require 'forwardable' module Warp module Dir class Config DEFAULTS = { warprc: ENV['HOME'] + '/.warprc', shell: false, force: false, debug: false, no_color: false } attr_accessor :variables extend ::Forwardable def_delegators :@variables, :size, :<<, :map, :each def initialize(opts = {}) configure(opts) end def configure(opts = {}) options = DEFAULTS.merge(opts) # Move :config hash key->value to :warprc that is expected by the Config if options[:config] options[:warprc] = options[:config] options.delete(:config) end self.variables = [] # OK. I concede. This is very likely a total overkill :O # The thing is: I just really like calling hash members via # methods, and I didn't want to load HashieMash because # it's big. Real big. # # IRB Session that explains it all: # # c ={ foo: "bar", bar: "foo"}) # => # # > # => "bar" # > # => "foo" # > # => true # > c.config # => "/Users/kigster/.warprc" # > c.color = "red" # => "red" # > c.color # => "red" # > c.color? # => true options.each_pair do |variable_name, value| self.variables << add_config_variable(variable_name, value) end end # allow syntax @config[:warprc] def [](key) self.send(key) end # Dispatches redis operations to master/slaves. def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if method =~ /=$/ add_config_variable(method.to_s.gsub(/=$/, ''), *args) else super end end private def add_config_variable(variable_name, value) reader = variable_name.to_sym writer = "#{reader}=".to_sym boolean = "#{reader}?" variable = "@#{reader}".to_sym # set this value on the the instance of config class instance_variable_set(variable, value) # add the reader and the writer to this key define_singleton_method(reader) { instance_variable_get(variable) } define_singleton_method(writer) { |new_value| instance_variable_set(variable, new_value) } define_singleton_method(boolean){ !instance_variable_get(variable).nil? } reader end end end end