require 'enumerator' class Skyline::ContentController < Skyline::Skyline2Controller layout "skyline/layouts/content" self.default_menu_item = :content_library def index if request.xhr? render :update do |p| p.replace_html "leftContentContentPanel", :partial => "types" end else if first_element = (Skyline::Configuration.articles + Skyline::Configuration.content_classes).first if first_element.ancestors.include?(Skyline::Article) redirect_to skyline_articles_path(:type => first_element) else redirect_to object_url(first_element, :controller => "skyline/content", :action => "list") end end end end def list list_elements! end def show @element = stack.last render :layout => "popup" end def edit @element = stack.last # Just redirect away from here like we would have done after a save. return redirect_after(:save, @element) if params[:discard] if begin @element.attributes = params[:element] @element.from_version = params[:version].to_i rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid @element.keep_version![:error] = l(:content,:flashes,:invalid_record) return end if !@element.matching_versions? # Failed version show_url = object_url(@element,{:action => "show"})[:notice] = l(:version_conflict, :scope => [:content, :flashes], :current_version => @element.current_version, :your_version => params[:version], :current_author => @element.current_author, :show_link => "#{t(:see_changes_by, :scope => [:content, :edit], :current_author => @element.current_author)}") else if notifications[:success] = t(:successfully_saved, :scope => [:content, :flashes], :class => @element.class.singular_name) redirect_after :save, @element else @element.keep_version![:error] = t(:validation_error, :scope => [:content, :flashes], :class => @element.class.singular_name) end end end end def delete @element = stack.last if if @element.destroy notifications[:success] = t(:successfully_deleted, :scope => [:content, :flashes], :class => @element.class.singular_name) else messages[:error] = t(:fail_deleted, :scope => [:content, :flashes], :class => @element.class.singular_name) end end respond_to do |format| format.html{ redirect_after(:delete) } format.js do render(:update){|p| p.redirect_to controller.send(:redirect_url_after,:delete) } end end end def order if request.xhr? && stack.klass.orderable? && params[:order] ids = params[:order].split(",").collect{|s| s.to_i} if ids.size > 1 && stack.klass.reorder(ids) render(:update){|p| "Application.addOddEven", "list"} elsif ids.size <= 1 render :nothing => true else list_elements! render :update do |p| p.replace "list-wrapper", presenter_for(@elements,stack.klass) end end end redirect_to :action => "list", :types => stack.url_types(:up => 1, :collection => true) if !request.xhr? end def create @element = stack.last @element.attributes = params[:element] if @element.relate_to(stack.parent) if stack.has_parent? if notifications[:success] = t(:successfully_saved, :scope => [:content,:flashes], :class => @element.class.singular_name) redirect_after :save, @element else[:error] = t(:validation_error, :scope => [:content, :flashes], :class => @element.class.singular_name) end end end def export if stack.size > 1 exportfile = stack.parent_collection.send("export") else exportfile = stack.klass.send("export") end content_type = "application/octet-stream" filename = "export_#{'%Y-%m-%d')}.xml" send_data exportfile.to_s, :type => content_type, :filename => filename end def import if request.xhr? if stack.size > 1 klass = stack.parent_collection.to_s else klass = stack.klass.to_s end url = object_url(stack.current, {:action => "import"}) render :update do |p| p << dialog(t(:dialog_title, :scope => [:content, :import]), :partial => "import", :locals => {:url => url, :klass => klass}, :width => 400) end end if if params[:xml_file].present? xml = params[:xml_file].read errors = stack.klass.import(xml) if errors === true || errors.empty? notifications[:success] = t(:successfully_imported, :scope => [:content, :flashes]) else notifications[:error] = t(:import_failed, :scope => [:content, :flashes], :errors => "

\n ") end else notifications[:error] = t(:no_import_file_selected, :scope => [:content, :flashes]) end redirect_to params[:return_to] end end # Editor can only be called on editors and when params[:field] is set verify :xhr => true, :only => [:field] def field @element = stack.last @element.attributes = params[:element] render :update do |p| p.replace input_id("field","element",params[:field]), content_field(@element.class, 'element', @element.class.fields[params[:field].to_sym] || => params[:field]), @element) end end def error end protected def redirect_after(method,object=nil) redirect_to redirect_url_after(method,object) end def redirect_url_after(method,object=nil) if method == :save && params[:return_to] == "self" types = stack.url_types types << if object && !stack.url_types.last.kind_of?(Fixnum) {:action => "edit", :types => types} else params[:return_to] || {:action => "list", :types => stack.url_types(:up => 1, :collection => true)} end end # Create the @elements array according to stack def list_elements! if stack.size > 1 @elements = stack.parent && stack.parent_collection.find_for_cms(:all, :filter => params[:filter]) else @count = stack.last.class.count_for_cms(:all,:self_referential => false, :filter => params[:filter]) @elements = stack.last.class.paginate_for_cms :all, :page => params[:page], :per_page => 30, :self_referential => false, :filter => params[:filter] end end end