--- en: activemodel: attributes: participatory_process: announcement: Announcement banner_image: Banner image copy_categories: Copy categories copy_components: Copy components copy_steps: Copy steps description: Description developer_group: Developer group domain: Domain end_date: End date hashtag: Hashtag hero_image: Home image local_area: Local area meta_scope: Scope metadata participatory_process_group_id: Processes group participatory_scope: Participatory scope participatory_structure: Participatory structure promoted: Promoted published_at: Published at scope_id: Scope scopes_enabled: Scopes enabled short_description: Short description show_statistics: Show statistics slug: URL slug start_date: Start date subtitle: Subtitle target: Target title: Title participatory_process_group: description: Description hero_image: Image name: Name participatory_process_ids: Related processes participatory_process_step: description: Description end_date: End date short_description: Short description start_date: Start date title: Title participatory_process_user_role: email: Email name: Name role: Role decidim: admin: actions: activate: Activate configure: Configure confirm_destroy: Confirm destroy destroy: Destroy duplicate: Duplicate edit: Edit new: New preview: Preview publish: Publish resend_invitation: Resend invitation unpublish: Unpublish menu: participatory_process_groups: Process groups participatory_processes: Processes participatory_processes_submenu: attachment_collections: Collections attachment_files: Files attachments: Attachments categories: Categories components: Components info: Info moderations: Moderations private_users: Private Users process_admins: Process users steps: Steps models: participatory_process: fields: created_at: Created at private: Private promoted: Highlighted published: Published title: Title name: Participatory process participatory_process_group: fields: name: Name name: Process group participatory_process_step: fields: end_date: End date start_date: Start date title: Title name: Participatory process step participatory_process_user_role: fields: email: Email name: Name role: Role name: Participatory Process User roles: admin: Administrator collaborator: Collaborator moderator: Moderator user: fields: invitation_accepted_at: Invitation accepted at invitation_sent_at: Invitation sent at participatory_process_copies: new: copy: Copy select: Select which data you would like to duplicate title: Duplicate participatory process participatory_process_groups: destroy: success: Participatory process group destroyed successfully. edit: title: Edit process group update: Update new: create: Create title: New process group update: error: There was en error updating this participatory process group. success: Participatory process group updated successfully. participatory_process_publications: create: error: There was an error publishing this participatory process. success: Participatory process published successfully. destroy: error: There was an error unpublishing this participatory process. success: Participatory process unpublished successfully. participatory_process_step_activations: create: error: There was an error activating this participatory process step. success: Participatory process step activated successfully. participatory_process_steps: create: error: There was an error creating a new participatory process step. success: Participatory process step created successfully. default_title: Introduction destroy: error: active_step: Can't delete the active step. last_step: Can't delete the last step of a process. success: Participatory process step destroyed successfully. edit: title: Edit participatory process step update: Update index: steps_title: Steps new: create: Create title: New participatory process step ordering: error: There was an error when reordering this participatory process steps. update: error: There was an error when updating this participatory process step. success: Participatory process step updated successfully. participatory_process_user_roles: create: error: There was an error adding a user for this participatory process. success: User created successfully for this participatory process. destroy: success: User destroyed successfully for this participatory process. edit: title: Update participatory process user. update: Update index: process_admins_title: Participatory process users new: create: Create title: New participatory process user. update: error: There was an error updated a user for this participatory process. success: User updated successfully for this participatory process. participatory_processes: create: error: There was an error creating a new participatory process. success: Participatory process created successfully. Configure now its steps. destroy: success: Participatory process destroyed successfully. edit: update: Update form: title: General Information index: not_published: Not published private: Private public: Public published: Published new: create: Create title: New participatory process update: error: There was an error when updating this participatory process. success: Participatory process updated successfully. participatory_processes_copies: create: error: There was an error when duplicating this participatory process. success: Participatory process duplicated successfully. participatory_processes_group: create: error: There was an error creating a new participatory process group. success: Participatory process group created successfully. titles: participatory_process_groups: Participatory process groups participatory_processes: Participatory processes users: resend_invitation: error: There was an error resending the invitation. success: Invitation resent successfully. admin_log: participatory_process: create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} participatory process" publish: "%{user_name} published the %{resource_name} participatory process" unpublish: "%{user_name} unpublished the %{resource_name} participatory process" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} participatory process" participatory_process_step: activate: "%{user_name} activated the %{resource_name} step in the %{space_name} participatory process" create: "%{user_name} created the %{resource_name} step in the %{space_name} participatory process" delete: "%{user_name} deleted the %{resource_name} step in the %{space_name} participatory process" update: "%{user_name} updated the %{resource_name} step in the %{space_name} participatory process" participatory_process_user_role: create: "%{user_name} invited the user %{resource_name} to the %{space_name} participatory process" delete: "%{user_name} removed the user %{resource_name} from the %{space_name} participatory process" update: "%{user_name} changed the role of the user %{resource_name} in the %{space_name} participatory process" events: participatory_process: step_activated: email_intro: 'The %{resource_title} step is now active for %{participatory_space_title}. You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: An update to %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: The %{resource_title} step is now active for %{participatory_space_title} step_changed: email_intro: 'The dates for the %{resource_title} step at %{participatory_space_title} have been updated. You can see it from this page:' email_outro: You have received this notification because you are following %{participatory_space_title}. You can stop receiving notifications following the previous link. email_subject: An update to %{participatory_space_title} notification_title: The dates for the %{resource_title} step at %{participatory_space_title} have been updated. menu: processes: Processes participatory_process_groups: show: group_participatory_processes: Processes for %{group} title: Participatory process groups participatory_process_steps: index: process_steps: Process steps title: Participatory process steps participatory_processes: admin: participatory_process_copies: form: slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this process. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' participatory_processes: form: announcement_help: The text you enter here will be shown to the user right below the process information. slug_help: 'URL slugs are used to generate the URLs that point to this process. Only accepts letters, numbers and dashes, and must start with a letter. Example: %{url}' index: title: Participatory processes order_by_processes: active: Active all: All past: Past upcoming: Upcoming pages: home: highlighted_processes: active_processes: Active processes active_step: Active step see_all_processes: See all processes participatory_process_groups: none: None participatory_processes: index: loading: Loading results... show: developer_group: Developer group end_date: End date local_area: Organization Area participatory_scope: What is decided participatory_structure: How is it decided private_space: This is a private process scope: Scope start_date: Start date target: Who participates statistics: answers_count: Answers comments_count: Comments debates_count: Debates endorsements_count: Endorsements headline: Activity meetings_count: Meetings orders_count: Votes pages_count: Pages processes_count: Processes projects_count: Projects proposals_count: Proposals results_count: Results surveys_count: Surveys users_count: Participants votes_count: Votes layouts: decidim: participatory_process_groups: participatory_process_group: browse: Browse participatory_process_widgets: show: active_step: Active step take_part: Take part participatory_processes: index: promoted_processes: Highlighted processes order_by_processes: processes: one: "%{count} process" other: "%{count} processes" participatory_process: active_step: 'Current step:' take_part: Take part promoted_process: active_step: 'Current step:' more_info: More info take_part: Take part process_header: process_menu_item: The process unfold: Unfold process_header_steps: step: Step %{current} of %{total} view_steps: View steps