= SomehowHasRelation
A simple gem/plugin that can be used to define active_record relations between multiple models.
This means that, when proper has_many, has_one, belongs_to methods have been defined, you can
reach a far away (in tearms of relations) model by calling a single method.
It uses recursion so it is teoretically possible to ignite endless recursion loops... be careful!
== Installation
In Rails 3, add this to your Gemfile and run the +bundle+ command.
gem "somehow_has_relation"
In Rails 2, add this to your environment.rb file.
config.gem "somehow_has_relation"
Alternatively, you can install it as a plugin.
rails plugin install git://github.com/mtylty/somehow_has_relation.git
== Usage
Given you declared some models like this:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :author
has_many :comments
class Author < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts
somehow_has :many => :comments, :through => :posts
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post
You can then retrieve an author's posts' comments by calling:
What happens under the hood is that SomehowHasRelation recursively uses send() to look for what you have defined
with somehow_has. The length of the recursion is not limited to 3 models of course. Multiple somehow_has methods
can be defined over various models to achieve a chain of relations that ultimately handle all the recursions
and arrays and associations for you. At the end, you will always get an Array (flattened) containing the
related models.
You can also specify options such as:
somehow_has :one => :relation_name, :if => Proc.new{|model_instance| model_instance.created_at >= 1.day.ago}
somehow_has :many => :relation_name, :as => :use_this_method_name_instead_of_related_relation_name_method
== Testing
The documentation is very limited (this README), but the SomehowHasRelation was developed TDD style so feel free
to clone this repository and run the tests, or write some more :).
Inside the test directory, there are two dummy rails applications, one for rails2, the other for rails3.
The folder structure was taken and modified by josevalim's {enginex}[git://github.com/josevalim/enginex.git]
to support both rails2 and rails3 (see the About section on why).
To run the tests for a specific version of rails you can:
RAILS_VER=2 bundle install && rake test
RAILS_VER=3 bundle install && rake test
RAILS_VER defaults to 2, so, if you need to test the rails2 version, you can skip it.
== About
This gem was developed to support http://openwisp.caspur.it an OSS Wireless Internet Service Provider mainly made
with Ruby on Rails.
You can have a look at http://spider.caspur.it/projects/owm/repository to look at how SomehowHasRelation was used
on a complex rails application.