require 'uri' require 'rubygems' require 'plist' require 'escape' require 'chocbomb/rake/tasks' module ChocBomb class Configuration include Tasks attr_accessor :host attr_accessor :base_url attr_accessor :su_feed_url attr_accessor :release_notes attr_accessor :private_key # The background image attr_accessor :background_file # Position of the icon app attr_accessor :app_icon_position # Position of the Application symlink icon attr_accessor :applications_icon_position # Icns for the volume icon attr_accessor :volume_icon # Build type (Release, Debug, ...) attr_accessor :build_type # Target attr_accessor :target # Build options attr_accessor :build_options attr_accessor :icon_size attr_accessor :icon_text_size # Add an explicit file/bundle/folder into the DMG # Examples: # file 'build/Release/', :position => [50, 100] # file :target_bundle, :position => [50, 100] # file proc { 'README.txt' }, :position => [50, 100] # file :position => [50, 100] { 'README.txt' } # Required option: # +:position+ - two item array [x, y] window position # Options: # +:name+ - override the name of the project when mounted in the DMG # +:exclude+ - do not include files/folders def file(*args, &block) path_or_helper, options = args.first.is_a?(Hash) ? [block, args.first] : [args.first, args.last] throw "add_files #{path_or_helper}, :position => [x,y] option is missing" unless options[:position] @files[path_or_helper] = options end # Add the whole project as a mounted item; e.g. a TextMate bundle # Examples: # add_link "", :name => 'Github', :position => [50, 100] # add_link "", 'Github.webloc', :position => [50, 100] # Required option: # +:position+ - two item array [x, y] window position # +:name+ - override the name of the project when mounted in the DMG def link(url, *options) name = options.first if options.first.is_a?(String) options = options.last || {} options[:url] = url options[:name] = name if name throw "add_link :position => [x,y] option is missing" unless options[:position] throw "add_link :name => 'Name' option is missing" unless options[:name] options[:name].gsub!(/(\.webloc|\.url)$/, '') options[:name] += ".webloc" self.files ||= {} files[options[:name]] = options end def initialize @plist = Plist::parse_xml(File.expand_path('Info.plist')) @files = {} yield self if block_given? default define_tasks end attr_reader :name attr_reader :version attr_reader :volume_path attr_reader :build_path attr_reader :pkg_name attr_reader :pkg attr_reader :dmg_src_folder attr_reader :bundle attr_reader :volume_background attr_reader :files attr_reader :appcast_filename attr_reader :dsa_signature attr_reader :versionless_pkg_name attr_reader :pkg_relative_url attr_reader :release_notes_template attr_reader :release_notes private def default @name = @plist['CFBundleExecutable'] || File.basename(File.expand_path(".")) @name = File.basename(File.expand_path(".")) if @name == '${EXECUTABLE_NAME}' @version = @plist['CFBundleVersion'] @su_feed_url ||= @plist['SUFeedURL'] @base_url ||= File.dirname(su_feed_url) @host ||= URI.parse(base_url).host @release_notes ||= 'release_notes.html' @background_file ||= File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "templates", "default_background.jpg")) @app_icon_position ||= [175, 65] @applications_icon_position ||= [347, 270] @volume_icon ||= File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..", "templates", "default_volume.icns")) @build_type ||= ENV['BUILD_TYPE'] || 'Release' @target ||= @name @build_options ||= '' @icon_size ||= 104 @icon_text_size ||= 12 @volume_path = "/Volumes/#{@name}" @build_path = "appcast/build" @pkg_name = "#{@name}-#{@version}.dmg" @pkg = "#{@build_path}/#{@pkg_name}" @dmg_src_folder = "build/#{@build_type}/dmg" @bundle = Dir["build/#{@build_type}/#{@name}.*"].first @volume_background = ".background/background#{File.extname(@background_file)}" file :bundle, :position => @app_icon_position @appcast_filename ||= su_feed_url ? File.basename(su_feed_url) : 'my_feed.xml' @private_key ||= File.expand_path('dsa_priv.pem') @dsa_signature ||= `openssl dgst -sha1 -binary < "#{@pkg}" | openssl dgst -dss1 -sign "#{@private_key}" | openssl enc -base64` @versionless_pkg_name = "#{@name}.dmg" @pkg_relative_url = "#{@base_url.gsub(%r{/$}, '')}/#{@pkg_name}".gsub(%r{^.*#{@host}}, '') @release_notes_template = "release_notes_template.html.erb" end end end