require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' if Bundler.definition.specs['ruby-debug19'].first or Bundler.definition.specs['ruby-debug'].first require 'ruby-debug' end require 'minitest/spec' require 'minitest/autorun' require 'minitest/reporters' MiniTest::Unit.runner = MiniTest::Unit.runner.reporters << cmd = %{mysql -u root -ppassword -e "DROP DATABASE data_miner_test; CREATE DATABASE data_miner_test CHARSET utf8"} $stderr.puts "Running `#{cmd}`..." system cmd $stderr.puts "Done." require 'active_record' require 'logger' ActiveRecord::Base.logger = $stderr ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::INFO # ActiveRecord::Base.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( 'adapter' => 'mysql2', 'database' => 'data_miner_test', 'username' => 'root', 'password' => 'password' ) ActiveRecord::Base.mass_assignment_sanitizer = :strict require 'data_miner' DataMiner::Run.auto_upgrade! DataMiner::Run::ColumnStatistic.auto_upgrade! DataMiner::Run.clear_locks PETS = File.expand_path('../support/pets.csv', __FILE__) PETS_FUNNY = File.expand_path('../support/pets_funny.csv', __FILE__) COLOR_DICTIONARY_ENGLISH = File.expand_path('../support/pet_color_dictionary.en.csv', __FILE__) COLOR_DICTIONARY_SPANISH = File.expand_path('../support/', __FILE__) BREEDS = File.expand_path('../support/breeds.xls', __FILE__) class Pet < ActiveRecord::Base self.primary_key = "name" col :name col :breed_id col :color_id col :age, :type => :integer col :age_units col :weight, :type => :float col :weight_units col :height, :type => :integer col :height_units col :favorite_food col :command_phrase belongs_to :breed data_miner do process :auto_upgrade! process :run_data_miner_on_parent_associations! import("A list of pets", :url => "file://#{PETS}") do key :name store :age, :units_field_name => 'age_units' store :breed_id, :field_name => :breed, :nullify_blank_strings => true store :color_id, :field_name => :color, :dictionary => { :url => "file://#{COLOR_DICTIONARY_ENGLISH}", :input => :input, :output => :output } store :weight, :from_units => :pounds, :to_units => :kilograms store :favorite_food, :nullify_blank_strings => true store :command_phrase store :height, :units => :centimetres end end end class Breed < ActiveRecord::Base class << self def update_average_age! # make sure pet is populated Pet.run_data_miner! update_all %{breeds.average_age = (SELECT AVG(pets.age) FROM pets WHERE pets.breed_id =} end end self.primary_key = "name" col :name col :average_age, :type => :float data_miner do process :auto_upgrade! import("A list of breeds", :url => "file://#{BREEDS}") do key :name, :field_name => 'Breed name' end process :update_average_age! end end ActiveRecord::Base.descendants.each do |model| model.attr_accessible nil end Pet.auto_upgrade!