let form = document.querySelector('#form') let wordCount = document.querySelector('.wordCount') let main = document.querySelector('.main') let errorMsg = document.querySelector('.errorMsg') let script = document.currentScript // getqueryUrl from form const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search) let serachValue = params.get('search').toLowerCase() let prefixValue = params.get('prefix') let containsValue = params.get('contains') let suffixValue = params.get('suffix') let exculdeValue = params.get('exculde') let includeValue = params.get('include') let lengthValue = params.get('length') let dictonary = params.get('dictionary') // advanced filter element grabs let tick let startsWith = document.getElementById('startsWith') let mustInclude = document.getElementById('mustInclude') let endsWith = document.getElementById('endsWith') let exculdeWith = document.getElementById('exculdeWith') let inculdeWith = document.getElementById('inculdeWith') let wordLength = document.getElementById('wordLength') let ok = true let tab_container = document.querySelector('.tab_container') var sortValue var sortBool = false let txtBox = document.querySelector('.txtBox') txtBox.focus() txtBox.value = serachValue let letterCloseButton = document.querySelector('.letter-close-button-commonPage') if (serachValue) { letterCloseButton.classList.add("ltr-cls-btn-commonPage") } letterCloseButton.addEventListener("click", () => { txtBox.value = "" letterCloseButton.classList.remove("ltr-cls-btn-commonPage") }) txtBox.addEventListener('input', (e) => { if (e.target.value === "") { letterCloseButton.classList.remove("ltr-cls-btn-commonPage") } else { letterCloseButton.classList.add("ltr-cls-btn-commonPage") } }) var theSelect = document.getElementById('select_dropDown') const sortup = document.querySelector(".sortup-icon") let bool = false sortup.addEventListener("click", () => { if (bool) { theSelect.size = 0 bool = false theSelect.style.display = "none" } else { bool = true theSelect.size = 3 theSelect.style.display = "block" } }) document.querySelector('.select_dropDown2').value = dictonary // getWords define... const getData = async (serachValue) => { try { errorMsg.innerHTML = "" wordCount.innerHTML = "" let selectedDictionary = document.querySelector('.select_dropDown2').value main.innerHTML = `<div class="loader"> <img src='/assets/images/loading.gif'> <div style="font-weight:900;font-size:14px" >Finding words - Powered by wordswithletters.org</div> </div>` /// loader const response = await fetch( `/.netlify/functions/wordsStartingWith?name=${serachValue}&selecteddictionary=${selectedDictionary}` ) let data = await response.json() data = data.slice(0, 1500) main.innerHTML = '' wordsStartingWith(data) //wordsStartingWith calling... } catch (error) { console.log(error) } } //getData calling... if (lengthValue === '1') { errorMsg.innerHTML = 'words length should be more than 1' } else { getData(serachValue.toLowerCase()) function logSubmit(event) { let selectedDictionary = document.querySelector('.select_dropDown2').value event.preventDefault(); if (history.pushState) { var newurl = window.location.protocol + "//" + window.location.host + window.location.pathname + '?' + "search" + "=" + txtBox.value.toLowerCase() + '&' + 'dictionary' + '=' + selectedDictionary + '&' + 'prefix' + '=' + startsWith.value + '&' + 'contains' + '=' + mustInclude.value + '&' + 'suffix' + '=' + endsWith.value + '&' + 'exculde' + '=' + exculdeWith.value + '&' + 'include' + '=' + inculdeWith.value + '&' + 'length' + '=' + wordLength.value; window.history.pushState({ path: newurl }, '', newurl); const params = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search) serachValue = params.get('search') prefixValue = params.get('prefix') containsValue = params.get('contains') suffixValue = params.get('suffix') exculdeValue = params.get('exculde') includeValue = params.get('include') lengthValue = params.get('length') dictonary = params.get('dictionary') } getData(txtBox.value.toLowerCase()) addFilterCount() } applyBtn.addEventListener('submit', logSubmit) form.addEventListener('submit', logSubmit); } // wordsStartingWith function define... function wordsStartingWith(data) { main.innerHTML = "" tab_container.innerHTML = "" if (typeof data === 'string') { errorMsg.innerHTML = 'no words found' wordCount.innerHTML = `<strong>Found 0 words with letters ${serachValue.split( '' )}</strong>` } else { let newWordsLength = 0 // sort eventlistener theSelect.addEventListener('change', () => { sortValue = theSelect[theSelect.selectedIndex].text if (sortValue == 'Z-A') { sortBool = true sortby(sortBool, data) } else { sortBool = false sortby(sortBool, data) } if (sortValue == 'Points') { sortBool = true sortPointsby(sortBool, data) } }) for (let i = 15; i >= 0; i--) { let newdata = data.filter((item) => item.length === i) if (prefixValue) { newdata = newdata.filter((item2) => item2.startsWith(prefixValue.toLowerCase()) ) startsWith.classList.add('tick') startsWith.value = prefixValue } else { startsWith.classList.remove('tick') } if (containsValue) { newdata = newdata.filter((item) => item.includes(containsValue.toLowerCase()) ) mustInclude.classList.add('tick') mustInclude.value = containsValue } else { mustInclude.classList.remove('tick') } if (suffixValue) { newdata = newdata.filter((item) => item.endsWith(suffixValue.toLowerCase()) ) endsWith.classList.add('tick') endsWith.value = suffixValue } else { endsWith.classList.remove('tick') } if (exculdeValue) { let data = [] newdata.map((item) => { let check = false for (let e = 0; e < exculdeValue.length; e++) { const element = exculdeValue[e].toLowerCase() if (item.includes(element)) { check = true break } else { check = false } } if (check === false) { data.push(item) } }) exculdeWith.classList.add('tick') exculdeWith.value = exculdeValue newdata = data } else { exculdeWith.classList.remove('tick') } if (includeValue) { let data = [] newdata.map((item) => { let check = false for (let e = 0; e < includeValue.length; e++) { const element = includeValue[e].toLowerCase() if (!item.includes(element)) { check = true break } else { check = false } } if (check === false) { data.push(item) } }) inculdeWith.classList.add('tick') inculdeWith.value = includeValue newdata = data } else { inculdeWith.classList.remove('tick') } if (lengthValue) { newdata = newdata.filter((item) => item.length == lengthValue) wordLength.classList.add('tick') wordLength.value = lengthValue } else { wordLength.classList.remove('tick') } if (newdata.length === 0) { main.innerHTML += '' } else { newWordsLength += newdata.length const result = newdata.map((item) => { if (item.length === 1) { ok = false newWordsLength = newWordsLength - 1 } else { let ScrabbleLetterScore = ScrabbleScore() sum = 0 item = item.toLowerCase() for (let i = 0; i < item.length; i++) { sum += ScrabbleLetterScore[item[i]] || 0 // for unknown characters } return `<a class="anchor__style" title="Lookup ${item} in Dictionary" target="_blank" href="/word-meaning?search=${item.toLowerCase()}"> <li>${item} <span class="points" value="${sum}" style="position:relative; top:4px; font-size:12px"> ${sum}</span> </li></a>` } }) if (result[0] !== undefined) { tab_container.innerHTML += ` <input type="button" id="Tab_${i}" onclick="Filtering(${i})" value="${i} Letter" class="tab_link cursorPointer" /> ` let tabs = document.getElementsByClassName('tab_link') tabs[0] ? tabs[0].classList.add('active-tab') : '' main.innerHTML += ` <div class="allGroupWords wordlistContainer" id="alpha_${i}"> <div class="wordListHeading"> <h3 class="lead">${i} Letter Words</h3> </div> <div class="wordList"> <ul class="ul list-unstyled"> ${result.join('')} </ul> </div> </div> ` } } } if (newWordsLength === 0) { errorMsg.innerHTML = 'no words found' } else { wordCount.innerHTML = `<strong>Found ${newWordsLength} words with letters with ${serachValue.split( '' )}</strong>` } } } // sorting by points function sortPointsby(sortValue, data) { main.innerHTML = '' if (sortValue) { let newWordsLength = 0 for (let i = 15; i >= 0; i--) { var newdata = data.filter((item) => item.length === i) console.log(newdata) if (newdata.length === 0) { main.innerHTML += '' } else { newWordsLength += newdata.length var newArray = [] newdata.map((item) => { if (item.length === 1) { ok = false newWordsLength = newWordsLength - 1 } else { let ScrabbleLetterScore = ScrabbleScore() let points = 0 item = item.toLowerCase() for (let i = 0; i < item.length; i++) { points += ScrabbleLetterScore[item[i]] || 0 // for unknown characters } const value = { words: item, points: points, } newArray.push(value) } }) newArray.sort(function (a, b) { return b.points - a.points }) const result = newArray.map((item) => { return `<a class="anchor__style" title="Lookup ${item} in Dictionary" target="_blank" href="/word-meaning?search=${item.words}"> <li>${item.words} <span class="points" value="${item.points}" style="position:relative; top:4px; font-size:12px"> ${item.points}</span> </li></a>` }) main.innerHTML += ` <div class="allGroupWords wordlistContainer" id="alpha_${i}"> <div class="wordListHeading"> <h3 class="lead">${i} Letter Words</h3> </div> <div class="wordList"> <ul class="ul list-unstyled"> ${result.join('')} </ul> </div> </div> ` } } } } // sort by aplhabets function sortby(sortBool, data) { if (sortBool) { main.innerHTML = '' data.reverse() let newWordsLength = 0 for (let i = 15; i >= 0; i--) { var newdata = data.filter((item) => item.length === i) if (newdata.length === 0) { main.innerHTML += '' } else { newWordsLength += newdata.length const result = newdata.map((item) => { if (item.length === 1) { ok = false newWordsLength = newWordsLength - 1 } else { let ScrabbleLetterScore = ScrabbleScore() let sum = 0 item = item.toLowerCase() for (let i = 0; i < item.length; i++) { sum += ScrabbleLetterScore[item[i]] || 0 // for unknown characters } return `<a class="anchor__style" title="Lookup ${item} in Dictionary" target="_blank" href="/word-meaning?search=${item.toLowerCase()}"> <li>${item} <span class="points" value="${sum}" style="position:relative; top:4px; font-size:12px"> ${sum}</span> </li></a>` } }) main.innerHTML += ` <div class="allGroupWords wordlistContainer" id="alpha_${i}"> <div class="wordListHeading"> <h3 class="lead">${i} Letter Words</h3> </div> <div class="wordList"> <ul class="ul list-unstyled"> ${result.join('')} </ul> </div> </div> ` } } } else { main.innerHTML = '' data.sort() for (let i = 15; i >= 0; i--) { var newdata = data.filter((item) => item.length === i) if (newdata.length === 0) { main.innerHTML += '' } else { const result = newdata.map((item) => { if (item.length === 1) { ok = false } else { let ScrabbleLetterScore = ScrabbleScore() let sum = 0 item = item.toLowerCase() for (let i = 0; i < item.length; i++) { sum += ScrabbleLetterScore[item[i]] || 0 // for unknown characters } return `<a class="anchor__style" title="Lookup ${item} in Dictionary" target="_blank" href="/word-meaning?search=${item.toLowerCase()}"> <li>${item} <span class="points" value="${sum}" style="position:relative; top:4px; font-size:12px"> ${sum}</span> </li></a>` } }) main.innerHTML += ` <div class="allGroupWords wordlistContainer" id="alpha_${i}"> <div class="wordListHeading"> <h3 class="lead">${i} Letter Words</h3> </div> <div class="wordList"> <ul class="ul list-unstyled"> ${result.join('')} </ul> </div> </div> ` } } } } // Scrabble Point Array const ScrabbleScore = () => { let twl06_sowpods = { a: 1, e: 1, i: 1, o: 1, u: 1, l: 1, n: 1, r: 1, s: 1, t: 1, d: 2, g: 2, b: 3, c: 3, m: 3, p: 3, f: 4, h: 4, v: 4, w: 4, y: 4, k: 5, j: 8, x: 8, q: 10, z: 10, } let wwfScore = { a: 1, b: 4, c: 4, d: 2, e: 1, f: 4, g: 3, h: 3, i: 1, j: 10, k: 5, l: 2, m: 4, n: 2, o: 1, p: 4, q: 10, r: 1, s: 1, t: 1, u: 2, v: 5, w: 4, x: 8, y: 3, z: 10, } if (dictonary === 'wwf') { return wwfScore } else { return twl06_sowpods } } //Handling of filter counter in advanced filter function addFilterCount() { let filter_val = document.getElementsByClassName('filter_val') let filter = document.querySelector('.filter_count') let filter_count = 0 filter_val[0].value = prefixValue filter_val[1].value = containsValue filter_val[2].value = suffixValue filter_val[3].value = exculdeValue filter_val[4].value = includeValue filter_val[5].value = lengthValue for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { if (filter_val[i].value != '') { filter_count += 1 } if (filter_count === 0) { filter.style.display = 'none' } else { filter.style.display = 'inline-block' } filter.innerHTML = filter_count } } addFilterCount() // handling of filter on scroll window.onscroll = function () { var section = document.querySelectorAll('.wordlistContainer') let new_sections = {} Array.prototype.forEach.call(section, function (e) { if (document.body.clientWidth > 991) { new_sections[e.id] = e.offsetTop - 10 } else { new_sections[e.id] = e.offsetTop - 10 } }) var scrollPosition = document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop for (i in new_sections) { let sort_val = document.querySelector('.sort-select').value if ( i.split('_')[0] == sort_val && new_sections[i] && new_sections[i] <= scrollPosition ) { document.querySelector('.active-tab').classList.remove('active-tab') var active_now = document.querySelector('#Tab_' + i.split('_')[1]) active_now.classList.add('active-tab') active_now.scrollIntoView({ block: 'nearest' }) } } } // Add Filtering let sections = {} function Filtering(id) { let tabs = document.getElementsByClassName('tab_link') tabs[0] ? tabs[0].classList.add('active-tab') : '' Array.from(tabs).map((item) => { item.classList.remove('active-tab') }) main.innerHTML += `` let activeLetter = event.target activeLetter.classList.add('active-tab') var section = document.querySelectorAll('.wordlistContainer') var sort_val = document.querySelector('.sort-select').value Array.prototype.forEach.call(section, function (e) { if (document.body.clientWidth > 991) { sections[e.id] = e.offsetTop - 10 } else { sections[e.id] = e.offsetTop - 10 } }) document.body.scrollTop = sections[sort_val + '_' + id] + 5 } // next && previous functionality let prev = document.getElementById('prev') let next = document.getElementById('next') if (prev) { prev.onclick = scroll_Right } if (next) { next.onclick = scroll_Left } window.addEventListener('resize', function () { scroll_visible() }) window.addEventListener('scroll', function () { scroll_visible() }) function scroll_visible() { let tab_container = document.querySelector('#tab-container') if (tab_container) { if (tab_container.clientWidth === tab_container.scrollWidth) { prev.style.display = 'none' next.style.display = 'none' } else { prev.style.display = 'block' next.style.display = 'block' } } } scroll_visible() function scroll_Left() { tab_container.scrollLeft += 130 } function scroll_Right() { tab_container.scrollLeft -= 130 } function findIndex(str, char) { const strLength = str.length const indexes = [] let newStr = str while (newStr && newStr.indexOf(char) > -1) { indexes.push(newStr.indexOf(char) + strLength - newStr.length) newStr = newStr.substring(newStr.indexOf(char) + 1) newStr = newStr.substring(newStr.indexOf(char) + 1) } return indexes }