ruby: child_process = @operation.child_process ol.breadcrumb.alert-warning li = link_to "Processes", processes_path li = link_to "Process: #{@operation.process.title}", @operation.process = "Operation: #{@operation.title} " = render partial: "application/flash", locals: { notice: notice } .row .col-md-10 .panel .panel-heading h1.panel-title = "Operation: #{@operation.title} " span.label.more-info-label class=(@operation.status[:class]) = @operation.status[:text] .panel-body .col-md-6 table.table.table-striped.table-hover tbody tr td Created At td = @operation.created_at tr td Completed At td = @operation.completed_at - if @operation.assigned_to.present? tr td Assigned To td = @operation.assigned_to tr td Operation Template td = link_to @operation.template.title, process_template_operation_template_path(@operation.template.process_template, @operation.template) - if child_process.present? tr td Child Process td = link_to child_process = child_process.title span.label<> class=(child_process.status[:class]) = child_process.status[:text] tr td Asynchronous td = @operation.async tr td Background td = @operation.is_background .col-md-6 - if @operation.show_dependencies.empty? .col-md-12 strong | No dependencies - else table.table.table-striped.table-hover tbody tr td strong Satisfied Dependencies - @operation.show_dependencies.each do |dependency| tr td = link_to process_operation_path(dependency.process, dependency) = dependency.title span.label<> class=(dependency.status[:class]) = dependency.status[:text] tr td strong Template Dependencies - @operation.show_template_dependencies.each do |dependency| tr td = dependency.shift - dependency.each do |dependency_status| span.label.label-default<> = dependency_status .col-md-2 .pull-right .btn-toolbar ul.nav.nav-pills li role="presentation" class="active" = link_to "Back to Process", process_path(@operation.process) .row .col-md-10 .panel .panel-heading h1.panel-title Operation Context .panel-body = render @operation.context.partial_name, { context: @operation.context } - if @operation.workflow_errors.unresolved.present? - @operation.workflow_errors.unresolved.each do |error| .row .col-md-10 .panel .panel-heading h1.panel-title Error .panel-body table.table.table-striped.table-hover tbody tr td width="100" strong Created at td .pull-right = button_to "Retry", retry_process_operation_error_path(@operation.process, @operation, error), class: "btn btn-warning", method: :put = error.created_at tr td td strong= error.message br = error.stack_trace