module Effective class FormInput def initialize(object, object_name, template, method, opts, html_opts = {}) @object = object @object_name = object_name @template = template @method = method # Initialize 3 options Hashes: @opts, @html_opts, and @js_opts @js_opts = opts.delete(:input_js).presence || {} @html_opts = html_opts.presence || opts.delete(:input_html) || {} @html_opts.delete(:placeholder) if @html_opts[:placeholder] == nil # SimpleForm oddity @opts = opts.presence || {} # Copy the following keys from options to html_options # To deal with SimpleForm being simple [:class, :readonly, :pattern, :disabled, :maxlength].each do |key| if !html_opts.key?(key) && @opts.key?(key) @html_opts[key] = @opts[:key] if @opts[:key] end end @js_opts = @js_opts.with_indifferent_access @html_opts = @html_opts.with_indifferent_access # Reverse merge in the defaults, so the current values take precedence over defaults @js_opts.reverse_merge!((default_input_js || {})) @html_opts.reverse_merge!((default_input_html || {}).except(:class)) @opts.reverse_merge!((default_options || {})) # Take special procedure to ensure that @html_opts[:class] is an Array, and the proper merged values @html_opts[:class] = (arrayize_html_class_key(@html_opts[:class]) + arrayize_html_class_key(default_input_html)).compact.uniq # Set the value to avoid options craziness @value = (@opts.delete(:value) || @html_opts.delete(:value) || (@object.send(@method) if @object.respond_to?(@method))) @value = @value.to_a if @value.kind_of?(ActiveRecord::Relation) end def field_name "#{@object_name}[#{@method}]" end def value @value end # Override these methods to change any options around # tag_options reads html_options and js_options def options; @opts end # All options passed to the FormInput, merged with defaults def html_options; @html_opts end # All :input_html => options, merged with defaults. Could be everything (same as options) if coming from FormBuilder. def js_options; @js_opts end # All :input_js => options, merged with defaults protected # Hook methods for an inheritting class to apply defaults def default_options; {} end # All options passed to FormInput def default_input_html; {} end # To merge with any :input_html => options def default_input_js; {} end # to merge with any :input_js => options # This is what we want to send to a content_tag, text_area_tag, or whatever actual input we use # It serializes any js_options into JSON format # And turns html_options[:class] back into a string def tag_options @tag_options ||= html_options().tap do |html_options| html_options['data-input-js-options'] = (JSON.generate(js_options) rescue {}) html_options[:class] = html_options[:class].join(' ') html_options[:placeholder] = (html_options[:placeholder].presence || options[:placeholder]) end end private # I'm passed something...I don't know what it is, but it needs to be an Array def arrayize_html_class_key(something) case something when Hash arrayize_html_class_key(something[:class]) when Array when String something.split(' ') when Symbol [something.to_s] else [] end end end end