require 'rake' begin require 'jeweler' do |s| = %q{distributed_mutex} s.authors = ["Birkir A. Barkarson"] s.description = %q{Framework for using a distributed mutex along with an implementation of a mutex stored on a MySQL database.} s.summary = %q{API for using a unique mutex across all instances of your application.} = %q{} s.has_rdoc = true s.homepage = %q{} # s.add_dependency(%q, ["> 1.2"]) end rescue LoadError puts "Jeweler, or one of its dependencies, is not available. Install it with: sudo gem install technicalpickles-jeweler -s" end begin require 'spec/rake/spectask''spec') do |t| t.spec_opts = ["-f specdoc", "-c"] t.spec_files = FileList['spec/*_spec.rb'] end rescue LoadError desc 'Spec rake task not available' task :spec do abort 'Spec rake task is not available. Be sure to install rspec as a gem or plugin' end end begin require 'spec/rake/spectask' require 'spec/rake/verify_rcov' task :test do Rake::Task[:spec].invoke end desc "Run tests with RCov" namespace :rcov do rm "" if File.exist?("") do |t| t.spec_opts = ["-f specdoc", "-c"] t.spec_files = FileList['spec/*_spec.rb'] t.rcov = true t.rcov_opts = %w{--exclude "spec/*,gems/*,features/*" --aggregate ""} end desc "Run both specs and features to generate aggregated coverage" task :all do |t| Rake::Task["rcov:spec"].invoke end => 'rcov:all') do |t| t.threshold = 93.98 t.index_html = 'coverage/index.html' end end rescue LoadError desc 'Rcov rake task not available' task :rcov do abort 'rcov rake task is not available. Be sure to install rspec, rcov and cucumber as a gem or plugin' end end begin require 'metric_fu' do |config| #define which metrics you want to use config.metrics = [:churn, :flog, :flay, :reek, :roodi] config.flay = { :dirs_to_flay => ['app', 'lib'] } config.flog = { :dirs_to_flog => ['app', 'lib'] } config.reek = { :dirs_to_reek => ['app', 'lib'] } config.roodi = { :dirs_to_roodi => ['app', 'lib'] } config.saikuro = { :output_directory => 'scratch_directory/saikuro', :input_directory => ['app', 'lib'], :cyclo => "", :filter_cyclo => "0", :warn_cyclo => "5", :error_cyclo => "7", :formater => "text"} #this needs to be set to "text" config.churn = { :start_date => "1 year ago", :minimum_churn_count => 10} config.rcov = { :test_files => ['test/**/*_test.rb', 'spec/**/*_spec.rb'], :rcov_opts => ["--sort coverage", "--no-html", "--text-coverage", "--no-color", "--profile", "--rails", "--exclude /gems/,/Library/,spec"]} end rescue LoadError # Too bad end task :default => [:spec]