#!/usr/bin/env python import sys import getopt import os this_folder = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # This updates the load path to ensure that the local site-packages directory # can be used to load packages (e.g. a locally installed copy of lxml). sys.path.append(os.path.join(this_folder, 'site-packages/pre_install')) from VUKafParserPy import KafParser from collections import defaultdict import operator import pprint import lxml from lxml import etree import logging def mix_lists(l1,l2): newl=[] min_l = min(len(l1),len(l2)) for x in range(min_l): newl.append(l1[x]) newl.append(l2[x]) if len(l1)>len(l2): newl.extend(l1[min_l:]) elif len(l2)>len(l1): newl.extend(l2[min_l:]) return newl class OpinionExpression: def __init__(self,spans,sentence,value): self.ids = spans self.sentence = sentence self.value = value self.target_ids = [] self.candidates_r=[] self.candidates_l=[] self.holder = [] def __repr__(self): r='Ids:'+'#'.join(self.ids)+' Sent:'+self.sentence+' Value:'+str(self.value)+ ' Target:'+'#'.join(self.target_ids)+'\n' r+='Right cand: '+str(self.candidates_r)+'\n' r+='Left cand: '+str(self.candidates_l)+'\n' return r class MyToken: def __init__(self,id,lemma,pos,polarity,sent_mod,sent): self.id = id self.lemma = lemma self.pos = pos self.polarity = polarity self.sent_mod = sent_mod self.sentence = sent self.use_it = True self.list_ids = [id] self.value = 0 if polarity == 'positive': self.value = 1 elif polarity == 'negative': self.value = -1 if sent_mod == 'intensifier': self.value = 2 elif sent_mod == 'shifter': self.value = -1 def isNegator(self): return self.sent_mod == 'shifter' def isIntensifier(self): return self.sent_mod == 'intensifier' def is_opinion_expression(self): return self.use_it and self.polarity is not None def __repr__(self): if self.use_it: return self.id+' lemma:'+self.lemma.encode('utf-8')+'.'+self.pos.encode('utf-8')+' pol:'+str(self.polarity)+' sentmod:'+str(self.sent_mod)+' sent:'+self.sentence+' use:'+str(self.use_it)+' list:'+'#'.join(self.list_ids)+' val:'+str(self.value) else: return '\t'+self.id+' lemma:'+self.lemma.encode('utf-8')+'.'+self.pos.encode('utf-8')+' pol:'+str(self.polarity)+' sentmod:'+str(self.sent_mod)+' sent:'+self.sentence+' use:'+str(self.use_it)+' list:'+'#'.join(self.list_ids)+' val:'+str(self.value) def obtain_opinion_expressions(tokens,lang='nl'): logging.debug(' Obtaining opinion expressions') my_tokens = tokens[:] accumulate_several_modifiers = True apply_modifiers = True apply_conjunctions = True ## Acumulate doble/triple intensifiers or negators if accumulate_several_modifiers: logging.debug(' Accumulating modifiers') t = 0 while t < len(my_tokens): if my_tokens[t].isNegator() or my_tokens[t].isIntensifier(): if t+1 < len(my_tokens) and ( my_tokens[t+1].isNegator() or my_tokens[t+1].isIntensifier()): if my_tokens[t+1].isNegator(): my_tokens[t+1].value *= my_tokens[t].value logging.debug(' Accumulating '+'-'.join(my_tokens[t+1].list_ids)) if my_tokens[t+1].isIntensifier(): my_tokens[t+1].value += my_tokens[t].value ## There are 2 negators/intensifiers next to each other ## The first one is deactivated and the second one is modified my_tokens[t].use_it = False my_tokens[t+1].list_ids += my_tokens[t].list_ids logging.debug(' Accumulating '+'-'.join(my_tokens[t+1].list_ids)) t+=1 ########################################### ##Apply intensifiers/negators over the next elements if apply_modifiers: logging.debug(' Applying modifiers') t = 0 while t < len(my_tokens): if my_tokens[t].use_it and (my_tokens[t].isNegator() or my_tokens[t].isIntensifier()): ## Try to modify the next token: if t+1=len(my_tokens): break if my_tokens[x].lemma in concat: ## list_aux += my_tokens[x].list_ids Dont use it as part of the OE my_tokens[x].use_it = False x+=1 elif (my_tokens[x].use_it and my_tokens[x].value!=0): #print '\Also ',my_tokens[x] logging.debug(' Found token '+str(my_tokens[x])) list_aux += my_tokens[x].list_ids used.append(x) my_tokens[x].use_it = False value_aux += my_tokens[x].value x += 1 else: break #print 'OUT OF THE WHILE' ##The last one in the list used is the one accumulating all last_pos = used[-1] my_tokens[last_pos].value = value_aux my_tokens[last_pos].list_ids = list_aux my_tokens[last_pos].use_it = True logging.debug(' Regenerating '+str(my_tokens[last_pos])) t = x ## next token #print #print t += 1 ## Create OpinionExpression my_opinion_exps = [] logging.debug(' Generating output') for token in my_tokens: if token.use_it and token.value != 0: op_exp = OpinionExpression(token.list_ids,token.sentence,token.value) my_opinion_exps.append(op_exp) return my_opinion_exps ''' def get_distance(id1, id2): pos1 = int(id1[id1.find('_')+1:]) pos2 = int(id2[id2.find('_')+1:]) if pos1>pos2: return pos1-pos2 else: return pos2-pos1 ''' def obtain_holders(ops_exps,sentences,lang): if lang=='nl': holders = ['ik','we','wij','ze','zij','jullie','u','hij','het','jij','je','mij','me','hem','haar','ons','hen','hun'] elif lang=='en': holders = ['i','we','he','she','they','it','you'] elif lang =='es': holders = ['yo','tu','nosotros','vosotros','ellos','ellas','nosotras','vosotras'] elif lang =='it': holders = ['io','tu','noi','voi','loro','lei','lui'] elif lang == 'de': holders = ['ich','du','wir','ihr','sie','er'] elif lang == 'fr': holders = ['je','tu','lui','elle','nous','vous','ils','elles'] logging.debug('Obtaining holders with list: '+str(holders)) for oe in ops_exps: sent = oe.sentence list_terms = sentences[str(sent)] for lemma, pos, term_id in list_terms: if lemma in holders: oe.holder.append(term_id) logging.debug(' Selected for '+str(oe)+' holder'+lemma+' '+term_id) break #This is specific for the basic version def filter_candidates(candidates,ids_oe): ##filtered = [(lemma, pos,term_id) for (lemma,pos, term_id) in candidates if len(lemma)>=4 and term_id not in ids_oe] filtered = [(lemma,pos,id) for (lemma,pos,id) in candidates if pos in ['N','R']] return filtered def obtain_targets_improved(ops_exps,sentences): logging.debug(' Obtaining targets improved') #print>>sys.stderr,'#'*40 #print>>sys.stderr,'#'*40 #print>>sys.stderr,'Beginning with obtain targets' ##sentences --> dict [str(numsent)] ==> list of (lemma, term)id all_ids_in_oe = [] for oe in ops_exps: all_ids_in_oe.extend(oe.ids) #print>>sys.stderr,'All list of ids in oe',all_ids_in_oe for oe in ops_exps: #print>>sys.stderr,'\tOE:',oe logging.debug(' OpExp: '+str(oe)) ids_in_oe = oe.ids sent = oe.sentence list_terms = sentences[str(sent)] #print>>sys.stderr,'\t\tTerms in sent:',list_terms ########################################### #First rule: noun to the right within maxdistance tokens max_distance_right = 3 biggest_index = -1 for idx, (lemma,pos,term_id) in enumerate(list_terms): if term_id in ids_in_oe: biggest_index = idx #print>>sys.stderr,'\t\tBI',biggest_index if biggest_index+1 >= len(list_terms): ## is the last element and we shall skip it #print>>sys.stderr,'\t\tNot possible to apply 1st rule' pass else: candidates=list_terms[biggest_index+1:min(biggest_index+1+max_distance_right,len(list_terms))] ##Filter candidates #print>>sys.stderr,'\t\tCandidates for right rule no filter',candidates #oe.__candidates_right = [(lemma, term_id) for (lemma, term_id) in candidates if len(lemma)>=4 and term_id not in all_ids_in_oe] oe.candidates_r = filter_candidates(candidates,all_ids_in_oe) logging.debug(' Candidates filtered right'+str(oe.candidates_r)) #print>>sys.stderr,'\t\tCandidates for right rule no filter',oe.__candidates_right ###################################################################################### ########################################### max_distance_left = 3 smallest_index = 0 for idx,(lemma,pos,term_id) in enumerate(list_terms): if term_id in ids_in_oe: smallest_index = idx break #print>>sys.stderr,'Smalles index:',smallest_index if smallest_index == 0: #print>>sys.stderr,'\t\tNot possible to apply left rule' pass else: candidates = list_terms[max(0,smallest_index-1-max_distance_left):smallest_index] ##Filter candidates #print>>sys.stderr,'\t\tCandidates for left rule no filter',candidates oe.candidates_l = filter_candidates(candidates,all_ids_in_oe) logging.debug(' Candidates filtered left: '+str(oe.candidates_l)) ###################################################################################### #print>>sys.stderr,'#'*40 #print>>sys.stderr,'#'*40 ## filling or.target_ids assigned_as_targets = [] # First we assing to all the first in the right, if any, and not assigned logging.debug(' Applying first to the right rule') for oe in ops_exps: #print>>sys.stderr,'A ver ',oe if len(oe.candidates_r) !=0: lemma, pos, id = oe.candidates_r[0] if id not in assigned_as_targets: oe.target_ids.append(id) ###assigned_as_targets.append(id) #Uncomment to avoid selection of the same target moe than once logging.debug(' OpExp '+str(oe)+' selected '+id) #print>>sys.stderr,'Asignamos',id logging.debug(' Applying most close rule') for oe in ops_exps: if len(oe.target_ids) == 0: # otherwise it's solved intercalados_list = mix_lists([id for _,_,id in oe.candidates_r],[id for _,_,id in oe.candidates_l]) for id in intercalados_list: if id not in assigned_as_targets: oe.target_ids.append(id) ###assigned_as_targets.append(id) #Uncomment to avoid selection of the same target moe than once logging.debug(' OpExp '+str(oe)+' selected '+id) break ######## MAIN ROUTINE ############ ## Check if we are reading from a pipeline if sys.stdin.isatty(): print>>sys.stderr,'Input stream required.' print>>sys.stderr,'Example usage: cat myUTF8file.kaf.xml |',sys.argv[0] sys.exit(-1) ######################################## logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stderr,format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s',level=logging.DEBUG) ## Processing the parameters my_time_stamp = True remove_opinions = True opinion_strength = True try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],"",["no-time","no-remove-opinions","no-opinion-strength"]) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--no-time": my_time_stamp = False elif opt == "--no-remove-opinions": remove_opinions = False elif opt == "--no-opinion-strength": opinion_strength = False except getopt.GetoptError: pass ######################################### logging.debug('Include timestamp: '+str(my_time_stamp)) # Parsing the KAF file try: my_kaf_tree = KafParser(sys.stdin) except Exception as e: print>>sys.stderr,'Error parsing input' print>>sys.stderr,'Stream input must be a valid KAF file' print>>sys.stderr,'Error: ',str(e) sys.exit(-1) lang = my_kaf_tree.getLanguage() ## Creating data structure sentences = defaultdict(list) my_tokens = [] # CREATE the datastructure for the tokens n=0 lemma_for_tid = {} for term in my_kaf_tree.getTerms(): n+=1 term_id = term.getId() lemma = term.getLemma() lemma_for_tid[term_id] = lemma kaf_pos = term.getPos() #print>>sys.stderr,kaf_pos list_span = term.get_list_span() ## List of token ids in the span layer of the term sentiment = term.getSentiment() polarity = sent_mod = None if sentiment is not None: polarity = sentiment.getPolarity() sent_mod = sentiment.getSentimentModifier() sentence = my_kaf_tree.getToken(list_span[0]).get('sent') ## The sentence of the first token element in span my_tokens.append(MyToken(term_id,lemma,kaf_pos,polarity,sent_mod,sentence)) sentences[str(sentence)].append((lemma,kaf_pos,term_id)) ############################# logging.debug('Num terms loaded: '+str(n)) logging.debug('Num sentences: '+str(len(sentences))) logging.debug('Obtaining opinion expressions') my_ops_exps = obtain_opinion_expressions(my_tokens,lang) print>>sys.stderr,my_ops_exps logging.debug('Obtaining targets') obtain_targets_improved(my_ops_exps,sentences) logging.debug('Obtaining holders') obtain_holders(my_ops_exps,sentences,lang) ## Create the elements logging.debug('Generating KAF output') if remove_opinions: my_kaf_tree.remove_opinion_layer() for oe in my_ops_exps: op_ele = etree.Element('opinion') ## Holder if len(oe.holder)!=0: oe.holder.sort() c = ' '.join(lemma_for_tid[tid] for tid in oe.holder) op_hol = etree.Element('opinion_holder') op_hol.append(etree.Comment(c)) op_ele.append(op_hol) span_op_hol = etree.Element('span') op_hol.append(span_op_hol) for id in oe.holder: span_op_hol.append(etree.Element('target',attrib={'id':id})) ## Target op_tar = etree.Element('opinion_target') op_ele.append(op_tar) if len(oe.target_ids)!=0: ## if there are no targets, there is no opinion eleemnt oe.target_ids.sort() c = ' '.join(lemma_for_tid[tid] for tid in oe.target_ids) op_tar.append(etree.Comment(c)) span_op_tar = etree.Element('span') op_tar.append(span_op_tar) for id in oe.target_ids: span_op_tar.append(etree.Element('target',attrib={'id':id})) #Expression if oe.value > 0: pol = 'positive' elif oe.value < 0: pol = 'negative' else: pol = 'neutral' op_exp = etree.Element('opinion_expression') op_exp.set('polarity',pol) if opinion_strength: op_exp.set('strength',str(oe.value)) op_ele.append(op_exp) oe.ids.sort() c = ' '.join(lemma_for_tid[tid] for tid in oe.ids) op_exp.append(etree.Comment(c)) span_exp = etree.Element('span') op_exp.append(span_exp) for id in oe.ids: span_exp.append(etree.Element('target',attrib={'id':id})) ##Append the op_ele to the opinions layer my_kaf_tree.addElementToLayer('opinions', op_ele) my_kaf_tree.addLinguisticProcessor('Basic opinion detector with Pos','1.0','opinions', my_time_stamp) my_kaf_tree.saveToFile(sys.stdout) logging.debug('Process finished')