module CocoaPodsAcknowledgements require 'cocoapods_acknowledgements/plist_generator' require 'cocoapods_acknowledgements/settings_plist_generator' def self.save_metadata(metadata, plist_path, project, sandbox, user_target_uuid) if defined? Xcodeproj::Plist.write_to_path Xcodeproj::Plist.write_to_path(metadata, plist_path) else Xcodeproj.write_plist(metadata, plist_path) end # Find a root folder in the users Xcode Project called Pods, or make one cocoapods_group = project.main_group["Pods"] unless cocoapods_group cocoapods_group = project.main_group.new_group("Pods", sandbox.root) end # Add the example plist to the found CocoaPods group plist_pathname = file_ref = cocoapods_group.files.find { |file| file.real_path == plist_pathname } unless file_ref file_ref = cocoapods_group.new_file(plist_path) end # Ensure that the plist is added to target target = project.objects_by_uuid[user_target_uuid] unless target.resources_build_phase.files_references.include?(file_ref) target.add_resources([file_ref]) end end def self.settings_bundle_in_project(project) file = project.files.find { |f| f.path =~ /Settings\.bundle$/ } file.real_path.to_path unless file.nil? end Pod::HooksManager.register('cocoapods-acknowledgements', :post_install) do |context, user_options| require 'cocoapods' require 'set' # Until CocoaPods provides a HashWithIndifferentAccess, normalize the hash keys here. # See user_options.inject({}) do |normalized_hash, (key, value)| normalized_hash[key.to_s] = value normalized_hash end Pod::UI.section 'Adding Acknowledgements' do should_include_settings = user_options["settings_bundle"] != nil excluded_pods =["exclude"]) sandbox = context.sandbox if defined? context.sandbox sandbox ||= context.umbrella_targets.each do |umbrella_target| project = umbrella_target.user_target_uuids.each do |user_target_uuid| # Generate a plist representing all of the podspecs metadata = PlistGenerator.generate(umbrella_target, sandbox, excluded_pods) next unless metadata plist_path = sandbox.root + "#{umbrella_target.cocoapods_target_label}-metadata.plist" save_metadata(metadata, plist_path, project, sandbox, user_target_uuid) if should_include_settings # Generate a plist in Settings format settings_metadata = SettingsPlistGenerator.generate(umbrella_target, sandbox, excluded_pods) # We need to look for a Settings.bundle # and add this to the root of the bundle settings_bundle = settings_bundle_in_project(project) if settings_bundle == nil Pod::UI.warn "Could not find a Settings.bundle to add the Pod Settings Plist to." else settings_plist_path = settings_bundle + "/#{umbrella_target.cocoapods_target_label}-settings-metadata.plist" save_metadata(settings_metadata, settings_plist_path, project, sandbox, user_target_uuid) "Added Pod info to Settings.bundle for target #{umbrella_target.cocoapods_target_label}" # Support a callback for the key :settings_post_process if user_options["settings_post_process"] user_options["settings_post_process"].call(settings_plist_path, umbrella_target, excluded_pods) end end end end end end end end