require '/assets/mercury.js' describe "Mercury.Statusbar", -> template 'mercury/statusbar.html' beforeEach -> $ = true @region = { path: -> [{tagName: 'A'}, {tagName: 'B'}, {tagName: 'C'}] } afterEach -> @statusbar = null delete(@statusbar) describe "constructor", -> beforeEach -> @buildSpy = spyOn(Mercury.Statusbar.prototype, 'build') @bindEventsSpy = spyOn(Mercury.Statusbar.prototype, 'bindEvents') @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#test', foo: 'bar', visible: false}) it "accepts options", -> expect('bar') it "sets visible based on options", -> expect(@statusbar.visible).toEqual(false) it "calls build", -> expect(@buildSpy.callCount).toEqual(1) it "calls bindEvents", -> expect(@bindEventsSpy.callCount).toEqual(1) describe "#build", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(Mercury.Statusbar.prototype, 'bindEvents').andCallFake(=>) @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#statusbar_container', visible: false}) it "builds an element", -> expect($('.mercury-statusbar').length).toEqual(1) it "builds an about element", -> expect($('.mercury-statusbar-about').length).toEqual(1) expect(@statusbar.aboutElement).toBeDefined() it "hides the element if it's not supposed to be visible", -> expect($('.mercury-statusbar').css('visibility')).toEqual('hidden') it "can append to any element", -> expect($('#statusbar_container .mercury-statusbar').length).toEqual(1) describe "observed events ", -> beforeEach -> @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#test'}) describe "custom event: region:update", -> it "calls setPath if a region was provided", -> spy = spyOn(Mercury.Statusbar.prototype, 'setPath').andCallFake(=>) Mercury.trigger('region:update', {region: @region}) expect(spy.callCount).toEqual(1) describe "clicking on the about element", -> it "opens a lightview", -> spy = spyOn(Mercury, 'lightview').andCallFake(=>)$('.mercury-statusbar-about').get(0)) expect(spy.callCount).toEqual(1) describe "#height", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(Mercury.Statusbar.prototype, 'bindEvents').andCallFake(=>) @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#test', visible: true}) it "knows it's own height", -> expect(@statusbar.height()).toEqual(20) # styled with css in the template describe "#top", -> describe "when visible", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(Mercury.Statusbar.prototype, 'bindEvents').andCallFake(=>) @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#test', visible: true}) it "returns the offset top of the element", -> expect($('.mercury-statusbar').offset().top) describe "when not visible", -> beforeEach -> spyOn(Mercury.Statusbar.prototype, 'bindEvents').andCallFake(=>) @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#test', visible: false}) it "returns the offset top of the element + it's outer height", -> expect($('.mercury-statusbar').offset().top + $('.mercury-statusbar').outerHeight()) describe "#setPath", -> beforeEach -> @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#test'}) it "builds a path and displays it", -> @statusbar.setPath(@region.path()) expect($('.mercury-statusbar').html()).toMatch(/Path: <\/strong>c<\/a> .+ b<\/a> .+ a<\/a><\/span>/) describe "#show", -> beforeEach -> @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#test', visible: false}) it "sets visible to true", -> @statusbar.visible = false expect(@statusbar.visible).toEqual(true) it "displays the element", -> $('.mercury-statusbar').css({visibility: 'hidden'}) expect($('.mercury-statusbar').css('visibility')).toEqual('visible') it "sets the opacity of the element", -> $('.mercury-statusbar').css({opacity: 0}) expect($('.mercury-statusbar').css('opacity')).toEqual('1') describe "#hide", -> beforeEach -> @statusbar = new Mercury.Statusbar({appendTo: '#test', visible: true}) it "sets visible to false", -> @statusbar.visible = true @statusbar.hide() expect(@statusbar.visible).toEqual(false) it "hides the element", -> $('.mercury-statusbar').css({visibility: 'visible'}) @statusbar.hide() expect($('.mercury-statusbar').css('visibility')).toEqual('hidden')