require 'will_paginate/active_record' # add `:large` option with make pagination on large tables easier, because `SELECT *` is slow with large `OFFSET`: # first it fetch ids of the records using `SELECT id` # and in the second query it fetch records module WillPaginate module ActiveRecord module RelationMethods attr_accessor :paginate_limit, :paginate_offset def per_page(value = nil) if value.nil? paginate_limit || limit_value else limit(value.to_i) end end def offset(value = nil) if value.nil? paginate_offset || offset_value else super(value.to_i) end end end module Pagination def paginate(options) options = options.dup page_number = [1, options[:page].to_i].max per_page = (options.delete(:per_page) || self.per_page).to_i total = options.delete(:total_entries) large = options.delete(:large) count_options = options.delete(:count) options.delete(:page) rel = limit(per_page.to_i).page(page_number) rel = rel.apply_finder_options(options) if options.any? rel.wp_count_options = count_options if count_options rel.total_entries = total.to_i unless total.blank? if large ids = rel.except(:includes).pluck(Arel.sql("#{quoted_table_name}.#{primary_key}")) new_rel = rel.except(:limit, :offset, :where).where(primary_key => ids) new_rel.paginate_limit = rel.limit_value.to_i new_rel.paginate_offset = rel.offset_value.to_i new_rel.total_entries = rel.total_entries new_rel.current_page = rel.current_page new_rel else rel end end end end end