require 'json' require 'uri' module Faye class Transport include Logging include Timeouts def initialize(client, endpoint) debug('Created new ? transport for ?', connection_type, endpoint) @client = client @endpoint = endpoint @outbox = [] end def batching? true end def connection_type self.class.connection_type end def send(message, timeout) debug('Client ? sending message to ?: ?', @client.client_id, @endpoint, message) return request([message], timeout) unless batching? @outbox << message @timeout = timeout return flush if message['channel'] == Channel::HANDSHAKE if message['channel'] == Channel::CONNECT @connection_message = message end add_timeout(:publish, Engine::MAX_DELAY) { flush } end def flush remove_timeout(:publish) if @outbox.size > 1 and @connection_message @connection_message['advice'] = {'timeout' => 0} end request(@outbox, @timeout) @connection_message = nil @outbox = [] end def receive(responses) debug('Client ? received from ?: ?', @client.client_id, @endpoint, responses) responses.each { |response| @client.receive_message(response) } end def retry_block(message, timeout) lambda do EventMachine.add_timer(timeout) { request(message, 2 * timeout) } end end @transports = [] class << self attr_accessor :connection_type def get(client, connection_types = nil) endpoint = client.endpoint connection_types ||= supported_connection_types candidate_class = @transports.find do |(type, klass)| connection_types.include?(type) and klass.usable?(endpoint) end unless candidate_class raise "Could not find a usable connection type for #{ endpoint }" end, endpoint) end def register(type, klass) @transports << [type, klass] klass.connection_type = type end def supported_connection_types { |t| t.first } end end end end