require "log4r" require "vagrant" module VagrantPlugins module Unison class Command < Vagrant.plugin("2", :command) def execute with_target_vms do |machine| ssh_info = machine.ssh_info hostpath = File.expand_path(machine.config.sync.host_folder, @env.root_path) guestpath = machine.config.sync.guest_folder # Make sure there is a trailing slash on the host path to # avoid creating an additional directory with rsync hostpath = "#{hostpath}/" if hostpath !~ /\/$/ "Unisoning {host}::#{hostpath} --> {guest VM}::#{guestpath}" # Create the guest path #machine.communicate.sudo("mkdir -p '#{guestpath}'") #machine.communicate.sudo("chown #{ssh_info[:username]} '#{guestpath}'") # Unison over to the guest path using the SSH info command = [ "unison", "-batch", "-ignore='Name {git*,.vagrant/,*.DS_Store}'", "-sshargs=\"-p #{ssh_info[:port]} -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i '#{ssh_info[:private_key_path]}'\"", hostpath, "ssh://#{ssh_info[:username]}@#{ssh_info[:host]}/#{guestpath}" ] r = Vagrant::Util::Subprocess.execute(*command) if r.exit_code != 0 raise Vagrant::Errors::UnisonError, :command => command.join(" "), :guestpath => guestpath, :hostpath => hostpath, :stderr => r.stderr end end 0 end end end end