module Opulent
  # Opulent Keywords
  Keywords = %i(def block yield require if else elsif unless case when each while until)

  # @Tokens
  class Tokens
    # All tokens available within Opulent
    @@tokens = {
      # Indentation
      indent: /\A */,

      # Node
      node: /\A\w+(\-\w+)*/,
      node_lookahead: /\A(\w+(\-\w+)*)/,

      # Shorthand attributes
      shorthand: /\A[\.\#\&]/,
      shorthand_lookahead: /\A[\.\#\&][a-zA-Z\_\(\"]/,

      # Leading and trailing whitespace
      leading_whitespace: /\A(\<\-)/,
      leading_trailing_whitespace: /\A(\>)/,
      trailing_whitespace: /\A(\-\>)/,

      # Self enclosing node
      self_enclosing: /\A\/(.*)/,

      # Definition
      def: /\Adef +/,

      # Require file
      require: /\Arequire +/,

      # Node Attributes
      attributes_bracket: /\A\(\[\{/,
      extend_attributes: /\A(\+)/,

      # Attribute assignments
      assignment: /\A *(\:|\=)/,
      assignment_unescaped: /\A\~/,
      assignment_terminator: /\A(\,|\;)\s*/,
      assignment_lookahead: /\A *([a-zA-Z]([\-\_]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)* *[\:\=] *)/,

      # Node inline child
      inline_child: /\A *\> */,

      # Comments
      comment: /\A\//,

      # Intepreted filters
      filter: /\A\:[a-zA-Z]([\-\_]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*/,

      # Print nodes
      print: /\A\=/,
      print_lookahead: /\A *=/,

      # Unescaped value
      unescaped_value: /\A\~/,

      # Multiline Text
      multiline: /\A(\|)/,

      # HTML Text
      html_text: /\A(\<.+\>.*)/,

      # Yield
      yield: /\A(yield)/,
      yield_identifier: /\A[a-zA-Z]([\_]?[a-zA-Z0-9]+)*/,

      # Yield
      block: /\A(block)/,

      # Conditional Structures
      control: /\A(if|elsif|else|unless|case|when|each|while|until)/,
      each_pattern: /\A(\w+( *, *\w+)? +)?in +.+/,

      # Text
      text: /\A\|/,

      # Brackets
      round_bracket: /\A(\()/,
      square_bracket: /\A(\[)/,
      curly_bracket: /\A(\{)/,
      angular_bracket: /\A(\<)/,

      # Receive matching brackets for allowing multiple bracket types for
      # element attributes
      :brackets => /\A([\(\[\{])/,
      :'(' => /\A(\))/,
      :'[' => /\A(\])/,
      :'{' => /\A(\})/,
      :'<' => /\A(\>)/,

      # Terminators
      comma: /\A(\s*\,\s*)/,
      colon: /\A(\s*\:\s*)/,
      semicolon: /\A(\s*\;\s*)/,

      # Expression
      exp_context: /\A(\$(.|\-.)?|\@|\@\@)/,
      exp_method_call: /\A(\.[a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z0-9\_]*[\!\?]?)/,
      exp_module: /\A(\:\:)/,
      exp_identifier: /\A([a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z0-9\_]*[\!\?]?)/,
      exp_assignment: /\A(\=)/,
      exp_operation: /\A( *(\+|\-|\*\*|\*|\/|\<\<|\>\>|\.\.|\%|\<\=\>|\<\=|\^|\<|\>\=|\>|\=\~|\!\~|\=\=\=|\=\=|\!|not|\&\&|\&|and|\|\||\||or) *)/,
      exp_regex: /\A(\/((?:[^\/\\]|\\.)*?)\/)/,
      exp_string: /\A(("((?:[^"\\]|\\.)*?)")|('(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*?'))/,
      exp_percent: /\A(\%[wWqQrxsiI]?.)/,
      exp_double: /\A([0-9]+\.[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?)/,
      exp_fixnum: /\A([0-9]+)/,
      exp_nil: /\A(nil)/,
      exp_boolean: /\A(true|false)/,
      exp_ternary: /\A( *\? *)/,
      exp_ternary_else: /\A( *\: *)/,

      exp_identifier_lookahead: /\A[a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z0-9\_]*[\!\?]?/,

      # Hash
      hash_terminator: /\A(\s*(\,)\s*)/,
      hash_assignment: /\A(\s*(\=\>)\s*)/,
      hash_symbol: /\A([a-zA-Z\_][a-zA-Z0-9\_]*\:(?!\:))/,

      # Whitespace
      whitespace: /\A +/,

      # Evaluation
      eval: /\A\-(.*)/,
      eval_multiline: /\A\+(.*)/,

      # Whitespace
      newline: /\A(\n+)/,

      # Feed
      line_feed: /\A(.*)/,
      line_whitespace: /\A\s*\Z/

    # Return the matching closing bracket
    # @param bracket [String] Opening bracket for the capture group
    def self.bracket(bracket)
      case bracket
      when '(' then return ')'
      when '[' then return ']'
      when '{' then return '}'
      when '<' then return '>'

    # Return the requested token to the parser
    # @param name [Symbol] Token requested by the parser accept method
    def self.[](name)

    # Set a new token at runtime
    # @param name [Symboidentifierl] Identifier for the token
    # @param token [Token] Token data to be set
    def self.[]=(name, token)
      @@tokens[name] = token