]: p5? Tictactoe [-\]: yes in cricket they play overs Dicey [13k\]: lol Uizado [18k\]: lol @ eat speedyG [1d\]: why suddenly about cricket? ] ;B[qj]BL[434.698]CR[qj]C[pyramids [6k\]: tartrate is at least three star fridge barvinok [2d\]: white looks like dead ] ;W[pj]WL[171.219]CR[pj]C[ringoshin [11k\]: tartrate is a level 100 warrior Dicey [13k\]: lol NoSide [19k?\]: black wins it seems ] ;B[rj]BL[431.710]CR[rj]C[ZeroKun [-\]: pfft my lvl 100 mage could so own him ] ;W[kl]WL[161.285]CR[kl]C[nutcase [2d\]: resign now transcend [9k\]: again with the mindless chatter ringoshin [11k\]: 0kun :) nutcase [2d\]: w misread EIKENHEIN [11k\]: why didn't W P9? ZeroKun [-\]: heh ;) Ly0n [19k\]: only one eye Dicey [13k\]: l8 is force DarkRecon [10k?\]: black can still q8 Tim [7k\]: P9 is damezumari antic [5k\]: ugh, so much spam Dansc [13k\]: b still needs another eye Dicey [13k\]: but then Javaness [11k\]: white looks fine to me ] ;B[jl]BL[388.012]CR[jl]C[Dicey [13k\]: k3 group will be in danger knotwilg [2d\]: eye at the bottom Olawi [2d\]: how can I turn the commentary off? speedyG [1d\]: yes white looks fine to me too HikaShin [-\]: black looks ahead Javaness [11k\]: ignore everyone Olawi tttero [13k\]: yeah Hades [5d?\]: dead i think Tictactoe [-\]: very good q olawi Javaness [11k\]: or move it to the right of your screen Dicey [13k\]: lol flop [6k?\]: censor everone ^_^ Bisqwit [18k?\]: Olawi: Drag the window so that the comment part is invisible stalkor [13k\]: if he can connect to j7 group he'll make eye at k2 or so Mokki [12k\]: Olawi, cut&paste technique Thing [18k\]: paper and blue tack EIKENHEIN [11k\]: whiteout ] ;W[lj]WL[120.827]CR[lj]C[transcend [9k\]: IT WOULD BE NICE IF SOMEONE MADE A THOUGHTFUL COMMENT ON THE ACTUAL GAME EIKENHEIN [11k\]: on your screen ] ;B[nj]BL[381.005]CR[nj] ;W[kk]WL[117.244]CR[kk] ;B[kj]BL[379.678]CR[kj]C[Escaton [3k?\]: nice !! Cramsan [5k\]: would you stop yelling Dicey [13k\]: q8 Escaton [3k?\]: oh pyramids [6k\]: Olwig: WE ARE ALL JUST WAITING FOR SOMEONE TO MAKE GOOD COMENTARY! (provide it, and rumbling might stop) Cramsan [5k\]: I'm not blind ] ;W[km]WL[112.242]CR[km]C[Dicey [13k\]: for white ] ;B[ok]BL[378.289]CR[ok]C[wicket [3d?\]: transcend: well make one then? ] ;W[mj]WL[110.237]CR[mj] ;B[ph]BL[372.944]CR[ph]C[Dicey [13k\]: too late Mokki [12k\]: cut a pice of paper to the rught size and then paste it to the the screen ] ;W[pl]WL[107.638]CR[pl] ;B[om]BL[370.775]CR[om]C[stalkor [13k\]: white loses? Tov [8k\]: my comment : this game is a joke Jigosaku [2k\]: holy cow knotwilg [2d\]: 4-3 Lobo82 [14k\]: you people behave like pigs here lordofpi [1k\]: ohoh Truc [-\]: eye vs no eye ^_^ ZeroKun [-\]: and b has one eye HikaShin [-\]: XD Dicey [13k\]: lol Bindiou [6k\]: p5 ? knotwilg [2d\]: 4-3 liberties Dicey [13k\]: me ari me nashi Cramsan [5k\]: this is pretty cool game Lobo82 [14k\]: shut up and watch the game tartrate [7d?\]: thx Hades [5d?\]: gg Chris [1d\]: wow Elix [28k?\]: ohmigod EIKENHEIN [11k\]: wow peke [-\]: Hoo! stalkor [13k\]: :) kokia [8k\]: !!! peke [-\]: WoW. Dicey [13k\]: ........... ZeroKun [-\]: shh!! Escaton [3k?\]: *clap**clap* Chris [1d\]: great game, thanks to both! KungPow [13k\]: respect mattn [1d\]: thanks tartrate & redrose :) plonk [20k\]: very good lesson! utikomiman [5k?\]: should have resigned earlier as a pro Jigosaku [2k\]: thanks to bother players knotwilg [2d\]: thanks both comboy [11k\]: great samiroopo [5k\]: funky fuseki... pyramids [6k\]: yeah Elix [28k?\]: i so.....wondered redrose [1p\]: nice play with you.. tartrate [7d?\]: thx comboy [11k\]: thx KungPow [13k\]: now i will start every of my games with tengen Dicey [13k\]: nice game Jerk [7d?\]: if you feel gradtitue toward tartrate, get lesso from him RussEasby [22k\]: rematch! katatonia [13k\]: kungpow: ;) Amateras [23k\]: how much is tartrate's lessons? Jerk [7d?\]: email him Lobo82 [14k\]: is the sequence after tengen natural? Dicey [13k\]: look at his profile transcend [9k\]: enough to show your gratitude, amateras Jerk [7d?\]: then he will resonse Escaton [3k?\]: tartrate , how strong are u in the real life ? Dicey [13k\]: 100d Javaness [11k\]: resonse? Elix [28k?\]: kami no itte DarkRecon [10k?\]: response i think whatago [24k\]: tartrate a korean/ Dicey [13k\]: lol Dicey [13k\]: hand of god Dicey [13k\]: ? Jerk [7d?\]: if you want more information about tartrate 's lesson, e-mail him Elix [28k?\]: hahaha redrose [1p\]: one stone play with me without komi.. Elix [28k?\]: yar yar Jerk [7d?\]: response* Javaness [11k\]: but Jerk tartrate turned his email off summer [2d\]: it must be nice to have to chat over all the mindless drivel to your opponent Dicey [13k\]: ask him Escaton [3k?\]: no DarkRecon [10k?\]: email is on Escaton [3k?\]: yesw whatago [24k\]: redrose learned baduk in korea whatago [24k\]: yehe DMXdawg [14k\]: I don't understand why black resigned whatago [24k\]: where would that be in seoul? Dicey [13k\]: um DMXdawg [14k\]: can someone show mr the continuation Dicey [13k\]: no Dicey [13k\]: whtie resigned DMXdawg [14k\]: *me DMXdawg [14k\]: oh EIKENHEIN [11k\]: W resigned Dicey [13k\]: blacvk won by resign artemis [7k?\]: excuse me but i still don't understand that O17 part Dicey [13k\]: you mean the ko? Truc [-\]: Yes, someone esplain O17 Dicey [13k\]: kills ippergroup? summer [2d\]: it keeps them dead.. Hades [5d?\]: redrose 23years old ... Malcontent [16k\]: looks like a crane's nest is on there artemis [7k?\]: i feel like W P16 wins BGA [6d\]: P16? redrose [1p\]: see you.. kolben [1d\]: the ko in the lower left was not good for white? sita [2d\]: well, 4 libberties against 4.p18 vs. r18 group Chris [1d\]: w p16 -> b n16 redrose [1p\]: bye everybody Dicey [13k\]: bye Hades [5d?\]: bye DMXdawg [14k\]: bye BlowFly [10k\]: bye rose Lobo82 [14k\]: bye redrose Sutsko [10k?\]: c u, redrose... sita [2d\]: b has the first move (w has to play p16). DarkRecon [10k?\]: black can s17 if white p16?, thats why black lives i think plonk [20k\]: bye, thx! peke [-\]: Bye whatago [24k\]: wouldn't r19 be better? Chris [1d\]: b n16 is the killing point artemis [7k?\]: n16 -> m16 , then ? Bindiou [6k\]: if n16 o16 ? tartrate [7d?\]: thx for watching me tartrate [7d?\]: bye Chris [1d\]: then b connects wither way DMXdawg [14k\]: bye tartrate Bindiou [6k\]: cu tartrate* plonk [20k\]: bye, thx! Fabs [4k\]: finally, the first game tartrate lost on kgs.... isaka [11k\]: ? DMXdawg [14k\]: ? Fabs [4k\]: ups Chris [1d\]: look again fabs :) Fabs [4k\]: no DMXdawg [14k\]: er sloth [9k\]: but...tartrate won DMXdawg [14k\]: tartrate is god I'm sorry artemis [7k?\]: got it, thx chris Fabs [4k\]: he played black.... kokia [8k\]: poor redrose Fabs [4k\]: sorry RussEasby [22k\]: hmm, if redrose took B think she could give tartrate a good run? Chris [1d\]: she gave a good run as w Chris [1d\]: big difference between that and actually winning :) KungPow [13k\]: redrose was breakfast for tartrate Fabs [4k\]: well, if you lose a big semeai, it always looks like an easy win KungPow [13k\]: it was a sentence with 3 good player names KungPow [13k\]: god Fabs [4k\]: I thought that's been why you wrote this? ;-) BigStones [14k\]: what age is redrose? Raja [21k?\]: like 14? Raja [21k?\]: or 17? Raja [21k?\]: she is young knotwilg [2d\]: about 18 I think isumisai [-\]: redrose isumisai [-\]: can i play u after this freudgo [8k\]: what opening is that ?!?! barvinok [2d\]: criss cross jeremiah [20k\]: tengen fuseki Cramsan [5k\]: you guys are still there? fhayashi [14k\]: so, who do you all think tartrate is? TueurNe [11k?\]: a fridge .. SuperE85 [13k\]: when did this game take place SuperE85 [13k\]: ? Masterius [4k\]: so tartrate is better than redrose and breakfast ? SuperE85 [13k\]: when did redrose and tartrate play Masterius [4k\]: well look his/her info SuperE85 [13k\]: not on Masterius [4k\]: :) SuperE85 [13k\]: =( Masterius [4k\]: put user where you see all the rooms Masterius [4k\]: there is view user´s information Masterius [4k\]: and write tartrate SuperE85 [13k\]: oo SuperE85 [13k\]: thanks Masterius [4k\]: no problem Guyal27 [10k\]: question... Masterius [4k\]: yes Guyal27 [10k\]: isn't O16 huge? SuperE85 [13k\]: for who Masterius [4k\]: why ? Guyal27 [10k\]: because then white capture O 18 stones? SuperE85 [13k\]: snapback Guyal27 [10k\]: damn SuperE85 [13k\]: ^^ Guyal27 [10k\]: if it wasn't for that Q15 stone Guyal27 [10k\]: too bad SuperE85 [13k\]: what's the score estimate ? SuperE85 [13k\]: i can't use mine Masterius [4k\]: well you shouldn´t look that cuz it sucks TueurNe [11k?\]: N+94.5 Masterius [4k\]: B TueurNe [11k?\]: Noir --> black :) Masterius [4k\]: Noir ? Masterius [4k\]: :) TueurNe [11k?\]: but the estimator say that the corner up-right is dead Masterius [4k\]: well like I said it sucks TueurNe [11k?\]: and if white play P16, I think it saves it TueurNe [11k?\]: telle me if I am wrong Masterius [4k\]: hmm Masterius [4k\]: so wp16 Masterius [4k\]: white TueurNe [11k?\]: yes Masterius [4k\]: hmm Masterius [4k\]: hehe Masterius [4k\]: s17 TueurNe [11k?\]: a, yes :) TueurNe [11k?\]: you are right Masterius [4k\]: :) Masterius [4k\]: how old are you ? Masterius [4k\]: so you are borned killer :) TueurNe [11k?\]: bS17 -> wQ19 .. ko fight TueurNe [11k?\]: see my picture .. I am a night predator ;) Masterius [4k\]: :) Masterius [4k\]: scary Guyal27 [10k\]: hm..it does turn into a ko fight Masterius [4k\]: no Guyal27 [10k\]: one that white will win Masterius [4k\]: bS17->wQ19->bR19->wS19->bT18 Masterius [4k\]: like that TueurNe [11k?\]: guyal : don't forget that G13 is weak Masterius [4k\]: wait sorry Masterius [4k\]: that´s not good Masterius [4k\]: well not sure Masterius [4k\]: well I will go now Masterius [4k\]: see you later bye Guyal27 [10k\]: i played out Guyal27 [10k\]: if white wins that ko Guyal27 [10k\]: then it's almost a perfectly even game JOC [16k\]: yeah white is not unconditionally dead up there right ? Namishere [12k\]: looks like he is Namishere [12k\]: if w defends those two whites stones JOC [16k\]: how ? Namishere [12k\]: b cuts at n16 Namishere [12k\]: and b liberties more than w group Namishere [12k\]: I think JOC [16k\]: w blocks with o15 JOC [16k\]: then ? Namishere [12k\]: o15? TueurNe [11k?\]: if black cut at N16, white play O19 and win the capture race JOC [16k\]: o16 sorry Namishere [12k\]: yeah JOC [16k\]: tueurne exactly Namishere [12k\]: will play around with it offline JOC [16k\]: i already tried basically all variations :) JOC [16k\]: but i guess some higher rated players migth find something Namishere [12k\]: w needs to cut at n19 too Namishere [12k\]: would be a fun fight.... JOC [16k\]: namishere there's still not enough liberties Namishere [12k\]: hmmm Namishere [12k\]: try n16 Namishere [12k\]: n19 Namishere [12k\]: m17-19 Namishere [12k\]: for b moves JOC [16k\]: then white just m16 JOC [16k\]: after n16 -> o16 JOC [16k\]: so n16 is in atari JOC [16k\]: w has to block n19 tho JOC [16k\]: but it's still enough room Namishere [12k\]: hmmm Namishere [12k\]: with n16 in atari Namishere [12k\]: w needs to move m19 in response to n16 Namishere [12k\]: *sorry, before response* Namishere [12k\]: hmmm JOC [16k\]: ? Namishere [12k\]: oh well Namishere [12k\]: ask a higher level player, I guess JOC [16k\]: m19 in response to n19 you mean Namishere [12k\]: yeah JOC [16k\]: yo Namishere [12k\]: double atari for b then JOC [16k\]: so white should live after p16 :P Namishere [12k\]: hmmm Namishere [12k\]: hehe, okay JOC [16k\]: s17 s19 seems to be the killing sequence :P IamBad [5k?\]: stranges game :) smallrain [7d?\]: who is black? Quenzar [18k\]: tar ])