describe "wait" do let!(:progress) { "" } before do do 2.times do sleep 1 progress << "." end end end context "for" do context "to" do it "passes immediately" do expect { wait.for { progress }.to eq("") }.not_to raise_error end it "waits for the matcher to pass" do expect { wait.for { progress }.to eq(".") }.not_to raise_error end it "re-evaluates the actual value" do expect { wait.for { progress.dup }.to eq(".") }.not_to raise_error end it "fails if the matcher never passes" do expect { wait.for { progress }.to eq("...") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError) end it "times out if the block never finishes" do expect { wait.for { sleep 11; progress }.to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError) end it "respects a timeout specified in configuration" do original_timeout = RSpec.configuration.wait_timeout RSpec.configuration.wait_timeout = 3 begin expect { wait.for { sleep 4; progress }.to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError) ensure RSpec.configuration.wait_timeout = original_timeout end end it "respects a timeout specified in options", wait: { timeout: 3 } do expect { wait.for { sleep 4; progress }.to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError) end it "respects a timeout specified as an argument" do expect { wait(3).for { sleep 4; progress }.to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError) end it "raises an error occuring in the block" do expect { wait.for { raise RuntimeError }.to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "prevents operator matchers" do expect { wait.for { progress }.to == "." }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "accepts a value rather than a block" do expect { wait.for(progress).to eq(".") }.not_to raise_error end end context "not_to" do it "passes immediately" do expect { wait.for { progress }.not_to eq("..") }.not_to raise_error end it "waits for the matcher not to pass" do expect { wait.for { progress }.not_to eq("") }.not_to raise_error end it "re-evaluates the actual value" do expect { wait.for { progress.dup }.not_to eq("") }.not_to raise_error end it "fails if the matcher always passes" do expect { wait.for { progress }.not_to be_a(String) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError) end it "times out if the block never finishes" do expect { wait.for { sleep 11; progress }.not_to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError) end it "respects a timeout specified in configuration" do original_timeout = RSpec.configuration.wait_timeout RSpec.configuration.wait_timeout = 3 begin expect { wait.for { sleep 4; progress }.not_to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError) ensure RSpec.configuration.wait_timeout = original_timeout end end it "respects a timeout specified in options", wait: { timeout: 3 } do expect { wait.for { sleep 4; progress }.not_to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError) end it "respects a timeout specified as an argument" do expect { wait(3).for { sleep 4; progress }.not_to eq("..") }.to raise_error(RSpec::Wait::TimeoutError) end it "raises an error occuring in the block" do expect { wait.for { raise RuntimeError }.not_to eq("") }.to raise_error(RuntimeError) end it "respects the to_not alias when expectation is met" do expect { wait(1).for { true }.to_not eq(false) }.not_to raise_error end it "respects the to_not alias when expectation is not met" do expect { wait(1).for { true }.to_not eq(true) }.to raise_error(RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError) end it "prevents operator matchers" do expect { wait.for { progress }.not_to == ".." }.to raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "accepts a value rather than a block" do expect { wait.for(progress).not_to eq("..") }.not_to raise_error end end end end