h1. CopyMove * Created by: Andrea Franz - http://gravityblast.com - andrea AT gravityblast DOT com * Current version merged from other forks, refactored and extended by: Andrew vonderLuft - avonderluft AT avlux DOT net h2. Description This extension adds a Copy/Move action to the Radiant Page Index administration interface near the 'Add child' button. With this extension you can copy or move a page with or without its children. h2. Updates * 2.3.x - 03/2011 - merged updates from other forks, refactored; Radiant 1.0 or greater - Andrew vonderLuft * 2.2.0 - 10/2010 - Radiant 0.9.1 compatible - Benny Degezelle h2. Installation h3. From the Radiant Extension Registry # From your RAILS_ROOT run:
script/extension install copy_move# Restart your app NOTE: In some earlier versions of Radiant, the assets may not be copied and you may therefore need to run:
rake radiant:extensions:copy_move:updateh3. From Github # From your RAILS_ROOT run:
cd vendor/extensions git clone git://github.com/jomz/radiant-copy-move.git ./copy_move cd ../../ rake radiant:extensions:copy_move:update# Restart your app h3. Using the gem # Install the gem
gem install radiant-copy_move-extension# Update your Radiant config: add to environment.rb with the other gem.configs
config.gem 'radiant-copy_move_-extension', :lib => false# Copy assets
rake radiant:extensions:update_all# Restart your app h2. Requirements for very old versions (you really should upgrade) For Radiant versions < 0.6.7 You need the "shards extension":http://groups.google.com/group/radiantcms-dev/browse_frm/thread/d07f7fffd84b3ce0/5efa6fd6c2e1668e?lnk=gst&q=shards#5efa6fd6c2e1668e * Open the environment.rb and set shards as first extension to be loaded: config.extensions = [ :shards, :textile_filter, :markdown_filter, :all ] Radiant versions >= 0.6.7 and greater have Shards built in. h2. Usage See the HELP.rdoc For larger sites, you may want to exclude certain pages from coming up in the "new parent" select for performance and/or usability reasons. There are 2 options: 1/ Create a page field called "exclude_children_from_copy_move_target" to not display it's children in the list. 2/ Set Radiant::Config["copy_move.exclude_archive_children"] to true to not display children from ArchivePages h2. Contributors * Benny Degezelle * Mario T. Lanza * Daniel Collis-Puro * Sean Cribbs * Andrew vonderLuft h2. Credits This extension contains icons from the FamFamFam Silk icon set. See http://famfamfam.com/