Feature: Manage users In order to control who can access the Client Area and CMS a website administrator will be able to manage user accounts Background: Given I am signed in as a website_administrator Scenario: List Users Given 20 users exist And I am in the cms When I follow "Users" within "ul#topnav" Then I should see a list of users Scenario: Create a User Given I am on the users admin page When I follow "Create New User" And I fill in the following: | Name | Mr Spoon | | Email | spoon@buttonmoon.com | | Password | s3cur3 | | Password confirmation | s3cur3 | And press "Create" Then the user should be able to sign in as "spoon@buttonmoon.com/s3cur3" Scenario: Edit User information Given a user exists with the attrubutes: | name | Mr Spoon | | email | spoon@buttonmoon.com | | password | s3cur3 | | password_confirmation | s3cur3 | And I am on the users admin page When I follow "Mr Spoon" And I fill in "Email" with "spoon@hotmail.com" And press "Update" Then the user should be able to sign in as "spoon@hotmail.com/s3cur3" Scenario: Delete a User Given a user exists with the attrubutes: | name | Mr Spoon | | email | spoon@buttonmoon.com | | password | s3cur3 | | password_confirmation | s3cur3 | And I am on the users admin page When I follow "Delete" within "tr:contains('Mr Spoon')" Then the user should not be able to sign in as "spoon@buttonmoon.com/s3cur3" Scenario: Groups List for autocomplete Given the following users exists: | name | group list | | Mr Spoon | admin, editor | | Dave | editor | | Eric | editor, manager | When I go to the groups json Then I should see JSON: """ ["admin","editor","manager"] """