require 'spec_helper' require 'contextio/source_collection' describe ContextIO::SourceCollection do let(:api) { double('api', url_for: 'url from api') } subject { } describe "#create" do before do api.stub(:request).with(:post, anything, anything).and_return( 'success' => true, 'resource_url' => 'resource_url' ) end it "posts to the api" do api.should_receive(:request).with( :post, 'url from api', anything ) subject.create('', '', 'hello', true, 993, 'IMAP') end it "converts boolean to number string for ssl" do api.should_receive(:request).with( anything, anything, hash_including('use_ssl' => '1') ) subject.create('', '', 'hello', true, 993, 'IMAP') end it "converts integer to number string for port" do api.should_receive(:request).with( anything, anything, hash_including('port' => '993') ) subject.create('', '', 'hello', true, 993, 'IMAP') end it "doesn't make any more API calls than it needs to" do api.should_not_receive(:request).with(:get, anything, anything) subject.create('', '', 'hello', true, 993, 'IMAP') end it "returns a Source" do expect(subject.create('', '', 'hello', true, 993, 'IMAP')).to be_a(ContextIO::Source) end end end