# Changelog ## Version 0.0.5 * Heroku was not looking on the right directory (tmp instead of app) * /tmp/build_xxx/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/google_robotstxt_parser-0.0.5/ext/robotstxt/robotstxt/c-build * /app/vendor/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/google_robotstxt_parser-0.0.5/ext/robotstxt/robotstxt/c-build ## Version 0.0.5 * DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF to create .so insted of .bundle on Heroku ## Version 0.0.4 * Set @rpath flag in extconf to link the dylib directly from the c-build directory * Remove symbolic link creation, useless now with the @rpath ## Version 0.0.3 * Replace File.symlink with FileUtils.ln_s ## Version 0.0.2 * User __dir__ ## Version 0.0.1 * Try to create a symbolic link to /usr/local/lib/ to make the library load ## Version 0.0.0 * Initial version by [@bqst][https://github.com/bqst]