# Copyright 2011-2013 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). You
# may not use this file except in compliance with the License. A copy of
# the License is located at
#     http://aws.amazon.com/apache2.0/
# or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is
# ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific
# language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

module AWS
  module Core

    # Provides useful methods for enumerating items in a collection.
    module Collection

      AWS.register_autoloads(self) do
        autoload :Simple, 'simple'
        autoload :WithNextToken, 'with_next_token'
        autoload :WithLimitAndNextToken, 'with_limit_and_next_token'

      include Enumerable

      # Yields once for every item in this collection.
      #   collection.each {|item| ... }
      # @note If you want fewer than all items, it is generally better
      #   to call {#page} than {#each} with a +:limit+.
      # @param [Hash] options
      # @option options [Integer] :limit (nil) The maximum number of
      #   items to enumerate from this collection.
      # @option options [next_token] :next_token (nil)
      #   Acts as an offset.  +:next_token+ may be returned by {#each} and
      #   {#each_batch} when a +:limit+ is provided.
      # @return [nil_or_next_token] Returns nil if all items were enumerated.
      #   If some items were excluded because of a +:limit+ option then
      #   a +next_token+ is returned.  Calling an enumerable method on
      #   the same collection with the +next_token+ acts like an offset.
      def each options = {}, &block
        each_batch(options) do |batch|

      # Yields items from this collection in batches.
      #   collection.each_batch do |batch|
      #     batch.each do |item|
      #       # ...
      #     end
      #   end
      # == Variable Batch Sizes
      # Each AWS service has its own rules on how it returns results.
      # Because of this batch size may very based on:
      # * Service limits (e.g. S3 limits keys to 1000 per response)
      # * The size of response objects (SimpleDB limits responses to 1MB)
      # * Time to process the request
      # Because of these variables, batch sizes may not be consistent for
      # a single collection.  Each batch represents all of the items returned
      # in a single resopnse.
      # @note If you require fixed batch sizes, see {#in_groups_of}.
      # @param (see #each)
      # @option (see #each)
      # @return (see #each)
      def each_batch options = {}, &block
        _each_batch(options.dup, &block)

      # Use this method when you want to call a method provided by
      # Enumerable, but you need to pass options:
      #   # raises an error because collect does not accept arguments
      #   collection.collect(:limit => 10) {|i| i.name }
      #   # not an issue with the enum method
      #   collection.enum(:limit => 10).collect(&:name)
      # @param (see #each)
      # @option (see #each)
      # @return [Enumerable::Enumerator] Returns an enumerator for this
      #   collection.
      def enum options = {}
        to_enum(:each, options)
      alias_method :enumerator, :enum

      # Returns the first item from this collection.
      # @return [item_or_nil] Returns the first item from this collection or
      #   nil if the collection is empty.
      def first options = {}
        enum(options.merge(:limit => 1)).first

      # Yields items from this collection in groups of an exact
      # size (except for perhaps the last group).
      #   collection.in_groups_of (10, :limit => 30) do |group|
      #     # each group should be exactly 10 items unless
      #     # fewer than 30 items are returned by the service
      #     group.each do |item|
      #       #...
      #     end
      #   end
      # @param [Integer] size Size each each group of objects
      #   should be yielded in.
      # @param [Hash] options
      # @option (see #each)
      # @return (see #each)
      def in_groups_of size, options = {}, &block

        group = []

        nil_or_next_token = each_batch(options) do |batch|
          batch.each do |item|
            group << item
            if group.size == size
              group = []

        yield(group) unless group.empty?



      # Returns a single page of results in a kind-of array ({PageResult}).
      #   items = collection.page(:per_page => 10) # defaults to 10 items
      #   items.is_a?(Array) # => true
      #   items.size         # => 8
      #   items.per_page     # => 10
      #   items.last_page?   # => true
      # If you need to display a "next page" link in a web view you can
      # use the #more? method.  Just make sure the generated link
      # contains the +next_token+.
      #   <% if items.more? %>
      #     <%= link_to('Next Page', params.merge(:next_token => items.next_token) %>
      #   <% end %>
      # Then in your controller you can find the next page of results:
      #   items = collection.page(:next_token => params[:next_token])
      # Given a {PageResult} you can also get more results directly:
      #   more_items = items.next_page
      # @note This method does not accept a +:page+ option, which means you
      #   can only start at the begining of the collection and request
      #   the next page of results.  You can not choose an offset
      #   or know how many pages of results there will be.
      # @param [Hash] options A hash of options that modifies the
      #   items returned in the page of results.
      # @option options [Integer] :per_page (10) The number of results
      #   to return for each page.
      # @option options [String] :next_token (nil) A token that indicates
      #   an offset to use when paging items.  Next tokens are returned
      #   by {PageResult#next_token}.
      #   Next tokens should only be consumed by the same collection that
      #   created them.
      def page options = {}

        each_opts = options.dup

        per_page = each_opts.delete(:per_page)
        per_page = [nil,''].include?(per_page) ? 10 : per_page.to_i

        each_opts[:limit] = per_page

        items = []
        next_token = each(each_opts) do |item|
          items << item

        Core::PageResult.new(self, items, per_page, next_token)



      def _each_batch options, &block
        # should be defined in the collection modules
        raise NotImplementedError

      def _each_item next_token, options = {}, &block
        # should be defined in classes included the collection modules
        raise NotImplementedError

      def _extract_next_token options
        next_token = options.delete(:next_token)
        next_token = nil if next_token == ''

      def _extract_batch_size options
        batch_size = options.delete(:batch_size)
        batch_size = nil if batch_size == ''
        batch_size = batch_size.to_i if batch_size

      def _extract_limit options
        limit = options.delete(:limit) || _limit
        limit = nil if limit == ''
        limit = limit.to_i if limit

      # Override this method in collection classes that provide
      # an alternative way to provide the limit than passinging
      # it to the enumerable method as :limit.
      # An example of when this would be useful:
      #   collection.limit(10).each {|item| ... }
      # The collection class including this module should define _limit
      # and return the cached limit value (of 10 from this example).
      # This value may still be overridden by a locally passed
      # +:limit+ option:
      #   # limit 5 wins out
      #   collection.limit(10).each(:limit => 5) {|item| ... }
      def _limit
