Module Analytics::ResourceUsage
In: lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb


Public Instance methods

This method is used to get the data for percentage cpu usage for a specific application from the ResourceUsage model. This data is supplied to the line graph method to plot the line graph.


     # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 104
104:     def get_cpu_utilization
105:       app_id = params[:id]
106:       start_time, end_time = get_time_range(params[:time_slab])
107:       wall_time, cpu_usage, max, slab, step = ::ResourceUsage.get_application_data(app_id, start_time, end_time, "cpu")
108:       line_graph(wall_time, cpu_usage, CPU_USGAE_GRAPH_TITLE, max, slab, step, "Wall Time", "% CPU Usage")
109:     end

This method is used to get the data for memory usage for a specific application from the ResourceUsage model. This data is supplied to the line graph method to plot the line graph.


     # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 125
125:     def get_memory_utilization
126:       app_id = params[:id]
127:       start_time, end_time = get_time_range(params[:time_slab])
128:       wall_time, memory_usage, max, slab, step = ::ResourceUsage.get_application_data(app_id, start_time, end_time, "memory")
129:       line_graph(wall_time, memory_usage, MEMORY_USAGE_GRAPH_TITLE, max, slab, step, "Wall Time", "Memory (in MB)")
130:     end

This method renders the partial containing resource usage Graphs for an application.


    # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 83
83:     def get_resource_usage_data_app(app_id)
84:       @app_id = app_id
85:       check_and_set_query_date
86:       @app_cpu_usage_graph, @app_memory_usage_graph = get_resource_usage_graph_app(@app_id)
87:       render :partial => 'resource_usage_graph_app'
88:     end

This method is to populate the varriable app_cpu_usage_graph and app_memory_usage_graph with the respective graphs data. app_cpu_usage_graph contains the data for Percentage CPU usage by a specfic application. app_memory_usage_graph contains the data for Memory usage by a specfic application.


    # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 75
75:     def get_resource_usage_graph_app(app_id)
76:       @start_hour, @end_hour, start_time, end_time = get_start_and_end_time_from_session()
77:       app_cpu_usage_graph = plot_graph("graph/get_cpu_utilization/#{app_id}?time_slab=#{start_time}.#{end_time}", 'cpu_utilization')#Graph depicts the cpu utilization
78:       app_memory_usage_graph = plot_graph("graph/get_memory_utilization/#{app_id}?time_slab=#{start_time}.#{end_time}", 'memory_utilization')#Graph depicts the memory utilization
79:       return app_cpu_usage_graph, app_memory_usage_graph
80:     end

This method is to populate the varriable server_cpu_usage_graph and server_memory_usage_graph with the respective graphs data. server_cpu_usage_graph contains the data for server Percentage CPU usage. server_memory_usage_graph contains the data for server Memory usage.


    # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 27
27:     def get_resource_usage_graph_server()
28:       @start_hour, @end_hour, start_time, end_time = get_start_and_end_time_from_session()      
29:       server_cpu_usage_graph = plot_graph("graph/get_server_cpu_usage?time_slab=#{start_time}.#{end_time}", 'server_cpu_usage') # Graph is depicting the server Cpu Utilization vs wall time
30:       server_memory_usage_graph = plot_graph("graph/get_server_memory_usage?time_slab=#{start_time}.#{end_time}", 'server_memory_usage') # Graph is depicting the server Memory Utilization vs wall time
31:       return server_cpu_usage_graph, server_memory_usage_graph
32:     end

This method is used to get the data for server percentage cpu usage from the ResourceUsage model. This data is supplied to the line graph method to plot the line graph.


    # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 47
47:     def get_server_cpu_usage
48:       start_time, end_time = get_time_range(params[:time_slab])
49:       wall_time, cpu_usage, max, slab, step = ::ResourceUsage.get_server_resource_usage(start_time,end_time, "CPU")
50:       line_graph(wall_time, cpu_usage, CPU_USGAE_GRAPH_TITLE, max, slab, step, "Wall Time", "% CPU Usage")
51:     end

This method is called for getting the server percentage cpu usage graph for a specific date and time.


    # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 35
35:     def get_server_cpu_usage_graph
36:       time_array = get_start_end_time(params[:date], params[:start_time], params[:end_time])
37:       if time_array.size>1
38:         @server_cpu_usage_graph = plot_graph("graph/get_server_cpu_usage?time_slab=#{time_array[0]}.#{time_array[1]}", 'server_cpu_usage')
39:         render :text => @server_cpu_usage_graph
40:       else
41:         render :text => time_array[0]
42:       end
43:     end

This method is used to get the data for server memory usage from the ResourceUsage model. This data is supplied to the line graph method to plot the line graph.


    # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 65
65:     def get_server_memory_usage
66:       start_time, end_time = get_time_range(params[:time_slab])
67:       wall_time, memory_usage, max, slab, step = ::ResourceUsage.get_server_resource_usage(start_time, end_time, "Memory")
68:       line_graph(wall_time, memory_usage, MEMORY_USAGE_GRAPH_TITLE, max, slab, step, "Wall Time", "Memory (In MB)")
69:     end

This method is called for getting the server memory usage graph for a specific date and time.


    # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 54
54:     def get_server_memory_usage_graph
55:       time_array = get_start_end_time(params[:date], params[:start_time], params[:end_time])    
56:       if time_array.size > 1
57:         @server_memory_usage_graph = plot_graph("graph/get_server_memory_usage?time_slab=#{time_array[0]}.#{time_array[1]}", 'server_memory_usage')
58:         render :text => @server_memory_usage_graph 
59:       else
60:         render :text => time_array[0]
61:       end
62:     end

This method is called for getting the an applications memory usage graph for a specific date and time.


     # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 112
112:     def memory_usage_graph
113:       app_id = params[:app_id]
114:       time_array = get_start_end_time(params[:date], params[:start_time], params[:end_time])    
115:       if time_array.size > 1
116:         app_memory_usage_graph = plot_graph("graph/get_memory_utilization/#{app_id}?time_slab=#{time_array[0]}.#{time_array[1]}", 'memory_utilization')
117:         render :text => app_memory_usage_graph
118:       else
119:         render :text => time_array[0]
120:       end
121:     end

This method is called for getting the an applications percentage cpu usage graph for a specific date and time.


     # File lib/graph_controller_extensions/resource_usage_analytics.rb, line 91
 91:     def percentage_cpu_usage_graph
 92:       app_id = params[:app_id]
 93:       time_array = get_start_end_time(params[:date], params[:start_time], params[:end_time])    
 94:       if time_array.size>1
 95:         app_cpu_usage_graph = plot_graph("graph/get_cpu_utilization/#{app_id}?time_slab=#{time_array[0]}.#{time_array[1]}", 'cpu_utilization')
 96:         render :text => app_cpu_usage_graph
 97:       else
 98:         render :text => time_array[0]
 99:       end
100:     end
