module Ohm class Collection include Enumerable attr_accessor :key, :db def initialize(key, db = Ohm.redis) self.key = key self.db = db end def each(&block) all.each(&block) end # Return the values as model instances, ordered by the options supplied. # Check redis documentation to see what values you can provide to each option. # # @param options [Hash] options to sort the collection. # @option options [#to_s] :by Model attribute to sort the instances by. # @option options [#to_s] :order (ASC) Sorting order, which can be ASC or DESC. # @option options [Integer] :limit (all) Number of items to return. # @option options [Integer] :start (0) An offset from where the limit will be applied. # # @example Get the first ten users sorted alphabetically by name: # # @event.attendees.sort(:by => :name, :order => "ALPHA", :limit => 10) # # @example Get five posts sorted by number of votes and starting from the number 5 (zero based): # # @blog.posts.sort(:by => :votes, :start => 5, :limit => 10") def sort(options = {}) return [] if empty? options[:start] ||= 0 options[:limit] = [options[:start], options[:limit]] if options[:limit] db.sort(key, options) end # Sort the model instances by id and return the first instance # found. If a :by option is provided with a valid attribute name, the # method sort_by is used instead and the option provided is passed as the # first parameter. # # @see #sort # @return [Ohm::Model, nil] Returns the first instance found or nil. def first(options = {}) options = options.merge(:limit => 1) sort(options).first end def [](index) first(:start => index) end def to_ary all end def ==(other) to_ary == other end # @return [true, false] Returns whether or not the collection is empty. def empty? end # Clears the values in the collection. def clear db.del(key) self end # Appends the given values to the collection. def concat(values) values.each { |value| self << value } self end # Replaces the collection with the passed values. def replace(values) clear concat(values) end end # Represents a Redis list. # # @example Use a list attribute. # # class Event < Ohm::Model # attribute :name # list :participants # end # # event = Event.create :name => "Redis Meeting" # event.participants << "Albert" # event.participants << "Benoit" # event.participants.all # # => ["Albert", "Benoit"] class List < Collection # @param value [#to_s] Pushes value to the tail of the list. def << value db.rpush(key, value) end alias push << # @return [String] Return and remove the last element of the list. def pop db.rpop(key) end # @return [String] Return and remove the first element of the list. def shift db.lpop(key) end # @param value [#to_s] Pushes value to the head of the list. def unshift(value) db.lpush(key, value) end # @return [Array] Elements of the list. def all db.lrange(key, 0, -1) || [] end # @return [Integer] Returns the number of elements in the list. def size db.llen(key) end def include?(value) all.include?(value) end def inspect "#<List: #{all.inspect}>" end end # Represents a Redis set. # # @example Use a set attribute. # # class Company < Ohm::Model # attribute :name # set :employees # end # # company = Company.create :name => "Redis Co." # company.employees << "Albert" # company.employees << "Benoit" # company.employees.all #=> ["Albert", "Benoit"] # company.employees.include?("Albert") #=> true class Set < Collection # @param value [#to_s] Adds value to the list. def << value db.sadd(key, value) end def delete(value) db.srem(key, value) end def include?(value) db.sismember(key, value) end def all db.smembers(key) || [] end # @return [Integer] Returns the number of elements in the set. def size db.scard(key) end def inspect "#<Set: #{all.inspect}>" end end end