require 'to_slug' require 'veewee/provider/core/helper/winrm' module Veewee module Provider module Core module BoxCommand def wincp(localfile,remotefile,options={}) raise Veewee::Error,"Box is not running" unless self.running? if self.exec("cmd.exe /C dir #{wget_vbs_file} > NUL",{:exitcode=>"*"}).status != 0 env.ui.warn "Creating wget.vbs" create_wget_vbs_command do |command_chunk, chunk_num| self.exec(%Q!cmd.exe /C echo "Rendering #{wget_vbs_file} chunk #{chunk_num}" && #{command_chunk}!) end end # Calculate an available kickstart port which we will use for wincp definition.kickstart_port = "7000" if definition.kickstart_port.nil? guessed_port=guess_free_port(definition.kickstart_port.to_i,7199).to_s if guessed_port.to_s!=definition.kickstart_port env.ui.warn "Changing wincp port from #{definition.kickstart_port} to #{guessed_port}" definition.kickstart_port=guessed_port.to_s end urlpath = localfile.to_slug urlpath = urlpath.start_with?('/') ? urlpath : '/' + urlpath env.ui.warn "Spinning up an allow_for_http_request on http://#{host_ip_as_seen_by_guest}:#{definition.kickstart_port}#{localfile} at URL #{urlpath}" allow_for_http_request( localfile, urlpath, { :port => definition.kickstart_port, :host => definition.kickstart_ip, :timeout => definition.kickstart_timeout, } ) begin self.when_winrm_login_works(self.ip_address,winrm_options.merge(options)) do "Going to try and copy #{localfile} to #{remotefile.inspect}" self.exec("cmd.exe /C cscript %TEMP%\\wget.vbs /url:http://#{host_ip_as_seen_by_guest}:#{definition.kickstart_port}#{urlpath} /path:#{remotefile}") # while true do # sleep 0.1 # used to debug # end end end end def wget_vbs_file "%TEMP%\\\\wget.vbs" end def create_wget_vbs_command(&block) bootstrap_bat = [] chunk_num = 0 wget_vbs.each_line do |line| # escape WIN BATCH special chars line.gsub!(/[(<|>)^]/).each{|m| "^#{m}"} # windows commands are limited to 2047 characters if((bootstrap_bat + [line]).join(" && ").size > 2047 ) yield bootstrap_bat.join(" && "), chunk_num += 1 bootstrap_bat = [] end bootstrap_bat << ">> #{wget_vbs_file} (echo.#{line.chomp.strip})" end yield bootstrap_bat.join(" && "), chunk_num += 1 bootstrap_bat = [] end def wget_vbs wget_vbs = <<-WGET url = WScript.Arguments.Named("url") path = WScript.Arguments.Named("path") Set objXMLHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP") Set wshShell = CreateObject( "WScript.Shell" ) Set objUserVariables = wshShell.Environment("USER") rem http proxy is optional rem attempt to read from HTTP_PROXY env var first On Error Resume Next If NOT (objUserVariables("HTTP_PROXY") = "") Then objXMLHTTP.setProxy 2, objUserVariables("HTTP_PROXY") rem fall back to named arg ElseIf NOT (WScript.Arguments.Named("proxy") = "") Then objXMLHTTP.setProxy 2, WScript.Arguments.Named("proxy") End If On Error Goto 0 "GET", url, false objXMLHTTP.send() If objXMLHTTP.Status = 200 Then Set objADOStream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") objADOStream.Open objADOStream.Type = 1 objADOStream.Write objXMLHTTP.ResponseBody objADOStream.Position = 0 Set objFSO = Createobject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") If objFSO.Fileexists(path) Then objFSO.DeleteFile path Set objFSO = Nothing objADOStream.SaveToFile path objADOStream.Close Set objADOStream = Nothing End if Set objXMLHTTP = Nothing WGET #escape_and_echo(win_wget) wget_vbs end # escape WIN BATCH special chars # and prefixes each line with an # echo def escape_and_echo(file_contents) file_contents.gsub(/^(.*)$/, 'echo.\1').gsub(/([(<|>)^])/, '^\1') end end # Module end # Module end # Module end # Module