require 'bio' # Top level module / namespace. module NpSearch # A class that validates the command line opts class ArgumentsValidators class << self def run(opt) assert_file_present('input fasta file', opt[:input_file]) assert_input_file_not_empty(opt[:input_file]) assert_input_file_probably_fasta(opt[:input_file]) opt[:type] = assert_input_sequence(opt[:input_file]) opt[:num_threads] = check_num_threads(opt[:num_threads]) assert_binaries('SignalP 4.1 Script', opt[:signalp_path]) opt end private def assert_file_present(desc, file, exit_code = 1) return if file && File.exist?(File.expand_path(file)) $stderr.puts "*** Error: Couldn't find the #{desc}: #{file}." exit exit_code end def assert_input_file_not_empty(file) return unless $stderr.puts "*** Error: The input_file (#{file})" \ ' seems to be empty.' exit 1 end def assert_input_file_probably_fasta(file), 'r') do |f| fasta = (f.readline[0] == '>') ? true : false return fasta if fasta end $stderr.puts "*** Error: The input_file (#{file})" \ ' does not seems to be a fasta file.' exit 1 end def assert_input_sequence(file) type = type_of_sequences(file) return type unless type.nil? $stderr.puts '*** Error: The input files seems to contain a mixture of' $stderr.puts ' both protein and nucleotide data.' $stderr.puts ' Please correct this and try again.' exit 1 end def type_of_sequences(file) fasta_content = IO.binread(file) # the first sequence does not need to have a fasta definition line sequences = fasta_content.split(/^>.*$/).delete_if(&:empty?) # get all sequence types sequence_types = sequences.collect { |seq| guess_sequence_type(seq) } .uniq.compact return nil if sequence_types.empty? sequence_types.first if sequence_types.length == 1 end def guess_sequence_type(seq) # removing non-letter and ambiguous characters cleaned_sequence = seq.gsub(/[^A-Z]|[NX]/i, '') return nil if cleaned_sequence.length < 10 # conservative type = type == Bio::Sequence::NA ? :genetic : :protein end def check_num_threads(num_threads) num_threads = Integer(num_threads) unless num_threads > 0 $stderr.puts 'Number of threads can not be lower than 0' $stderr.puts 'Changing number of threads to 1' num_threads = 1 end return num_threads unless num_threads > 256 $stderr.puts "Number of threads set at #{num_threads} is" \ ' unusually high.' end def assert_binaries(desc, bin) return if command?(bin.to_s) $stderr.puts "NpSearch is unable to use the #{desc} at #{bin}" end # Return `true` if the given command exists and is executable. def command?(command) system("which #{command} > /dev/null 2>&1") end end end end