# ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Sem4r sem4ruby@gmail.com # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- module Sem4r class Report < Base enum :AggregationTypes, [ :Summary, :Daily, :Weekly, :Monthly, :Quarterly, :Yearly, :DayOfWeek, :HourlyByDate, :HourlyRegardlessDate, :Campaign, :AdGroup, :Keyword, :Creative ] enum :Columns, [ :Campaign, :AdGroup, :Keyword, :KeywordTypeDisplay] enum :ReportTypes, [ :Account, # Account Performance :AdGroup, # Ad Group Performance :Campaign, # Campaign Performance :Demographic, # Demographic Performance :ContentPlacement, # Placement Performance :Creative, # Ad Performance :Geographic, # Geographic Performance :Keyword, # Placement / Keyword Performance :Query, # Search Query Performance :ReachAndFrequency, # Reach and Frequency Performance :Structure, # Account Structure :Url # URL Performance ] enum :Statuses, [ :Pending, :InProgress, :Completed, :Failed ] ########################################################################### attr_reader :id attr_reader :account g_accessor :name g_accessor :start_day g_accessor :end_day def days(start_day, end_day) self.start_day start_day self.end_day end_day end g_accessor :aggregation g_accessor :type g_accessor :cross_client, {:default => false} g_accessor :zero_impression, {:default => false} g_reader :status g_set_accessor :column ########################################################################### def initialize(account, &block) super( account.adwords, account.credentials ) @account = account if block_given? block.arity < 1 ? instance_eval(&block) : block.call(self) end end def to_s "#{id} '#{name}' #{status}" end def xml(t) t.name name t.selectedReportType type t.startDay start_day t.endDay end_day t.aggregationTypes aggregation t.crossClient cross_client t.includeZeroImpression zero_impression columns.each do |column| t.selectedColumns column end end def to_xml builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new builder.job("xsi:type" => "DefinedReportJob") do |t| xml(t) # job.name name # job.selectedReportType type # job.startDay start_day # job.endDay end_day # job.aggregationTypes aggregation # # job.crossClient cross_client # job.includeZeroImpression zero_impression # # columns.each do |column| # job.selectedColumns column # end end end def self.from_element(account, el) new(account) do @id = el.elements["id"].text.strip.to_i # id is read only name el.elements["name"].text.strip start_day el.elements["startDay"].text.strip end_day el.elements["endDay"].text.strip @status = el.elements["status"].text.strip # status is read only end end ############################################################################ def status(refresh = false) return @status unless refresh soap_message = service.report.status(credentials, @id) add_counters( soap_message.counters ) el = REXML::XPath.first( soap_message.response, "//getReportJobStatusResponse/getReportJobStatusReturn") @status = el.text end # Validate the report definition to make sure it is valid. # If it is not, an AdWords::Error::ApiError will be thrown. def validate begin service.report.validate(credentials, to_xml) return true rescue SoapError => e puts e end return false end def schedule soap_message = service.report.schedule(credentials, to_xml) add_counters( soap_message.counters ) el = REXML::XPath.first( soap_message.response, "//scheduleReportJobResponse/scheduleReportJobReturn") @id = el.text # puts "requested report assigned job nr. #{@job_id}" ReportJob.new(self, @id) end def url soap_message = service.report.url(credentials, @id) add_counters( soap_message.counters ) el = REXML::XPath.first( soap_message.response, "//getReportDownloadUrlResponse/getReportDownloadUrlReturn") url = el.text url end def download(path_name) service.report.download(url, path_name) end end end