
Push Notification Library with support for the extended format. This Library is designed to send thousands of APNs at once without dropping a lot of messages on errors. Since version 0.4 it supports the use of multiple App IDs with one process.

Getting Started

For Rails start the generator: kw_apn
This will copy the configuration example into your project.

If you not working with Rails you need to specify either Rails.root and Rails.env or RACK_ROOT and RACK_ENV for the gem to work.

create the File

structure of the config file should look like this:

      cert_file: path to ssl certificate file
      push_host: 'gateway.sandbox.push.apple.com' or 'gateway.push.apple.com' for live
      push_port: 2195
      feedback_host: 'feedback.sandbox.push.apple.com' or 'feedback.push.apple.com' for live
      feedback_port: 2196 

Creating cert file

Export the key and the certificate as P12 files and run:

    openssl pkcs12 -in apn-cert.p12 -out apn-cert.pem -nodes -clcerts
    openssl pkcs12 -in apn-key.p12 -out apn-key.pem -nodes -clcerts


  users = MyAPNUsers.all
  n = []
  payload = {:aps => {:alert => "Something very important for everyone to read", :sound => 'annoying_beep'}}
  users.each do |u|
    n << KwAPN::Notification.create(u.token, payload, 0)
  status, ret = KwAPN::Sender.push(n, 'TestSession')
  if status == :ok
    ret.each do |token|

Multiple App IDs

Since version 0.4 it is possible to use kw_apn with multiple App IDs.

Configuration Example: 

        cert_file: config/apn_certs/app1.pem
        cert_key: config/apn_certs/app1.pem
        cert_file: config/apn_certs/app2.pem
        cert_key: config/apn_certs/app2.pem

Usage Example

  ... same as above...
  status, ret = KwAPN::Sender.push(n, 'TestSession', 'com.mycompany.app1')


Distributed under the MIT License.
Based in part on Apns4r by Leonid Ponomarev (http://rdoc.info/projects/thegeekbird/Apns4r)