--- regenerate: true --- {% capture cache %} {% comment %} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/translator.js # Liquid template to create the Template Adapter for J1 Translator # # Product/Info: # http://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2021 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://jekyll.one # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test data: # {{ liquid_var | debug }} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Liquid var initialization -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Set config files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign environment = site.environment %} {% assign blocks = site.data.blocks %} {% assign modules = site.data.modules %} {% assign template_config = site.data.j1_config %} {% comment %} Set config data -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign translator_defaults = modules.defaults.translator.defaults %} {% assign translator_settings = modules.translator.settings %} {% assign tracking_enabled = template_config.analytics.enabled %} {% comment %} Set config options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign translator_options = translator_defaults | merge: translator_settings %} {% assign production = false %} {% if environment == 'prod' or environment == 'production' %} {% assign production = true %} {% endif %} /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/translator.js # JS Adapter for J1 Translate # # Product/Info: # http://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2021 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under MIT License. # See: https://github.com/jekyll-one/J1 Template/blob/master/LICENSE # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adapter generated: {{site.time}} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ESLint shimming // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* eslint indent: "off" */ /* eslint quotes: "off" */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // https://github.com/EdwardBalaj/Simple-DeepL-API-Integration // https://github.com/marghoobsuleman/ms-Dropdown // https://www.marghoobsuleman.com/image-dropdown/help // https://www.marghoobsuleman.com/image-dropdown/advanced-help 'use strict'; {% comment %} Main -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} j1.adapter['translator'] = (function (j1, window) { var environment = '{{environment}}'; var tracking_enabled = ('{{tracking_enabled}}' === 'true') ? true: false; // Analytics/GA enabled? var moduleOptions = {}; var user_translate = {}; var _this; var $modal; var domain; var cookie_names; var user_consent; var logger; var url; var baseUrl; var hostname; var domain; var cookie_sub_domains; var secure; var logText; var cookie_written; var modal_language; var navigator_language; var translation_language; var ddSourceLanguage; var head; var script; var languageList; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // helper functions // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setCookie() // writes a flat cookie (not using an encoded JSON string) // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- function setCookie(options /*cName, cValue, expDays*/) { var defaults = {}; var settings; var document_cookie; var stringifiedAttributes = ''; defaults = { name: '', path: '/', expires: 0, domain: 'localhost', samesite: 'Strict', http_only: false, secure: false }; settings = $.extend(defaults, options); stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'path=' + settings.path; if (settings.expires > 0) { date.setTime(date.getTime() + (settings.expires * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000)); stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'expires=' + date.toUTCString(); } stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'SameSite=' + settings.samesite; if (settings.secure) { stringifiedAttributes += '; ' + 'secure=' + settings.secure; } // document_cookie = settings.name + '=' + settings.data + '; path=' + settings.path + '; ' + 'domain=' + settings.domain + '; ' + 'SameSite=' + settings.samesite + ';'; document_cookie = settings.name + '=' + settings.data + stringifiedAttributes; document.cookie = document_cookie; }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main object // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Initializer // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- init: function (options) { // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // globals // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- _this = j1.adapter.translator; logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.translator'); url = new liteURL(window.location.href); baseUrl = url.origin; hostname = url.hostname; domain = hostname.substring(hostname.lastIndexOf('.', hostname.lastIndexOf('.') - 1) + 1); secure = (url.protocol.includes('https')) ? true : false; modal_language = "{{site.language}}"; navigator_language = navigator.language || navigator.userLanguage; // userLanguage for MS IE compatibility translation_language = navigator_language.split('-')[0]; cookie_names = j1.getCookieNames(); head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; script = document.createElement('script'); script.id = 'google-translate'; script.src = '//translate.google.com/translate_a/element.js?cb=googleTranslateElementInit'; user_translate = { 'translatorName': 'google', 'translationEnabled': false, 'analysis': true, 'personalization': true, 'translateAllPages': true, 'useLanguageFromBrowser': true, 'translationLanguage': translation_language, }; // set sub domain settings for cookies if(domain !== 'localhost') { cookie_sub_domains = '.' + hostname; } else { cookie_sub_domains = hostname; } // load|initialize user translate cookie if (j1.existsCookie(cookie_names.user_translate)) { user_translate = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_translate); } else { logger.debug('\n' + 'write to cookie : ' + cookie_names.user_translate); cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({ name: cookie_names.user_translate, data: user_translate, samesite: 'Strict', expires: 365 }); } // initialize state flag _this.state = 'pending'; // _this.settings.languageList = '/assets/data/ms_select.json'; // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Default module settings // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- var settings = $.extend({ module_name: 'j1.adapter.translator', generated: '{{site.time}}' }, options); {% comment %} Load module config from yml data -------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} // Load module DEFAULTS|CONFIG /* eslint-disable */ moduleOptions = $.extend({}, {{translator_options | replace: '=>', ':' | replace: 'nil', '""'}}); /* eslint-enable */ if (typeof settings !== 'undefined') { moduleOptions = j1.mergeData(moduleOptions, settings); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // initializer // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval (function (options) { user_consent = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_consent); if ( j1.getState() === 'finished' ) { _this.setState('started'); logger.info('\n' + 'state: ' + _this.getState()); logger.info('\n' + 'module is being initialized'); // hide the google translate element if exists if ($('google_translate_element')) { $('google_translate_element').hide(); } // show|hide translate button if enabled if (moduleOptions.hideTranslatorIcon) { if (!user_consent.analysis || !user_consent.personalization) { // disable google translate button if visible if ($('#quickLinksTranslateButton').css('display') === 'block') { $('#quickLinksTranslateButton').css('display', 'none'); } } if (user_consent.analysis && user_consent.personalization) { // enable google translate button if not visible if ($('#quickLinksTranslateButton').css('display') === 'none') { $('#quickLinksTranslateButton').css('display', 'block'); } } } // update user_translate cookie user_translate.analysis = user_consent.analysis; user_translate.personalization = user_consent.personalization; cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({ name: cookie_names.user_translate, data: user_translate, samesite: 'Strict', secure: secure }); j1.translator = new Translator({ contentURL: moduleOptions.contentURL, // dialog content (modals) for all supported languages cookieName: moduleOptions.cookieName, // the name of the User State Cookie (primary data) cookieConsentName: moduleOptions.cookieConsentName, // the name of the Cookie Consent Cookie (secondary data) disableLanguageSelector: moduleOptions.disableLanguageSelector, // disable language dropdown for translation in dialog (modal) dialogContainerID: moduleOptions.dialogContainerID, // dest container, the dialog modal is loaded (dynamically) dialogLanguage: moduleOptions.dialogLanguage, // language for the dialog (modal) translationLanguage: moduleOptions.translationLanguage, // default language for translation translationLanguages: moduleOptions.google.translationLanguages,// supported languages for translation translationEnabled: moduleOptions.translationEnabled, // run translation enabled|disabled translatorName: moduleOptions.translatorName, // translator used for translation xhrDataElement: moduleOptions.xhrDataElement, // container for all language-specific dialogs (modals) postSelectionCallback: moduleOptions.google.postSelectionCallback }); // enable|disable translation (after callback) if (user_consent.analysis && user_consent.personalization && user_translate.translationEnabled) { if (moduleOptions.translatorName === 'google') { head.appendChild(script); if ($('google_translate_element')) { $('google_translate_element').hide(); } } } else { if (moduleOptions.translatorName === 'google') { j1.removeCookie({name: 'googtrans', domain: domain}); } } _this.setState('finished'); logger.info('\n' + 'state: ' + _this.getState()); logger.debug('\n' + 'module initialized successfully'); clearInterval(dependencies_met_page_ready); } }); }, // END init // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // messageHandler: MessageHandler for J1 google_translate module // Manage messages send from other J1 modules // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- messageHandler: function (sender, message) { var json_message = JSON.stringify(message, undefined, 2); logText = '\n' + 'received message from ' + sender + ': ' + json_message; logger.debug(logText); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Process commands|actions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (message.type === 'command' && message.action === 'module_initialized') { // // Place handling of command|action here // logger.info('\n' + message.text); } // // Place handling of other command|action here // return true; }, // END messageHandler // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setState() // Sets the current (processing) state of the module // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setState: function (stat) { _this.state = stat; }, // END setState // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getState() // Returns the current (processing) state of the module // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- getState: function () { return _this.state; }, // END getState // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // postTranslateElementInit() // ??? // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- postTranslateElementInit: function (response) { // code for post processing logger.info('\n' + 'postTranslateElementInit entered'); logger.info('\n' + response.T.Dh); return; }, // END postTranslateElementInit // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cbGoogle() // Called by the translator CORE module after the user made the // selection for a translation|language // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbGoogle: function () { var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.translator.cbGoogle'); var cookie_names = j1.getCookieNames(); var user_state = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_state); var user_consent = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_consent); var user_translate = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_translate); var msDropdown = document.getElementById('dropdownJSON').msDropdown; var selectedTranslationLanguage; var srcLang; var destLang; var transCode; selectedTranslationLanguage = msDropdown.value; logger.info('\n' + 'selected translation language: ' + selectedTranslationLanguage); // update cookie consent settings user_consent.analysis = user_translate.analysis; user_consent.personalization = user_translate.personalization; cookie_written = j1.writeCookie({ name: cookie_names.user_consent, data: user_consent, samesite: 'Strict', secure: secure, expires: 0 }); // set transCode settings srcLang = "{{site.language}}"; destLang = translation_language; transCode = '/' + srcLang + '/' + selectedTranslationLanguage; // write the googtrans cookie setCookie({ name: 'googtrans', data: transCode }); // reload current page (skip cache) location.reload(true); }, // END cbGoogle // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // cbDeepl() // Called by the translator CORE module after the user made the // selection for a translation language // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- cbDeepl: function () { var logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.translator.cbDeepl'); // code for post processing } // END cbDeepl }; // END return })(j1, window); {% endcapture %} {{ cache | strip_empty_lines }} {% assign cache = nil %}