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# ronin-email-addr 1 "2023-02-01" Ronin "User Manuals" ## NAME ronin-email-addr - Processes email addresses ## SYNOPSIS `ronin email-addr` [*options*] [*EMAIL_ADDR* ...] ## DESCRIPTION Processes one or more email addresses. ## OPTIONS `-f`, `--file` *FILE* : Optional input file to read the email addresses from. `-O`, `--obfuscate` : Obfuscates the given email address(es). `--enum-obfuscations` : Enumerate over every possible obfuscation of the given email address(es). `-D`, `--deobfuscate` : Deobfuscates the given email address(es). `-n`, `--name` : Extracts the Name part of the email address(es). `-m`, `--mailbox` : Extracts the mailbox part of the email address(es). `-d`, `--domain` : Extracts the domain part of the email address(es). `-N`, `--normalize` : Normalizes the given email address(es) by removing the Name, routing, and mailbox tag. `-h`, `--help` : Print help information ## EXAMPLES Deobfuscates an email address: $ ronin email-addr --deobfuscate "john{DOT}smith{AT}example{DOT}com"' Extracts the domain name from a list of email addresses: $ ronin email-addr --file emails.txt --domain ## AUTHOR Postmodern <>
Version data entries
3 entries across 3 versions & 1 rubygems
Version | Path |
ronin-2.1.1 | man/ |
ronin-2.1.0 | man/ |
ronin-2.1.0.rc1 | man/ |