% type = "tasks" % tasks_list = Mutx::API::Tasks.list({}) % Mutx::Support::Log.debug "Results for task name #{args[:task_name]}" if Mutx::Support::Log and args[:task_name] % type = args[:type] || "all" % unless tasks_list["tasks"].empty? % tasks_list["tasks"].select!{|task| task["name"]==args[:task_name]} if args[:task_name] % tasks_list["tasks"].each do |task| % results_list = Mutx::API::Result.results_list_for(task["_id"]) % if results_list.size > 0 % results_list_size = Mutx::View.round_plus(results_list.size)

{{results_list_size}} Results

% result_template = Mote.parse(File.read("#{Mutx::View.path}/results/result.mote"), self, [:result]) % results_list_size = results_list.size % results_list = results_list[0..2] unless args[:task_name] % results_list.each do |result_data| {{result_template.call(result:result_data)}} % end
When started Label Time Elapsed Unviewed Console Status
% else

No results found for execution: '{{task[:name]}}', go ahead and run it

% end % end % end % if tasks_list["tasks"].empty?

No results found, go ahead create and run a task

% end