window.fv ||= {} window.I18n ||= {} I18n.locale = window.fv.locale || 'en' window.locale_path = if I18n.locale == 'en' then '' else "/#{I18n.locale}" _.sum = (obj) -> return 0 if not $.isArray(obj) or obj.length is 0 _.reduce obj, (sum, n) -> sum += n _.inGroups = (array, number, fill_with=null) -> res = [] max_per = to_i(array.length / number) over = to_i(array.length % number) max_per += 1 if over > 0 start = 0 curr_per = max_per _.times number, (i) -> curr_per -= 1 if over > 0 && over == i end = start + curr_per res.push array.slice(start, end) start = end if fill_with for group in res while group.length != max_per group.push fill_with res _.inGroupsOf = (array, number, fill_with=null) -> res = [] for el, i in array res.push [] if i % number == 0 res.last().push el if fill_with && res.last()?.length != number while res.last().length != number res.last().push fill_with res _.indexBy = (obj, value, context) -> res = _.groupBy(obj, value, context) for k, v of res res[k] = v[0] res _.timeout = (timeout, fn) -> setTimeout(fn, timeout) _.interval = (timeout, fn) -> setInterval(fn, timeout) # execute function periodically while it return false _.tryInterval = (timeout, fn) -> proxy_fn = -> clearInterval(try_interval_id) if try_interval_id = setInterval(proxy_fn, timeout) $.fn.serializeJSON = -> json = {} $(this).serializeArray(), (n) -> json[n["name"]] = n["value"] json $.fn.or = (fallbackSelector) -> if @length this else $(fallbackSelector || 'body') $.fn.unescape = -> $(this).html $.unescape($(this).html()) $.unescape = (html) -> htmlNode = document.createElement("div") htmlNode.innerHTML = html return htmlNode.innerText if htmlNode.innerText htmlNode.textContent $.fn.emptySelect = -> @each -> @options.length = 0 if @tagName is "SELECT" $.fn.loadSelect = (optionsDataArray) -> @emptySelect().each -> if @tagName is "SELECT" selectElement = this $.each optionsDataArray, (index, optionData) -> option = new Option(optionData.caption, optionData.value) if $.browser.msie selectElement.add option else selectElement.add option, null $.fn.scrollToEl = (speed='slow') -> return unless $(this)[0] top = $(this).offset().top - to_i($('.navbar-fixed-top').height()) - 2 * to_i($('#list > thead').height()) $('html, body').stop(true, true).animate({scrollTop: top}, speed) $.fn.toHref = -> $el = $(this) if _.isEmpty($ window.location.href = $el.attr('href') if $el.attr('href') else $ $.fn.toggleClassRadio = (class_name = 'active', state = undefined) -> @each -> $(this).toggleClass(class_name, state).siblings().removeClass(class_name) $.parseQuery = -> $.parseQueryParams"?", "") $.parseQueryParams = (string) -> h = {} qs = $.trim(string).match(/([^?#]*)(#.*)?$/)[0] return {} unless qs pairs = qs.split("&") $.each pairs, (i, v) -> pair = v.split("=") h[pair[0]] = pair[1] h window.to_i = (val) -> unless val return 0 val = parseInt val, 10 if isNaN(val) then 0 else val window.to_f = (val) -> unless val return 0.0 val = parseFloat val, 10 if isNaN(val) then 0.0 else val window.to_fixed = (val, prec = 2) -> return 0 unless val (parseFloat(val) + 0.0).toFixed(prec) window.log = (objects...) -> window.logging = true unless window.fv?.no_log # console.log '== debug ===' objects = objects[0] if objects.length == 1 console.log objects window.logging = false window.clone_obj = (obj) -> if notobj? or typeof obj isnt 'object' return obj newInstance = new obj.constructor() for key of obj newInstance[key] = clone_obj obj[key] return newInstance window.storeData = (key, data) -> if _.isObject(data) str = JSON.stringify(data) else str = '' + data try window.localStorage[key] = str catch $.cookie(key, str, {path: '/'}) window.fetchData = (key) -> window.localStorage?[key] or $.cookie(key) window.localeToFlag = (l) -> l = l.toUpperCase() l = {'JA': 'JP', 'EN': 'GB', 'UK': 'UA'}[l] || l chars = {"A":"🇦","B":"🇧","C":"🇨","D":"🇩","E":"🇪","F":"🇫","G":"🇬","H":"🇭","I":"🇮","J":"🇯","K":"🇰","L":"🇱","M":"🇲","N":"🇳","O":"🇴","P":"🇵","Q":"🇶","R":"🇷","S":"🇸","T":"🇹","U":"🇺","V":"🇻","W":"🇼","X":"🇽","Y":"🇾","Z":"🇿"} l.replace /[A-Z]/g, (m) -> chars[m] window.I18n ||= {} window.I18n.locale = 'en' window.I18n.translations ||= {} I18n.t = (key) -> keys = key.split('.') keys.unshift(I18n.locale) _.get(I18n.translations, keys)