#!/bin/bash --login set -e git clone lf-git lf-git-changed CHANGELOG_FILE="CHANGELOG.md" COMMIT_URL="https://github.com/pivotal-legacy/LicenseFinder/commit/" TAGS=( "Added" "ADDED" "Fixed" "FIXED" "Changed" "CHANGED" "Deprecated" "DEPRECATED" "Removed" "REMOVED" "Security" "SECURITY" ) CONTRIBUTORS=( "Shane Lattanzio" "Daniil Kouznetsov" "Andy Shen" "Li Tai" "Ryan Collins" "Vikram Yadav" ) OLD="v$(cat ./lf-release/version)" VERSION="$(ruby -r ./lf-git-changed/lib/license_finder/version.rb -e "puts LicenseFinder::VERSION")" VERSION_TAG="v$VERSION" # Add version title information LOG=$(echo "# [$VERSION] / $(date +%Y-%m-%d)\n") cd lf-git-changed for ((i = 0; i < ${#TAGS[@]}; i++)); do if [[ $i -gt 0 ]]; then TAG_COMPARE=$(echo "${TAGS[$i]}" | grep -qi "${TAGS[$i - 1]}" && echo same || echo different) HEADER_EXISTS=$(echo "$LOG" | grep -qi "${TAGS[$i - 1]}" && echo exists || echo dne) fi GIT_LOG=$'\n'$(git log "$OLD"...HEAD --pretty=format:"%H%n%s - [%h]($COMMIT_URL%H) - %an%n%n"| grep -E "\[${TAGS[$i]}\] .*" | sort | sed -e "s/\[${TAGS[$i]}\]/\*/g") # Only add section information if it has content if [[ $i -ne $[${#TAGS[@]}-1] && $GIT_LOG =~ "." && $i -gt 0 && "$TAG_COMPARE" == "same" && "$HEADER_EXISTS" == "exists" ]]; then LOG="$LOG""$GIT_LOG\n" elif [[ $GIT_LOG =~ "." ]]; then if [[ $i -gt 0 && "$TAG_COMPARE" == "same" && "$HEADER_EXISTS" == "dne" ]]; then LOG="$LOG"$'\n'$(echo "### ${TAGS[$i - 1]}")"$GIT_LOG\n" else LOG="$LOG"$'\n'$(echo "### ${TAGS[$i]}")"$GIT_LOG\n" fi fi done # Strip Pivotal contributors for ((i = 0; i < ${#CONTRIBUTORS[@]}; i++)); do LOG=$(echo "$LOG" | sed -e "s/-* ${CONTRIBUTORS[$i]}//g") done # Prepend new version information at the top of the file echo -e "$LOG\n$(cat $CHANGELOG_FILE)" > $CHANGELOG_FILE # Append version hyperlink to the end of the file echo -e "[$VERSION]: https://github.com/pivotal-legacy/LicenseFinder/compare/$OLD...$VERSION_TAG" >> $CHANGELOG_FILE git config --global user.email $GIT_EMAIL git config --global user.name $GIT_USERNAME git add $CHANGELOG_FILE git commit -m "Update changelog for version: $VERSION" echo "New version: $VERSION" echo "Current version: $OLD" if [ "$VERSION" == "$OLD" ]; then echo "Error: Version in version.rb is identical to latest release on github" exit 1 fi body=$(cat "$CHANGELOG_FILE" | sed -n "/# \[$VERSION\]/,/# \[[\d\.]*/p" | sed '$d' | tail -n +2) echo "$VERSION_TAG" > ../version/tag.txt echo "$VERSION" > ../version/version.txt echo "$body" > ../version/changelog.txt echo "Tag: $VERSION_TAG" echo "Version: $VERSION" echo "Body: $body" exit 0