import * as child_process from 'child_process' import { window } from 'vscode' import { checkVersions } from './check-versions' import { calcExecutionConfiguration, getTraceConfiguration } from './config' import { outputChannel } from './status' import { asyncExec, asyncExecPipeline } from './utils' export function isLanguageServerInstalled(): boolean { const { command } = calcExecutionConfiguration() try { child_process.execSync(command, { stdio: 'ignore' }); return true } catch (e) { return false } } export async function tryInstallOrUpdate() { try { if (!isLanguageServerInstalled()) { outputChannel.appendLine(`Yoda is not installed. Ask to install.`) await promptForInstallTool(false) return } const { shouldUpdate, localVersion, remoteVersion } = await checkVersions() console.log(`Local version: ${localVersion}`) console.log(`Available version: ${remoteVersion}`) console.log(`shouldUpdate: ${shouldUpdate}`) if (shouldUpdate) { await promptForInstallTool(localVersion !== null, remoteVersion) } } catch (e) { outputChannel.appendLine(`An error occured on update: ${e}`) } } export async function promptForInstallTool(update: boolean, newVersion?: string) { const choises = [update ? 'Update' : 'Install'] const newVersionLabel = newVersion ? ` (${newVersion})` : '' const message = update ? `A newer version of yoda${newVersionLabel} is updatable.` : 'yoda command is not available. Please install.' const selected = await window.showInformationMessage(message, ...choises) switch (selected) { case 'Install': case 'Update': await installTool() break; default: break; } } async function installTool() { outputChannel.clear() outputChannel.appendLine('Installing yoda...') await installGemFromRubygems() outputChannel.appendLine('yoda is installed.') } async function installGemFromRubygems() { outputChannel.appendLine('gem install yoda-language-server') await asyncExecPipeline("yes | gem install yoda-language-server", (stdout, stderr) => { if (stdout) { outputChannel.append(stdout) } if (stderr) { outputChannel.append(stderr) } }) } async function installGemFromRepository() { try { await asyncExec("gem list --installed --exact specific_install") } catch (e) { outputChannel.appendLine('gem install specific_install') await asyncExecPipeline("gem install specific_install", (stdout, stderr) => { if (stdout) { outputChannel.append(stdout) } if (stderr) { outputChannel.append(stderr) } }) outputChannel.appendLine('') } outputChannel.appendLine('gem specific_install tomoasleep/yoda') await asyncExecPipeline("gem specific_install tomoasleep/yoda", (stdout, stderr) => { if (stdout) { outputChannel.append(stdout) } if (stderr) { outputChannel.append(stderr) } }) }