//================================================== // Devices.scss // // Index // ----- // 1) Screen Size Scale // 2) Media Queries Mixins //================================================== //========================= // 1) Screen Size Scale //========================= // Define your screen screen sizes here $small-range: (0em, 37.5em); /* 0, 600px */ $medium-range: (37.5em, 64em); /* 600px, 1024px */ $large-range: (64em, 90em); /* 1024px, 1440px */ $xlarge-range: (90em, 120em); /* 1440px, 1920px */ // Functions for determining lower and upper range of screen // Source: https://github.com/zurb/foundation/blob/master/scss/foundation/_functions.scss @function lower-bound($range){ @if length($range) <= 0 { @return 0; } @return nth($range,1); } @function upper-bound($range) { @if length($range) < 2 { @return 999999999999; } @return nth($range, 2); } //========================= // 2) Media Queries Mixins //========================= @mixin bp-landscape { @media screen and (orientation: landscape) { @content; } } @mixin bp-portrait { @media screen and (orientation: portrait) { @content; } } @mixin bp-small-only { @media screen and (max-width: "#{upper-bound($small-range)}") { @content; } } @mixin bp-medium-up { @media screen and (min-width:"#{lower-bound($medium-range)}") { @content; } } @mixin bp-medium-only { @media screen and (min-width:"#{lower-bound($medium-range)}") and (max-width:"#{upper-bound($medium-range)}") { @content; } } @mixin bp-large-up { @media screen and (min-width:"#{lower-bound($large-range)}") { @content; } } @mixin bp-large-only { @media screen and (min-width:"#{lower-bound($large-range)}") and (max-width:"#{upper-bound($large-range)}") { @content; } } @mixin bp-xlarge-up { @media screen and (min-width:"#{lower-bound($xlarge-range)}") { @content; } } @mixin bp-xlarge-only { @media screen and (min-width:"#{lower-bound($xlarge-range)}") and (max-width:"#{upper-bound($xlarge-range)}") { @content; } }