module OodCore module Job module Adapters # @api private class Helper # Get the configured path to a command allowing overrides from bin_overrides # @param cmd [String] the desired command # @param bin_default [String] the default place to find cmd on the file system # @param bin_overrides [Hash] commands associated with the full path to their replacement # e.g. {'squeue' => '/usr/local/slurm/bin/squeue'} # @return [String] path to the configured command def self.bin_path(cmd, bin_default, bin_overrides) bin_overrides.fetch(cmd.to_s) { } end # Gets a command that submits command on another host via ssh # @param submit_host [String] where to submit the command # @param cmd [String] the desired command to execute on another host # @param cmd_args [Array] arguments to the command specified above # @param strict_host_checking [Bool] whether to use strict_host_checking # @param env [Hash] env variables to be set w/ssh # # @return cmd [String] command wrapped in ssh if submit_host is present # @return args [Array] command arguments including ssh_flags and original command def self.ssh_wrap(submit_host, cmd, cmd_args, strict_host_checking = true, env = {}) return cmd, cmd_args if submit_host.to_s.empty? check_host = strict_host_checking ? "yes" : "no" args = ['-o', 'BatchMode=yes', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-o', "StrictHostKeyChecking=#{check_host}", "#{submit_host}"] env.each{|key, value| args.push("export #{key}=#{value};")} return 'ssh', args + [cmd] + cmd_args end # Determine whether to upcase account strings when returning adapter#accounts def self.upcase_accounts? env_var = ENV['OOD_UPCASE_ACCOUNTS'] if env_var.nil? || env_var.to_s.downcase == 'false' false else true end end end end end end