require 'fileutils' require 'erb' require 'securerandom' class Subspace::Commands::Init < Subspace::Commands::Base def initialize(args, options) options.default env: "dev" @env = options.env @template = options.template if options.ansibe.nil? && options.terraform.nil? # They didn't pass in any options (subspace init) so just do both options.ansible = true options.terraform = true end if @template.nil? && options.terraform == true answer = ask "What template/server configuration would you like to use? e.g. 'workhorse' or 'oxenwagen'" @template = answer end @init_ansible = options.ansible @init_terraform = options.terraform run end def run if File.exists? dest_dir answer = ask "Subspace appears to be initialized. Reply 'yes' to continue anyway: [no] " abort unless answer.chomp == "yes" else FileUtils.mkdir_p dest_dir end init_pemfile init_ansible if @init_ansible init_terraform if @init_terraform puts """ 1. Inspect key config files: - config/subspace/terraform/#{@env}/ # Main terraform file - config/subspace/#{@env}.yml # Main ansible playbook - config/subspace/group_vars # Ansible configuration options - config/subspace/inventory.yml # Server Inventory - config/subspace/templates/authorized_keys # SSH Authorized Keys - config/subspace/templates/application.yml # Application Environment variables 2. create cloud infrastructure with terraform: subspace tf #{@env} 3. Bootstrap the new server subspace boostrap #{@env}1 4. Inspect new environment - ensure the correct roles are present in #{@env}.yml - Check ansible configuration variables in group_vars/#{@env} 5. Provision the new servers with ansible: subspace provision #{@env} !!MAKE SURE YOU PUT config/subspace/subspace.pem in 1Password!! !!If you added an SSH Key Passphrase during that step, also save it in 1Password!! """ end private def init_pemfile pem = File.join dest_dir, "subspace.pem" if File.exist?(pem) say "Existing SSH Keypair exists. Skipping keygen." else say "Creating SSH Keypair in #{pem}" `ssh-keygen -t rsa -f #{pem}` end end def init_ansible FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join dest_dir, "group_vars" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join dest_dir, "secrets" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join dest_dir, "roles" FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join dest_dir, "templates" copy ".gitignore" template "ansible.cfg" template "group_vars/all" template "inventory.yml" template "templates/authorized_keys" create_vault_pass @hostname = hostname(@env) create_secrets_for @env template "group_vars/template", "group_vars/#{@env}" template "playbook.yml", "#{@env}.yml" create_secrets_for "development" #TODO rename to local? init_appyml end def init_terraform Subspace::Commands::Terraform.ensure_terraform Subspace::Commands::Terraform.check_aws_credentials(project_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p File.join dest_dir, "terraform", @env set_latest_ami template "terraform/template/main-#{@template}.tf", "terraform/#{@env}/" copy "terraform/.gitignore" end def hostname(env) "#{project_name.gsub('_', '-')}-#{env}" end def create_vault_pass if File.exist? File.join(dest_dir, ".vault_pass") say ".vault_pass already exists. Skipping..." else File.write File.join(dest_dir, ".vault_pass"), SecureRandom.base64 end end def create_secrets_for(env) template "secrets/template", "secrets/#{env}.yml" Dir.chdir dest_dir do `ansible-vault encrypt secrets/#{env}.yml` end end def init_appyml copy "templates/application.yml.template" end def set_latest_ami @latest_ami = `aws --profile subspace-#{project_name} ec2 describe-images \ --filters 'Name=name,Values=ubuntu/images/hvm-ssd/ubuntu-jammy-22.04-amd64*' \ --query 'Images[*].[ImageId,CreationDate]' --output text \ | sort -k2 -r \ | head -n1 | cut -f1`.chomp end end