# Licensed to Elasticsearch B.V. under one or more contributor # license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright # ownership. Elasticsearch B.V. licenses this file to you under # the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. require 'test_helper' class Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::BaseTest < Minitest::Test class EmptyTransport include Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Base end class DummyTransport include Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Base def __build_connection(host, options={}, block=nil) Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Connections::Connection.new :host => host, :connection => Object.new end end class DummyTransportPerformer < DummyTransport def perform_request(method, path, params={}, body=nil, &block); super; end end class DummySerializer def initialize(*); end end class DummySniffer def initialize(*); end end context "Transport::Base" do should "raise exception when it doesn't implement __build_connection" do assert_raise NoMethodError do EmptyTransport.new.__build_connection({ :host => 'foo'}, {}) end end should "build connections on initialization" do DummyTransport.any_instance.expects(:__build_connections) transport = DummyTransport.new end should "have default serializer" do transport = DummyTransport.new assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Base::DEFAULT_SERIALIZER_CLASS, transport.serializer end should "have custom serializer" do transport = DummyTransport.new :options => { :serializer_class => DummySerializer } assert_instance_of DummySerializer, transport.serializer transport = DummyTransport.new :options => { :serializer => DummySerializer.new } assert_instance_of DummySerializer, transport.serializer end should "have default sniffer" do transport = DummyTransport.new assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Sniffer, transport.sniffer end should "have custom sniffer" do transport = DummyTransport.new :options => { :sniffer_class => DummySniffer } assert_instance_of DummySniffer, transport.sniffer end context "when combining the URL" do setup do @transport = DummyTransport.new @basic_parts = { :protocol => 'http', :host => 'myhost', :port => 8080 } end should "combine basic parts" do assert_equal 'http://myhost:8080', @transport.__full_url(@basic_parts) end should "combine path" do assert_equal 'http://myhost:8080/api', @transport.__full_url(@basic_parts.merge :path => '/api') end should "combine authentication credentials" do assert_equal 'http://U:P@myhost:8080', @transport.__full_url(@basic_parts.merge :user => 'U', :password => 'P') end should "escape the username and password" do assert_equal 'http://user%40domain:foo%2Fbar@myhost:8080', @transport.__full_url(@basic_parts.merge :user => 'user@domain', :password => 'foo/bar') end end end context "getting a connection" do setup do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new :options => { :reload_connections => 5 } @transport.stubs(:connections).returns(stub :get_connection => Object.new) @transport.stubs(:sniffer).returns(stub :hosts => []) end should "get a connection" do assert_not_nil @transport.get_connection end should "increment the counter" do assert_equal 0, @transport.counter 3.times { @transport.get_connection } assert_equal 3, @transport.counter end should "reload connections when it hits the threshold" do @transport.expects(:reload_connections!).twice 12.times { @transport.get_connection } assert_equal 12, @transport.counter end should "not reload connections by default" do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new @transport.stubs(:connections).returns(stub :get_connection => Object.new) @transport.expects(:reload_connections!).never 10_010.times { @transport.get_connection } assert_equal 10_010, @transport.counter end should "not reload connections when the option is set to false" do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new :options => { :reload_connections => false } @transport.stubs(:connections).returns(stub :get_connection => Object.new) @transport.expects(:reload_connections!).never 10_010.times { @transport.get_connection } assert_equal 10_010, @transport.counter end end context "performing a request" do setup do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new end should "raise an error when no block is passed" do assert_raise NoMethodError do @transport.peform_request 'GET', '/' end end should "get the connection" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do; Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, 'OK'; end end should "raise an error when no connection is available" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(nil) assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Error do @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do; Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, 'OK'; end end end should "call the passed block" do x = 0 @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do |connection, url| x += 1 Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, 'OK' end assert_equal 1, x end should "deserialize a response JSON body" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) @transport.serializer.expects(:load).returns({'foo' => 'bar'}) response = @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, '{"foo":"bar"}', {"content-type" => 'application/json'} end assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response, response assert_equal 'bar', response.body['foo'] end should "not deserialize a response string body" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) @transport.serializer.expects(:load).never response = @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, 'FOOBAR', {"content-type" => 'text/plain'} end assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response, response assert_equal 'FOOBAR', response.body end should "not deserialize an empty response body" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) @transport.serializer.expects(:load).never response = @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, '', {"content-type" => 'application/json'} end assert_instance_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response, response assert_equal '', response.body end should "serialize non-String objects" do @transport.serializer.expects(:dump).times(3) @transport.__convert_to_json({:foo => 'bar'}) @transport.__convert_to_json([1, 2, 3]) @transport.__convert_to_json(nil) end should "not serialize a String object" do @transport.serializer.expects(:dump).never @transport.__convert_to_json('{"foo":"bar"}') end should "raise an error for HTTP status 404" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound do @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 404, 'NOT FOUND' end end end should "raise an error for HTTP status 404 with application/json content type" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::NotFound do @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 404, 'NOT FOUND', {"content-type" => 'application/json'} end end end should "raise an error on server failure" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::InternalServerError do @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 500, 'ERROR' end end end should "raise an error on connection failure" do @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) # `block.expects(:call).raises(::Errno::ECONNREFUSED)` fails on Ruby 1.8 block = lambda { |a,b| raise ::Errno::ECONNREFUSED } assert_raise ::Errno::ECONNREFUSED do @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/', &block end end should "not raise an error when the :ignore argument has been passed" do @transport.stubs(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest do @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/' do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 400, 'CLIENT ERROR' end end # No `BadRequest` error @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/', :ignore => 400 do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 400, 'CLIENT ERROR' end end should "mark the connection as dead on failure" do c = stub_everything :failures => 1 @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(c) block = lambda { |a,b| raise ::Errno::ECONNREFUSED } c.expects(:dead!) assert_raise( ::Errno::ECONNREFUSED ) { @transport.perform_request 'GET', '/', &block } end end context "performing a request with reload connections on connection failures" do setup do fake_collection = stub_everything :get_connection => stub_everything(:failures => 1), :all => stub_everything(:size => 2) @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new :options => { :reload_on_failure => 2 } @transport.stubs(:connections). returns(fake_collection) @block = lambda { |c, u| puts "UNREACHABLE" } end should "reload connections when host is unreachable" do @block.expects(:call).times(2). raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED). then.returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) @transport.expects(:reload_connections!).returns([]) @transport.perform_request('GET', '/', &@block) assert_equal 2, @transport.counter end end unless RUBY_1_8 context "performing a request with retry on connection failures" do setup do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new :options => { :retry_on_failure => true } @transport.stubs(:connections).returns(stub :get_connection => stub_everything(:failures => 1)) @block = Proc.new { |c, u| puts "UNREACHABLE" } end should "retry DEFAULT_MAX_RETRIES when host is unreachable" do @block.expects(:call).times(4). raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED). then.raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED). then.raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED). then.returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) assert_nothing_raised do @transport.perform_request('GET', '/', &@block) assert_equal 4, @transport.counter end end should "raise an error after max tries" do @block.expects(:call).times(4). raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED). then.raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED). then.raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED). then.raises(Errno::ECONNREFUSED). then.returns(stub_everything :failures => 1) assert_raise Errno::ECONNREFUSED do @transport.perform_request('GET', '/', &@block) end end end unless RUBY_1_8 context "performing a request with retry on status" do setup do DummyTransportPerformer.any_instance.stubs(:connections).returns(stub :get_connection => stub_everything(:failures => 1)) logger = Logger.new(STDERR) logger.level = Logger::DEBUG DummyTransportPerformer.any_instance.stubs(:logger).returns(logger) @block = Proc.new { |c, u| puts "ERROR" } end should "not retry when the status code does not match" do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new :options => { :retry_on_status => 500 } assert_equal [500], @transport.instance_variable_get(:@retry_on_status) @block.expects(:call). returns(Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 400, 'Bad Request'). times(1) @transport.logger. expects(:warn). with( regexp_matches(/Attempt \d to get response/) ). never assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::BadRequest do @transport.perform_request('GET', '/', {}, nil, &@block) end end should "retry when the status code does match" do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new :options => { :retry_on_status => 500 } assert_equal [500], @transport.instance_variable_get(:@retry_on_status) @block.expects(:call). returns(Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 500, 'Internal Error'). times(4) @transport.logger. expects(:warn). with( regexp_matches(/Attempt \d to get response/) ). times(4) assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::InternalServerError do @transport.perform_request('GET', '/', &@block) end end end unless RUBY_1_8 context "logging" do setup do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new :options => { :logger => Logger.new('/dev/null') } fake_connection = stub :full_url => 'localhost:9200/_search?size=1', :host => 'localhost', :connection => stub_everything, :failures => 0, :healthy! => true @transport.stubs(:get_connection).returns(fake_connection) @transport.serializer.stubs(:load).returns 'foo' => 'bar' @transport.serializer.stubs(:dump).returns '{"foo":"bar"}' end should "log the request and response" do @transport.logger.expects(:info). with do |line| line =~ %r|POST localhost\:9200/_search\?size=1 \[status\:200, request:.*s, query:n/a\]| end @transport.logger.expects(:debug). with '> {"foo":"bar"}' @transport.logger.expects(:debug). with '< {"foo":"bar"}' @transport.perform_request 'POST', '_search', {:size => 1}, {:foo => 'bar'} do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, '{"foo":"bar"}' end end should "sanitize password in the URL" do fake_connection = stub :full_url => 'http://user:password@localhost:9200/_search?size=1', :host => 'localhost', :connection => stub_everything, :failures => 0, :healthy! => true @transport.stubs(:get_connection).returns(fake_connection) @transport.logger.expects(:info).with do |message| assert_match(/http:\/\/user:\*{1,15}@localhost\:9200/, message) true end @transport.perform_request('GET', '/') {Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, '{"foo":"bar"}' } end should "log a failed Elasticsearch request as fatal" do @block = Proc.new { |c, u| puts "ERROR" } @block.expects(:call).returns(Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 500, 'ERROR') @transport.expects(:__log_response) @transport.logger.expects(:fatal) assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::InternalServerError do @transport.perform_request('POST', '_search', &@block) end end unless RUBY_1_8 should "not log a failed Elasticsearch request as fatal" do @block = Proc.new { |c, u| puts "ERROR" } @block.expects(:call).returns(Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 500, 'ERROR') @transport.expects(:__log_response).once @transport.logger.expects(:fatal).never # No `BadRequest` error @transport.perform_request('POST', '_search', :ignore => 500, &@block) end unless RUBY_1_8 should "log and re-raise a Ruby exception" do @block = Proc.new { |c, u| puts "ERROR" } @block.expects(:call).raises(Exception) @transport.expects(:__log_response).never @transport.logger.expects(:fatal) assert_raise(Exception) { @transport.perform_request('POST', '_search', &@block) } end unless RUBY_1_8 end context "tracing" do setup do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new :options => { :tracer => Logger.new('/dev/null') } fake_connection = stub :full_url => 'localhost:9200/_search?size=1', :host => 'localhost', :connection => stub_everything, :failures => 0, :healthy! => true @transport.stubs(:get_connection).returns(fake_connection) @transport.serializer.stubs(:load).returns 'foo' => 'bar' @transport.serializer.stubs(:dump).returns <<-JSON.gsub(/^ /, '') { "foo" : { "bar" : { "bam" : true } } } JSON end should "trace the request" do @transport.tracer.expects(:info). with do |message| message == <<-CURL.gsub(/^ /, '') curl -X POST 'http://localhost:9200/_search?pretty&size=1' -d '{ "foo" : { "bar" : { "bam" : true } } } ' CURL end.once @transport.perform_request 'POST', '_search', {:size => 1}, {:q => 'foo'} do Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, '{"foo":"bar"}' end end should "trace a failed Elasticsearch request" do @block = Proc.new { |c, u| puts "ERROR" } @block.expects(:call).returns(Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 500, 'ERROR') @transport.expects(:__trace) assert_raise Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Errors::InternalServerError do @transport.perform_request('POST', '_search', &@block) end end unless RUBY_1_8 end context "reloading connections" do setup do @transport = DummyTransport.new :options => { :logger => Logger.new('/dev/null') } end should "rebuild connections" do @transport.sniffer.expects(:hosts).returns([]) @transport.expects(:__rebuild_connections) @transport.reload_connections! end should "log error and continue when timing out while sniffing hosts" do @transport.sniffer.expects(:hosts).raises(Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::SnifferTimeoutError) @transport.logger.expects(:error) assert_nothing_raised do @transport.reload_connections! end end should "keep existing connections" do @transport.__rebuild_connections :hosts => [ { :host => 'node1', :port => 1 } ], :options => { :http => {} } assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.size old_connection_id = @transport.connections.first.object_id @transport.__rebuild_connections :hosts => [ { :host => 'node1', :port => 1 }, { :host => 'node2', :port => 2 } ], :options => { :http => {} } assert_equal 2, @transport.connections.size assert_equal old_connection_id, @transport.connections.first.object_id end should "remove dead connections" do @transport.__rebuild_connections :hosts => [ { :host => 'node1', :port => 1 }, { :host => 'node2', :port => 2 } ], :options => { :http => {} } assert_equal 2, @transport.connections.size @transport.connections[1].dead! @transport.__rebuild_connections :hosts => [ { :host => 'node1', :port => 1 } ], :options => { :http => {} } assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.size assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.all.size end should "not duplicate connections" do @transport.__rebuild_connections :hosts => [ { :host => 'node1', :port => 1 }, { :host => 'node2', :port => 2 } ], :options => { :http => {} } assert_equal 2, @transport.connections.size @transport.connections[0].dead! @transport.__rebuild_connections :hosts => [ { :host => 'node1', :port => 1 }, { :host => 'node2', :port => 2 } ], :options => { :http => {} } assert_equal 2, @transport.connections.all.size assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.size end end context "rebuilding connections" do setup do @transport = DummyTransport.new end should "close connections" do @transport.expects(:__close_connections) @transport.__rebuild_connections :hosts => [ { :scheme => 'http', :host => 'foo', :port => 1 } ], :options => { :http => {} } end should "should replace the connections" do assert_equal 0, @transport.connections.size @transport.__rebuild_connections :hosts => [{ :scheme => 'http', :host => 'foo', :port => 1 }], :options => { :http => {} } assert_equal 1, @transport.connections.size end end context "resurrecting connections" do setup do @transport = DummyTransportPerformer.new end should "delegate to dead connections" do @transport.connections.expects(:dead).returns([]) @transport.resurrect_dead_connections! end should "not resurrect connections until timeout" do @transport.connections.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1).times(5) @transport.expects(:resurrect_dead_connections!).never 5.times { @transport.get_connection } end should "resurrect connections after timeout" do @transport.connections.expects(:get_connection).returns(stub_everything :failures => 1).times(5) @transport.expects(:resurrect_dead_connections!) 4.times { @transport.get_connection } now = Time.now + 60*2 Time.stubs(:now).returns(now) @transport.get_connection end should "mark connection healthy if it succeeds" do c = stub_everything(:failures => 1) @transport.expects(:get_connection).returns(c) c.expects(:healthy!) @transport.perform_request('GET', '/') { |connection, url| Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Response.new 200, 'OK' } end end context "errors" do should "raise highest-level Error exception for any ServerError" do assert_kind_of Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::Error, Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::ServerError.new end end end