function module(name, definition) { var current_constructor; if (!window[name]) { window[name] = {}; } var module_stack = [window[name]]; function current_module() { return module_stack[module_stack.length -1]; } function push_module(name) { if (!current_module()[name]) { current_module()[name] = {}; } var module = current_module()[name]; module_stack.push(module); return module; } function pop_module() { module_stack.pop(); } var keywords = { module: function(name, definition) { var module = push_module(name);; pop_module(); }, constructor: function(name, definition) { current_constructor = function() { if (this.initialize) { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); } };; current_module()[name] = current_constructor; current_constructor = undefined; }, include: function(mixin) { for (var slot_name in mixin) { current_constructor.prototype[slot_name] = mixin[slot_name]; } }, def: function(name, fn) { if(current_constructor) { current_constructor.prototype[name] = fn; } else { current_module()[name] = fn; } } }, keywords); } function throw_june_unimplemented(object, method){ throw new Error("June.UnimplementedException: '" + method + "' was not implemented by: " + object); } module("Prez", function(c) { with(c) { constructor("Builder", function() { var supported_tags = [ 'a', 'acronym', 'address', 'area', 'b', 'base', 'bdo', 'big', 'blockquote', 'body', 'br', 'button', 'caption', 'cite', 'code', 'dd', 'del', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'fieldset', 'form', 'h1', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'h5', 'h6', 'head', 'hr', 'html', 'i', 'img', 'iframe', 'input', 'ins', 'kbd', 'label', 'legend', 'li', 'link', 'map', 'meta', 'noframes', 'noscript', 'ol', 'optgroup', 'option', 'p', 'param', 'pre', 'samp', 'script', 'select', 'small', 'span', 'strong', 'style', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'tbody', 'td', 'textarea', 'th', 'thead', 'title', 'tr', 'tt', 'ul', 'var' ]; var event_types = [ "blur", "change", "click", "dblclick", "error", "focus", "keydown", "keypress", "keyup", "load", "mousedown", "mousemove", "mouseout", "mouseover", "mouseup", "resize", "scroll", "select", "submit", "unload" ]; function generate_tag_method(tag_name) { def(tag_name, function() { return this.tag_with_array_args(tag_name, arguments); }); } function generate_event_handler_method(event_type) { def(event_type, function(fn) { this.doc.push(new Prez.PostProcessorInstruction('bind', [event_type, null, fn])); }); } jQuery.each(supported_tags, function() { generate_tag_method(this); }); jQuery.each(event_types, function() { generate_event_handler_method(this); }); def("initialize", function() { this.doc = []; }); def("tag", function() { if(arguments.length > 3) { throw("XmlBulider#tag does not accept more than three arguments"); } var tag_name, attributes, value; tag_name = arguments[0]; var arg1 = arguments[1]; if(typeof arg1 == 'object') { attributes = arg1; var arg2 = arguments[2]; if(typeof arg2 == 'function' || typeof arg2 == 'string'){ value = arg2; }; } else if(typeof arg1 == 'function' || typeof arg1 == 'string'){ value = arg1; var arg2 = arguments[2]; if(typeof arg2 == 'object') { attributes = arg2; } }; if (this.is_self_closing(tag_name)) { this.doc.push(new Prez.SelfClosingTag(tag_name, attributes)); } else { this.doc.push(new Prez.OpenTag(tag_name, attributes)); if(typeof value == 'function') {; } else if(typeof value == 'string') { this.doc.push(new Prez.Text(value)); } this.doc.push(new Prez.CloseTag(tag_name)); } return this; }); def("self_closing_tag_hash", { 'br': 1, 'hr': 1, 'input': 1, 'img': 1 }); def("is_self_closing", function(tag_name){ return this.self_closing_tag_hash[tag_name]; }); def("tag_with_array_args", function(tag, args) { if(!args) return this.tag(tag); var new_arguments = [tag]; for(var i=0; i < args.length; i++) { new_arguments.push(args[i]); } return this.tag.apply(this, new_arguments); }); def("rawtext", function(value) { this.doc.push(new Prez.Text(value)); }); def("text", function(value) { var html = this.escape_html(value); this.doc.push(new Prez.Text(html)); }); def("escape_html", function(html) { return html.split("&").join("&").split("<").join("<").split(">").join(">") }); def("subview", function(name, template, initial_attributes) { this.doc.push(new Prez.PostProcessorInstruction('open_subview', [name])) template.content(this, initial_attributes); this.doc.push(new Prez.PostProcessorInstruction('close_view', [template, initial_attributes])) }); def("keyed_subview", function(name, key, template, initial_attributes) { this.doc.push(new Prez.PostProcessorInstruction('open_subview', [name, key])) template.content(this, initial_attributes); this.doc.push(new Prez.PostProcessorInstruction('close_view', [template, initial_attributes])) }); def("bind", function() { var type = arguments[0]; if (arguments.length > 2) { var data = arguments[1]; var fn = arguments[2]; } else { var data = null; var fn = arguments[1]; } this.doc.push(new Prez.PostProcessorInstruction('bind', [type, data, fn])); }); def("to_string", function() { var output = ""; for(var i=0; i < this.doc.length; i++) { var element = this.doc[i]; output += element.to_string(); } return output; }); def("to_view", function(template, initial_attributes) { var string = this.to_string(); if (string == "") return ""; var post_processor = new Prez.PostProcessor($(string)); for(var i=0; i < this.doc.length; i++) { var element = this.doc[i]; element.post_process(post_processor); } post_processor.close_view(template, initial_attributes); return post_processor.root_view; }); }); }}); module("Prez", function(c) { with(c) { constructor("PostProcessor", function() { def("initialize", function(root_view) { this.root_view = root_view; this.view_stack = [root_view]; this.selector_stack = [0]; }); def("push", function() { this.add_child(); this.selector_stack.push(0); }); def("add_child", function() { if (!this.selector_stack.length == 0) { this.selector_stack[this.selector_stack.length - 1]++; } }); def("pop", function() { this.selector_stack.pop(); }); def("open_subview", function(name, key) { var view = this.next_element(); var current_view = this.current_view(); if (!key) { current_view[name] = view; } else { if (!current_view[name]) { current_view[name] = {}; } current_view[name][key] = view; } view.parent = current_view; this.view_stack.push(view); }); def("close_view", function(template, initial_attributes) { var current_view = this.current_view(); if (template && template.methods) { $.extend(current_view, template.methods); } if (template && template.configuration) { current_view.configuration = template.configuration; } if (initial_attributes) { $.extend(current_view, initial_attributes); } if (current_view.initialize) { current_view.initialize(); } this.view_stack.pop(); }); def("bind", function(type, data, fn) { var view = this.current_view(); this.previous_element().bind(type, data, function(event) { fn(event, view); }); }); def("next_element", function() { return this.find_element(this.next_selector()); }); def("previous_element", function() { if(this.selector_stack.length == 1) { if (this.root_view.length == 1) { return this.root_view; } else { return this.root_view.eq(this.num_root_children() - 1); } } else { return this.find_element(this.previous_selector()); } }); def("find_element", function(selector) { if(this.root_view.length == 1) { return this.root_view.find(selector); } else { return this.root_view.eq(this.num_root_children() - 1).find(selector); } }); def("num_root_children", function() { return this.selector_stack[0]; }); def("next_selector", function() { return this.selector(true) }); def("previous_selector", function() { return this.selector(false) }); def("selector", function(next) { var selectors = []; for(var i = 1; i < this.selector_stack.length; i++) { if (i == this.selector_stack.length - 1) { var index = next ? this.selector_stack[i] + 1 : this.selector_stack[i]; selectors.push(":nth-child(" + index + ")") } else { selectors.push(":nth-child(" + this.selector_stack[i] + ")") } } return "> " + selectors.join(" > "); }); def("current_view", function() { return this.view_stack[this.view_stack.length - 1]; }); }); }}); module("Prez", function(c) { with(c) { constructor("OpenTag", function() { def("initialize", function(tag_name, attributes) { this.tag_name = tag_name; this.attributes = attributes; }); def("to_string", function() { var serialized_attributes = []; for(var attributeName in this.attributes) { serialized_attributes.push(attributeName + '="' + this.attributes[attributeName] + '"'); } if(serialized_attributes.length > 0) { return "<" + this.tag_name + " " + serialized_attributes.join(" ") + ">"; } else { return "<" + this.tag_name + ">"; } }) def("post_process", function(processor) { processor.push(); }); }); }}); module("Prez", function(c) { with(c) { constructor("CloseTag", function() { def("initialize", function(tag_name) { this.tag_name = tag_name; }); def("to_string", function() { return ""; }); def("post_process", function(processor) { processor.pop(); }); }); }}); module("Prez", function(c) { with(c) { constructor("SelfClosingTag", function() { def("initialize", function(tag_name, attributes) { this.tag_name = tag_name; this.attributes = attributes; }); def('to_string', function() { var serialized_attributes = []; for(var attributeName in this.attributes) { serialized_attributes.push(attributeName + '="' + this.attributes[attributeName] + '"'); } if(serialized_attributes.length > 0) { return "<" + this.tag_name + " " + serialized_attributes.join(" ") + " />"; } else { return "<" + this.tag_name + " />"; } }); def('post_process', function(processor) { processor.push(); // we increase the parent's number of children processor.pop(); // but then remove this child -- it can have no children itself. Parent's child count remains incremented. }); }); }}); module("Prez", function(c) { with(c) { constructor("Text", function() { def("initialize", function(value) { this.value = value; }); def("to_string", function() { return this.value; }); def("post_process", function(processor) { }); }); }}); module("Prez", function(c) { with(c) { constructor("PostProcessorInstruction", function() { def("initialize", function(function_name, arguments) { this.function_name = function_name; this.arguments = arguments; }); def("to_string", function() { return ""; }); def("post_process", function(processor) { processor[this.function_name].apply(processor, this.arguments); }); }); }}); module("Prez", function(c) { with(c) { def("build", function(fn_or_template, initial_attributes) { var builder = new Prez.Builder(); if (fn_or_template instanceof Function) { fn_or_template(builder, initial_attributes); } else { fn_or_template.content(builder, initial_attributes); } return builder.to_view(fn_or_template, initial_attributes); }); def("inherit", function(layout, template) { var merged_template = $.extend(true, {}, layout, template); merged_template.methods = merged_template.methods || {}; merged_template.methods.initialize = function() { if(layout.methods && layout.methods.initialize) {; } if(template.methods && template.methods.initialize) {; } }; return merged_template; }); }});