module Authoreyes # Authoreyes sets up a Railtie to create its authorization engine # as a constant during the rails initialization. Middleware is also # configured here. class Railtie < Rails::Railtie # Error for bad configuration class InvalidConfigurationOption < StandardError; end # Allow users to configure Authoreyes in an initializer file # +auth_rules_file+ is the path of the authorization rules file. config.authoreyes = initializer 'authoreyes.setup', before: 'authoreyes.engine' do |app| # Set default Authoreyes options default_options = default_options.auth_rules_file = File.path("#{Rails.root}/config/authorization_rules.rb") default_options.mode = :whitelist # Validates options unless [nil, :whitelist, :blacklist].include? config.authoreyes.mode raise InvalidConfigurationOption, "Unrecognized mode. Valid options are :whitelist and :blacklist" end # Merge user options with defaults config.authoreyes = default_options.merge(config.authoreyes) end # Controller integration initializer 'authoreyes.in_controller' do |app| ActiveSupport.on_load :action_controller do if Rails.application.config.api_only before_action :render_unauthorized else before_action :redirect_if_unauthorized after_action :set_unauthorized_status_code end end end # Set up the Authoreyes ENGINE initializer 'authoreyes.engine' do |app| config.before_initialize do # Set up parser and parse rules parser = parser.load! app.config.authoreyes.auth_rules_file # Create new engine using parsed rules an make constant engine = reader: parser Authoreyes::ENGINE = engine end end end end