#Support for libs loaded through RubyGems. require "rubygems" #For secs-to-human-string (MySQL-format), model-framework, database-framework, options-framework, date-framework and more. gems = ["wref", "datet", "http2", "knjrbfw"] gems.each do |gem| fpath = "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../../#{gem}/lib/#{gem}.rb" if File.exists?(fpath) puts "Require custom Gem-path: '#{fpath}'." require fpath else puts "Require Gem normally: '#{gem}'." require gem end end require "sqlite3" require "gettext" require "base64" #The base class of the applet. Spawns all windows, holds subclasses for models and gui, holds models objects and holds database-objects. class Openall_time_applet #Shortcut to start the application. Used by the Ubuntu-package. def self.exec require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../bin/openall_time_applet" end #Subclass controlling autoloading of models. class Models #Autoloader for subclasses. def self.const_missing(name) require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../models/#{name.to_s.downcase}.rb" return Openall_time_applet::Models.const_get(name) end end #Subclass holding all GUI-subclasses and autoloading of them. class Gui #Autoloader for subclasses. def self.const_missing(name) require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../gui/#{name.to_s.downcase}.rb" return Openall_time_applet::Gui.const_get(name) end end #Autoloader for subclasses. def self.const_missing(name) namel = name.to_s.downcase tries = [ "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../classes/#{namel}.rb" ] tries.each do |try| if File.exists?(try) require try return Openall_time_applet.const_get(name) end end raise "Could not load constant: '#{name}'." end #Various readable variables. attr_reader :db, :debug, :events, :ob, :ti, :timelog_active, :timelog_active_time attr_accessor :reminder_next #Config controlling paths and more. CONFIG = { :settings_path => "#{Knj::Os.homedir}/.openall_time_applet", :run_path => "#{Knj::Os.homedir}/.openall_time_applet/run", :db_path => "#{Knj::Os.homedir}/.openall_time_applet/openall_time_applet.sqlite3", :sock_path => "#{Knj::Os.homedir}/.openall_time_applet/sock" } #Initializes config-dir and database. def initialize(args = {}) self.check_runfile_and_cmds self.require_gtk2 @debug = args[:debug] Dir.mkdir(CONFIG[:settings_path]) if !File.exists?(CONFIG[:settings_path]) #Database-connection. @db = Knj::Db.new( :type => "sqlite3", :path => CONFIG[:db_path], :return_keys => "symbols", :index_append_table_name => true ) #Update to latest db-revision. self.update_db #Models-handeler. @ob = Knj::Objects.new( :datarow => true, :db => @db, :class_path => "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../models", :class_pre => "", :module => Openall_time_applet::Models ) @ob.events.connect(:no_name) do |event, classname| _("not set") end @events = Knj::Event_handler.new @events.add_event(:name => :timelog_active_changed) #Options used to save various information (Openall-username and such). Knj::Opts.init("knjdb" => @db, "table" => "Option") #Set crash-operation to save tracked time instead of loosing it. Kernel.at_exit(&self.method(:destroy)) #Set default-color to "green_casalogic". Knj::Opts.set("tray_text_color", "green_casalogic") if Knj::Opts.get("tray_text_color").to_s.strip.length <= 0 #Spawn tray-icon. self.spawn_trayicon #Start reminder. self.reminding #Start unix-socket that listens for remote control. @unix_socket = Openall_time_applet::Unix_socket.new(:oata => self) #Start autosync-timeout. self.restart_autosync end #Creates a runfile or sending a command to the running OpenAll-Time-Applet through the Unix-socket. def check_runfile_and_cmds #If run-file exists and the PID within is still running, then send command (if given) and exit. if File.exists?(CONFIG[:run_path]) and Knj::Unix_proc.pid_running?(File.read(CONFIG[:run_path]).to_i) cmd = nil ARGV.each do |val| if match = val.match(/^--cmd=(.+)$/) cmd = match[1] break end end if cmd print "Executing command through sock: #{cmd}\n" require "socket" UNIXSocket.open(CONFIG[:sock_path]) do |sock| sock.puts(cmd) end end puts "Already running" exit end File.open(CONFIG[:run_path], "w") do |fp| fp.write(Process.pid) end Kernel.at_exit do File.unlink(CONFIG[:run_path]) if File.exists?(CONFIG[:run_path]) and File.read(CONFIG[:run_path]).to_i == Process.pid end end #Requires the heavy Gtk-stuff. def require_gtk2 require "gtk2" #For msgbox and translation of windows. require "knj/gtk2" #For easy initialization, getting and settings of values on comboboxes. require "knj/gtk2_cb" #For easy initialization, getting and settings of values on treeviews. require "knj/gtk2_tv" #For easy making status-windows with progressbar. require "knj/gtk2_statuswindow" end #Updates the database according to the db-schema. def update_db require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../conf/db_schema.rb" Knj::Db::Revision.new.init_db("debug" => false, "db" => @db, "schema" => Openall_time_applet::DB_SCHEMA) end #This method starts the reminder-thread, that checks if a reminder should be shown. def reminding Knj::Thread.new do loop do enabled = Knj::Strings.yn_str(Knj::Opts.get("reminder_enabled"), true, false) if enabled and !@reminder_next @reminder_next = Datet.new @reminder_next.mins + Knj::Opts.get("reminder_every_minute").to_i elsif enabled and @reminder_next and Time.now >= @reminder_next self.reminding_exec @reminder_next = nil end sleep 30 end end return nil end #This executes the notification that notifies if a timelog is being tracked. def reminding_exec return nil unless @timelog_active Knj::Notify.send("time" => 5, "msg" => sprintf(_("Tracking task: %s"), @timelog_active[:descr])) end #Creates a connection to OpenAll, logs in, yields the connection and destroys it again. #===Examples # oata.oa_conn do |conn| # task_list = conn.task_list # end def oa_conn begin conn = Openall_time_applet::Connection.new( :oata => self, :host => Knj::Opts.get("openall_host"), :port => Knj::Opts.get("openall_port"), :username => Knj::Opts.get("openall_username"), :password => Base64.strict_decode64(Knj::Opts.get("openall_password")), :ssl => Knj::Strings.yn_str(Knj::Opts.get("openall_ssl"), true, false) ) yield(conn) ensure conn.destroy if conn end end #Spawns the trayicon in systray. def spawn_trayicon return nil if @ti @ti = Openall_time_applet::Gui::Trayicon.new(:oata => self) end def show_main Knj::Gtk2::Window.unique!("main") do Openall_time_applet::Gui::Win_main.new(:oata => self) end end #Spawns the preference-window. def show_preferences Knj::Gtk2::Window.unique!("preferences") do Openall_time_applet::Gui::Win_preferences.new(:oata => self) end end def show_overview Knj::Gtk2::Window.unique!("overview") do Openall_time_applet::Gui::Win_overview.new(:oata => self) end end def show_worktime_overview Knj::Gtk2::Window.unique!("worktime_overview") do Openall_time_applet::Gui::Win_worktime_overview.new(:oata => self) end end #Updates the task-cache. def update_task_cache @ob.static(:Task, :update_cache, {:oata => self}) end #Updates the worktime-cache. def update_worktime_cache @ob.static(:Worktime, :update_cache, {:oata => self}) end def update_organisation_cache @ob.static(:Organisation, :update_cache, {:oata => self}) end #Pushes time-updates to OpenAll. def push_time_updates @ob.static(:Timelog, :push_time_updates, {:oata => self}) end #Synchronizes organisations, tasks and worktimes. def sync_static(args = {}) sw = Knj::Gtk2::StatusWindow.new("transient_for" => args["transient_for"]) return Knj::Thread.new do begin sw.label = _("Updating organisation-cache.") self.update_organisation_cache sw.percent = 0.33 sw.label = _("Updating task-cache.") self.update_task_cache sw.percent = 0.66 sw.label = _("Updating worktime-cache.") self.update_worktime_cache sw.percent = 1 sleep 1 if !block_given? sw.destroy if sw sw = nil yield if block_given? rescue => e sw.destroy if sw sw = nil Knj::Gtk2.msgbox("msg" => Knj::Errors.error_str(e), "type" => "warning", "title" => _("Error"), "run" => false) ensure sw.destroy if sw end end end #Refreshes task-cache, create missing worktime from timelogs and push tracked time to timelogs. Shows a status-window while doing so. def sync_real sw = Knj::Gtk2::StatusWindow.new self.timelog_stop_tracking if @timelog_active Knj::Thread.new do begin sw.label = _("Pushing time-updates.") self.push_time_updates sw.percent = 0.3 sw.label = _("Update task-cache.") self.update_task_cache sw.percent = 0.66 sw.label = _("Updating worktime-cache.") self.update_worktime_cache sw.percent = 1 sw.label = _("Done") sleep 1 rescue => e Knj::Gtk2.msgbox("msg" => Knj::Errors.error_str(e), "type" => "warning", "title" => _("Error"), "run" => false) ensure sw.destroy if sw end end end #Stops tracking a timelog. Saves time tracked and sets sync-flag. def timelog_stop_tracking if @timelog_active secs_passed = Time.now.to_i - @timelog_active_time.to_i @timelog_active.update( :time => @timelog_active[:time].to_i + secs_passed, :sync_need => 1 ) @timelog_logged_time[:timestamp_end] = Time.now end @timelog_active = nil @timelog_active_time = nil @ti.update_icon if @ti @events.call(:timelog_active_changed) end #Sets a new timelog to track. Stops tracking of previous timelog if already tracking. def timelog_active=(timelog) timelog_use = @ob.get_by(:Timelog, { "task_id" => timelog[:task_id], "descr" => timelog[:descr], "timestamp_day" => Time.now }) if !timelog_use timelog_use = @ob.add(:Timelog, { :task_id => timelog[:task_id], :parent_timelog_id => timelog.id, :timestamp => Time.now, :descr => timelog[:descr], :transportdescription => timelog[:transportdescription], :workinternal => timelog[:workinternal], :timetype => timelog[:timetype] }) end begin self.timelog_stop_tracking @timelog_logged_time = @ob.add(:Timelog_logged_time, :timelog_id => timelog_use.id) @timelog_active = timelog_use @timelog_active_time = Time.new @events.call(:timelog_active_changed) rescue => e Knj::Gtk2.msgbox("msg" => Knj::Errors.error_str(e), "type" => "warning", "title" => _("Error"), "run" => false) end @ti.update_icon if @ti end #Returns the amount of seconds tracked. def timelog_active_time_tracked return 0 if !@timelog_active_time return Time.now.to_i - @timelog_active_time.to_i end #Saves tracking-status if tracking. Stops Gtks main loop. def destroy self.timelog_stop_tracking #Use quit-variable to avoid Gtk-warnings. Gtk.main_quit if @quit != true @quit = true end #Restarts the auto-syncing timeout. def restart_autosync #Remove current timeout. Gtk.timeout_remove(@autosync_timeout) if @autosync_timeout @autosync_timeout = nil #Get various info from db. enabled = Knj::Strings.yn_str(Knj::Opts.get("autosync_enabled"), true, false) interval = Knj::Opts.get("autosync_interval").to_i interval_msecs = interval * 60 * 1000 if !enabled #dont continue if autosync isnt enabled. self.status = _("Disabled automatic synchronization.") return nil end self.status = sprintf(_("Restarted automatic sync. to run every %s minutes."), Knj::Locales.number_out(interval, 1)) #Start new timeout. @autosync_timeout = Gtk.timeout_add(interval_msecs, &self.method(:gtk_timeout)) end def gtk_timeout @sync_thread = Knj::Thread.new(&self.method(:run_autosync)) if !@sync_thread true end #This method is executing the automatic synchronization. def run_autosync begin self.status = _("Synchronizing organisations.") self.update_organisation_cache self.status = _("Synchronizing worktime.") self.update_worktime_cache self.status = _("Automatic synchronization done.") rescue => e self.status = sprintf(_("Error while auto-syncing: %s"), e.message) puts Knj::Errors.error_str(e) ensure @sync_thread = nil end end #Prints status to the command line and the statusbar in the main window (if the main window is open). def status=(newstatus) puts "Status: '#{newstatus}'." win_main = Knj::Gtk2::Window.get("main") if win_main win_main.gui["statusbar"].push(0, newstatus) end end def trayicon_timelogs yielded_titles = {} #Make a list of all timelogs in the menu. @ob.list(:Timelog, "orderby" => "descr") do |timelog| task_id = timelog[:task_id].to_i yielded_titles[task_id] = {} if !yielded_titles.key?(task_id) title = timelog.descr_short.strip.downcase next if yielded_titles[task_id].key?(title) yielded_titles[task_id][title] = true yield(timelog) end end end #Gettext support. def _(*args, &block) return GetText._(*args, &block) end