command :config do |c| c.workflow :all c.desc "Configure amp interactively." <<-HELP amp config enter an interactive configuration program to adjust Amp's settings This command: * Allows the user to adjust Amp's settings without knowledge of how these settings are stored, knowing obscure invisible files and their formats * Does not require that the user call it from within an amp repo- sitory, as long as only global settings are changed. HELP c.maybe_repo c.on_run do |opts, args| repo = opts[:repository] Amp::UI.say "Welcome to the Amp configuration editor. Pull up a seat!" while true choice = nil Amp::UI.choose do |menu| menu.prompt = "Would you like to work with local settings (repo-specific), or global ones?" menu.choice("Local Settings") { choice = :local } menu.choice("Global Settings") { choice = :global } menu.choice("Exit") { exit(0) } end case choice when :local config = opts[:global_config] when :global config = opts[:global_config] while config.parent_config config = config.parent_config end end choice = nil Amp::UI.choose do |menu| menu.prompt = "Would you like to view your configuration, or change settings?" menu.choice("View Configuration") { choice = :view } menu.choice("Change Settings") { choice = :edit } menu.choice("Remove Setting") { choice = :remove } menu.choice("Exit") { } end all_sections = {|n| "[#{n}]"}.join(" ") case choice when :view Amp::UI.say config.to_s when :edit section = Amp::UI.ask("Which section of settings would you like to edit? You may choose "+ "an existing section, or create a new one.\nCurrent sections:\n"+ all_sections+"\n> ") key = Amp::UI.ask("Which setting would you like to change? You may choose an existing "+ "setting, or create a new one.\n Current settings: "+ config[section] {|n| "#{n}"}.join(" ")+"\n> ") value = Amp::UI.ask("What would you like to set [#{section}:#{key}] to? ") config[section,key] = value! when :remove section = Amp::UI.ask("Which section of settings would you like to edit? You may choose "+ "an existing section.\nCurrent sections:\n"+ all_sections+"\n> ") key = Amp::UI.ask("Which setting would you like to change? You may choose an existing "+ "setting.\n Current settings: ["+ config[section] {|n| "#{n}"}.join(" ")+"]\n> ") config[section].delete key! end end end end namespace :config do command :set do |c| c.workflow :all c.maybe_repo c.opt :global, "Sets the value to the global configuration file", :short => "-g" c.desc "Sets a configuration value in Amp's settings" c.before do |opts, args| if args.size < 2 || args.size > 3 || (args.size == 2 && args.first !~ /\:/) puts "Usage: amp config:set setting-section:setting-name new-setting-value" puts "Alt. Usage: amp config:set setting-section setting-name new-setting-value" puts c.break end true end c.on_run do |opts, args| config = opts[:global_config] if opts[:global] while config.parent_config config = config.parent_config end end if args.size == 2 section, key = args.first.split(":") value = args[1] else section, key, value = *args end config[section][key] = value! end end command :get do |c| c.workflow :all c.maybe_repo c.opt :global, "Gets the value from the global configuration file", :short => "-g" c.desc "Gets a configuration value in Amp's settings" c.before do |opts, args| if args.size < 1 || args.size > 2 || (args.size == 1 && args.first !~ /\:/) puts "Usage: amp config:get setting-section:setting-name" puts "Alt. Usage: amp config:set setting-section setting-name" puts c.break end true end c.on_run do |opts, args| config = opts[:global_config] if opts[:global] while config.parent_config config = config.parent_config end end if args.size == 1 section, key = args.first.split(":") else section, key = *args end Amp::UI.say config[section][key] end end end