module Cream module Generators module HamlUtil def verify_haml_existence begin require 'haml' rescue LoadError say "HAML is not installed, or it is not specified in your Gemfile." exit end end def verify_haml_version unless Haml.version[:major] == 2 and Haml.version[:minor] >= 3 or Haml.version[:major] >= 3 say "To generate HAML templates, you need to install HAML 2.3 or above." exit end end def create_and_copy_haml_views verify_haml_existence verify_haml_version require 'tmpdir' html_root = "#{self.class.source_root}/cream" Dir.mktmpdir("cream-haml.") do |haml_root| Dir["#{html_root}/**/*"].each do |path| relative_path = path.sub(html_root, "") source_path = (haml_root + relative_path).sub(/erb$/, "haml") if FileUtils.mkdir_p(source_path) else `html2haml -r #{path} #{source_path}` end end directory haml_root, "app/views/#{scope || 'cream'}" end end end end end